This place is terrible

Yes, seriously. You clearly haven't a clue. We invented NIPT and continue to make it better and better. I LOVE competing against people like you. You make it so easy. #lookwhoislaughingnow

Please explain to me how M21 is the best NIPT? Generally curious...go ahead and feel free to cite your validation studies as proof, because that's important. Go ahead and talk about sensitivity of you micro del tests too with fetal fraction below 10%. Interested to hear your take on that...I'll wait..

Yes, seriously. You clearly haven't a clue. We invented NIPT and continue to make it better and better. I LOVE competing against people like you. You make it so easy. #lookwhoislaughingnow

You guys are nowhere to be found in my territory. How does your company plan to compete with Natera and Roche without your relationship with Quest? That sure lasted a long 4 months?

Yes, seriously. You clearly haven't a clue. We invented NIPT and continue to make it better and better. I LOVE competing against people like you. You make it so easy. #lookwhoislaughingnow

I was laughing pretty hard when the Boston MFM trial came back and you clowns reported FF at 4% and reyported normal female fetus for both NON PREGNANT patients. Great job. Best NIPT test for sure! Haha #lookwhoslaughingnow

I was laughing pretty hard when the Boston MFM trial came back and you clowns reported FF at 4% and reyported normal female fetus for both NON PREGNANT patients. Great job. Best NIPT test for sure! Haha #lookwhoslaughingnow

This quote is a perfect example of a desperation and stupidity. You actually give credence to what amounted to the most unprofessional stunt by the competition?? OF COURSE you get bizarre results when you send a non-pregnant patient sample into a test that is designed for patients that are pregnant! Anyone with a brain would look at how the samples were submitted under falsified information and dismiss as nothing more then a pathetic prank. Go ahead and laugh it up. I know I am.

This quote is a perfect example of a desperation and stupidity. You actually give credence to what amounted to the most unprofessional stunt by the competition?? OF COURSE you get bizarre results when you send a non-pregnant patient sample into a test that is designed for patients that are pregnant! Anyone with a brain would look at how the samples were submitted under falsified information and dismiss as nothing more then a pathetic prank. Go ahead and laugh it up. I know I am.

Pathetic attempt? How about the realization that inferior technology which does not measure FF with advanced SNP technology results in bogus results and those tests can't be trusted. M21 is a joke and physicians know it. We have advanced. Now, go figure out how you are going to get market share..

If you guys lose the CAFC ruling that is pending, Roche and Natera are freaking dead. Do you guys even know anything about that lawsuit? Ruling could come anytime now.

Patent infringement lawsuit? Speaking for Natera, that's been handled, we do things a bit different and have over 127 patents of our own, so we aren't under anymore scrutinity. I can't speak for the pending ruling on Roche..

Please explain to me how M21 is the best NIPT? Generally curious...go ahead and feel free to cite your validation studies as proof, because that's important. Go ahead and talk about sensitivity of you micro del tests too with fetal fraction below 10%. Interested to hear your take on that...I'll wait..

Still waiting for an answer.....

If this place is so horrible why does the stock continue to climb? We have THE best NIPT test on the market. Its ours and we own the technology. We continue to improve and bring out new tests. Most of the above comments sound like sour grapes from former employees. However, I agree that the IC plan is horrendous and does not pay well in the slightest.

"own the technology"? I'm sorry...have you read the patent dispute settlement terms? Sequenom owns nothing...except the brand MaterniT21. Illumina owns the technology and is the only entity which can license it...that's ownership. Dream on Sequenom!

Please explain to me how M21 is the best NIPT? Generally curious...go ahead and feel free to cite your validation studies as proof, because that's important. Go ahead and talk about sensitivity of you micro del tests too with fetal fraction below 10%. Interested to hear your take on that...I'll wait..

You will not get an answer when it comes to actual science from these guys. Their own reps don't know the basics and doctors and I have a good laugh when we talk about, don't expect any response

Can a Seq rep actually state some science with validated scientific, non biased and peer reviewed data to confirm that your test is indeed actually the best? I'm still waiting.....

