This place is a fucking joke


Has anyone else figured out that they got royally fucked in commission points for the last couple quarters? Don’t bother asking them to fix it, they’ll try to throw a few thousand dollars at you and expect you to be grateful. They think we don’t understand points and how they work and that they can throw a few fancy words out and we’ll just bend over.

Has anyone else figured out that they got royally fucked in commission points for the last couple quarters? Don’t bother asking them to fix it, they’ll try to throw a few thousand dollars at you and expect you to be grateful. They think we don’t understand points and how they work and that they can throw a few fancy words out and we’ll just bend over.

what do you expect from a company that is all about fraud? It’s the core of it business values!

For a company obsessed with competitors do they see how those companies don’t have active complaint boards like Natera does? Must be rough to look in the mirror and see how bad this unethical elt is.

they're cutting every possible corner behind your back but sugar coating to your face so you don't catch on to the real leakage that's happening... inflate the #'s, deplete the earnings, rinse, repeat. It doesn't help when you also have a highly incompetent RD

Shadiest company from the top down. WH division has the WORST managers and outsourced billing has dug the grave

Can’t wait to see the next nsm tribute Phil asks for. Please include mgml shady billing and commission lies and add quotes from daily posts here that credit you for toxic workplace. Awesome job to you and cronies for wrecking wh and the company.

Dirty deals in the West. When you talk out both sides of your ass, you’re still an ass end of day! Waiting for clowns to be exposed since HR and elt clearly doesn’t enforce policy on everyone.

Dirty deals in the West. When you talk out both sides of your ass, you’re still an ass end of day! Waiting for clowns to be exposed since HR and elt clearly doesn’t enforce policy on everyone.
The $2,700 direct deposit really helped… thanks SO MUCH for “making it right” and then throwing it back on us reps. Ya’ll are real crafty mother fuckers if you think we’re this naive and don’t have enough dirt to sink the whole damn company

I knew my points were off.. my manager also gave me the most bullshit excuse "things change all the time at Natera" AKA we don't have our shit together to have a stable comp plan in place. Someone please call BDE and see what the hell I'm talking about

I knew my points were off.. my manager also gave me the most bullshit excuse "things change all the time at Natera" AKA we don't have our shit together to have a stable comp plan in place. Someone please call BDE and see what the hell I'm talking about

I’ve only been here for 5 months and all the details for points is in qs. Each kit, how many points for each kit. Sorta hard to make up those numbers ya dumb ass.

I’ve only been here for 5 months and all the details for points is in qs. Each kit, how many points for each kit. Sorta hard to make up those numbers ya dumb ass.
Congrats, you know how to download raw data in QlikSense.. now wait until your points shift. Not saying it's always wrong and points aren't accessible ya dipshit. You clearly don't understand how trends work.

company based on lies and deceit to patients, clients, and own employees is bound to be exposed one layer at a time. I think everyone is at wits end and wants answers, not BS excuses

Worst hiring decisions made at a publicly traded company does PG remind anyone else of Trump?

Right on. Hope everyone is watching all the new Pharma retreads hiring now that couldn’t get jobs anywhere. They’ll be awesome in diagnostics with zero experience or relationships. Should be as great as the MSL team.

Right on. Hope everyone is watching all the new Pharma retreads hiring now that couldn’t get jobs anywhere. They’ll be awesome in diagnostics with zero experience or relationships. Should be as great as the MSL team.
This is what Natera does.. hire a bunch of desperate people who can't get hired anywhere else, cheat them in pay, and train them to be the face pushing illegal agendas for the slime balls behind the scenes. This company lies about technology to fool investors, providers, and inflate their stock. HR should be informed about misconduct.

New and trying to learn.. Is Natera’s HR department legitimate? If an employee filed a complaint would anything come of it? Or, would the employee(s) be at risk? Most corporate orgs are relatively unbiased but inquiring specifically about this one. People need to be reported at the company but need to clarify if penalization / retaliation will occur. Leadership is crooked and dishonest. Many do not know how to navigate the best avenue to report. A slew of people are looking / leaving.. is HR worth one last chance? Many other orgs have passed (I.e. billing) but have been uncovered to be very corrupt. Manager is extremely vague and not straightforward. Manager above them even worse. Exercised all avenues and seeking any advice.