Thoughts on Upper Manegement

As a former rep, you made a wise decision. Aqua does have a lot of good qualities, however, the biggest issues are found with the upper bosses (AD and RS, SE, and tw). There is a serious distrust places on the reps. You will be closely watched (10 calls a day, gps). You will be put on a pip if your sales numbers dip. You will be pushed out if you challenge the logic.

There are better places to work.
The good qualities of Aqua center around the Aqua delivery system. This of course, allows you to follow your universe! Distrust, pips, challenging logic is all meaningless to an individual. By following your universal path, you will receive internal satisfying peace! This is what matters most in your life.
So come on, challenge any logic you so choose! But always place the Aqua delivery system, and your universal path first and foremost in your life! Satisfying, eternal peace is most important to your existence! Always!

The Aqua Deliver poster is HR or works for the company. There is no question about that. Upper management knows that the company is a horrible place to work and they are just trying to keep things going until they jump ship and get their retention bonus.
Good luck with that!!
While you are just trying to hold on, Annie is working on getting you all fired! Since you have let this psychopath move up in the organization you will get what you deserve!

Get em Annie!!!!!