"We have the best science! We have the best data! I don't understand why people don't understand that! Don't make me have a hissy fit"

Bill Welsh

Lol...the hilarious part is going over the data with physicians and asking them if they really have an incidence rate of T21 in their high risk population of 1/4. That's laughable...great data guys. Way to really push the envelope to get those numbers up! M21 is a technology is taking your market share all over this great nation.

Great story on national news tonight. All nipt should be vomiting on their feet. Wait I hear the sound of every national Payor ripping up their contract. Let's see how low volume goes when patients have to pay oop.

Seq should be ashamed...after all don't your reps talk to their doctors about how this is a screening...not a diagnostic? Are you NOT telling your doctors that all positive tests should be confirmed? Oh lost site of the original intent of this test and you needed to become's that working out for ya? You all caused this mess and now you will, rightfully so, pay the pun intended! lol

OK SQNM and the rest of you clowns are you selling a screen or a diagnostic? Well you know the answer its a super screen what BS. The company line is its a screen but the sales line is its a diagnostic because its almost 100% accurate.

The problem is if its a screen then why is it $2K when a person could get a 1st trimester screen that is almost as good for $200 and remember a screen only identifies those who need a diagnostic test so in reality your screen is only marginally better than the others on the market. Now if SQNM hadnt screwed the pooch 10 years ago they would have had something.

Oh and if your a diagnostic then goes through the FDA and get a NDA and complete an FDA approved study which means you pull this lab test off the market for 5+ years and spend $1B or more and then if you satisfy the FDA then you can market as a diagnostic test, but we all know you wont do that because then your stock would be worthless and the only reason most of you are around is to make money on the options by peddling this piece of crap as the answer to everything. But wait I also hear the sound of national payors ripping up their contracts and then lets see what people will pay oop

OK SQNM and the rest of you clowns are you selling a screen or a diagnostic? Well you know the answer its a super screen what BS. The company line is its a screen but the sales line is its a diagnostic because its almost 100% accurate.

The problem is if its a screen then why is it $2K when a person could get a 1st trimester screen that is almost as good for $200 and remember a screen only identifies those who need a diagnostic test so in reality your screen is only marginally better than the others on the market. Now if SQNM hadnt screwed the pooch 10 years ago they would have had something.

Oh and if your a diagnostic then goes through the FDA and get a NDA and complete an FDA approved study which means you pull this lab test off the market for 5+ years and spend $1B or more and then if you satisfy the FDA then you can market as a diagnostic test, but we all know you wont do that because then your stock would be worthless and the only reason most of you are around is to make money on the options by peddling this piece of crap as the answer to everything. But wait I also hear the sound of national payors ripping up their contracts and then lets see what people will pay oop

What are you talking about?? Please go back to pharma

DX tests do not need FDA approval, just CLIA approval

OK SQNM and the rest of you clowns are you selling a screen or a diagnostic? Well you know the answer its a super screen what BS. The company line is its a screen but the sales line is its a diagnostic because its almost 100% accurate.

The problem is if its a screen then why is it $2K when a person could get a 1st trimester screen that is almost as good for $200 and remember a screen only identifies those who need a diagnostic test so in reality your screen is only marginally better than the others on the market. Now if SQNM hadnt screwed the pooch 10 years ago they would have had something.

Oh and if your a diagnostic then goes through the FDA and get a NDA and complete an FDA approved study which means you pull this lab test off the market for 5+ years and spend $1B or more and then if you satisfy the FDA then you can market as a diagnostic test, but we all know you wont do that because then your stock would be worthless and the only reason most of you are around is to make money on the options by peddling this piece of crap as the answer to everything. But wait I also hear the sound of national payors ripping up their contracts and then lets see what people will pay oop

LOL! First trimester screen which is almost as accurate? Dude, FTS are horrible. They are only right 5% of the time! Ask any physician. Furthermore, the advancements of technology allows for early detection of a myriad of things that FTS can't catch. Agree with above poster, go back to Pharma you troll.