Thoughts on Michael McMyne...

The following quote is from Michael McMyne on the Facebook Page of SaveHarahan
"For those of you who live in Harahan I hope you are as outraged about the vicious and desperate lies of the Micili campaign as I am. She is classless and the thugs behind her
Campaign are worse than she is (hard to believe). I had hoped her
Husband (a well regarded doctor) would have put his foot down and stopped these classless and desperate
Political lies from happening."

? Is this the face of Merz Pharm?!! Is this how Merz Pharm feels about professional women? That their husbands should 'put their foot down'? Really? This guy is a misogynist.

this is a violation of code of conduct... but I guess the new NC HQ for Merz does not care. stupid SOUTH!!! and SOUTH mentality. NC were companies go to die.

this is a violation of code of conduct... but I guess the new NC HQ for Merz does not care. stupid SOUTH!!! and SOUTH mentality. NC were companies go to die.

Oops..."WHERE" but then I guess MM has time to post on FB and on CP since he and BH have no idea how to actually run a company (except into the ground)--- where the rest of us actually do work that goes unnoticed or is for nothing...!!!!

things will change for Merz, but not for the better.I hope the Germans open their eyes that the move to NC and having BH and MM run this company was a bad idea.

The following quote is from Michael McMyne on the Facebook Page of SaveHarahan
"For those of you who live in Harahan I hope you are as outraged about the vicious and desperate lies of the Micili campaign as I am. She is classless and the thugs behind her
Campaign are worse than she is (hard to believe). I had hoped her
Husband (a well regarded doctor) would have put his foot down and stopped these classless and desperate
Political lies from happening."

? Is this the face of Merz Pharm?!! Is this how Merz Pharm feels about professional women? That their husbands should 'put their foot down'? Really? This guy is a misogynist.

This is terrible and explains a lot.

Any one who still sends their kids to public schools is guilty of child neglect, if not abuse. Be a real man, and take care of your family. If you can't put your children into private school, you are a pathetic parent. It is time to get your life together, my man. Stop f..king up your life, and the life of those for whom you are responsible. Only you can control your life and what that life produces. No one else can. What will be the results of your life here on Earth - your legacy. Stop being selfish and go help your family.

If you were in Orlando at the NSM you will remember this quote when McMyne had the stage. He spoke those exact words about his peer Mark Lemko. The whole audience had their mouths wide open in horror.

Agreed', it's painful to watch what they are doing at the ezpense of the family and employees. Only in it for themsekves. Let this be a warning to all companies that may consider hiring them. .

So true....and the Germans are just watching the much longer?
The Germans are still shaking their heads in disbelief that they believed these NC division should run USA as a HQ salespitch and to move everything to NC. They had no idea, due to BH lies and lack if acumen (and his minions), especially for devices, that it would get so f%cked up. Morale is low business is down and recalls....NC is full of screw ups and the Germans are still shaking they were scammed. It will cost a ton if of money to fix this. They have to figure out how. And its a lot of needs to get done to save this company.... And reputation. Why they didn't just move the HQ to the north or WISC Illinois border escapes me. Now you have idiot NC leaders making a huge mess. Hiring idiots and idiot way to run a company. That is how you ruin one!