This meeting sucks so far

It is very obvious that the people posting these comments have not worked for other pharma companies. I thought the meeting was great! They did get lucky with decent weather but overall that was one of the best pharma meetings that I have ever attended and I have been to many.

I appreciate the gifts, most companies do not do that. I hope it continues in the future, it is good to feel appreciated for my efforts. And, free alcohol at the bar!!!! What a wonderful perk of going to a meeting! As far as the negative comments about the Air & Space Museum I believe you get out of things what you put into them. The food was amazing and free, the alcohol was free and where else are you going to be able to fly a flight simulator?

I have no idea how we will do selling BED as a whole. But, this company treats it's reps better than most and I appreciate it. Because of that, I plan to do my best to return the favor by doing my job and selling the product.

It is very obvious that the people posting these comments have not worked for other pharma companies. I thought the meeting was great! They did get lucky with decent weather but overall that was one of the best pharma meetings that I have ever attended and I have been to many.

I appreciate the gifts, most companies do not do that. I hope it continues in the future, it is good to feel appreciated for my efforts. And, free alcohol at the bar!!!! What a wonderful perk of going to a meeting! As far as the negative comments about the Air & Space Museum I believe you get out of things what you put into them. The food was amazing and free, the alcohol was free and where else are you going to be able to fly a flight simulator?

I have no idea how we will do selling BED as a whole. But, this company treats it's reps better than most and I appreciate it. Because of that, I plan to do my best to return the favor by doing my job and selling the product.

Ok goody two shoes. You do that. You surely sold out cheap.

It is very obvious that the people posting these comments have not worked for other pharma companies. I thought the meeting was great! They did get lucky with decent weather but overall that was one of the best pharma meetings that I have ever attended and I have been to many.

I appreciate the gifts, most companies do not do that. I hope it continues in the future, it is good to feel appreciated for my efforts. And, free alcohol at the bar!!!! What a wonderful perk of going to a meeting! As far as the negative comments about the Air & Space Museum I believe you get out of things what you put into them. The food was amazing and free, the alcohol was free and where else are you going to be able to fly a flight simulator?

I have no idea how we will do selling BED as a whole. But, this company treats it's reps better than most and I appreciate it. Because of that, I plan to do my best to return the favor by doing my job and selling the product.

You have been to many pharma meetings? So you are a job hopper? What a loser

I agree as well. She is a great role model for female pharma professionals. As to the Galadriel reference, I believe she more closely reminds me of Evangeline Lilly.

Role model???? Is this a joke???? Yeah maybe if you like to emulate insecure, 24 hr a day work'a'holics with no personal life or friends who treat people without any respect. This broad has major issues and if you choose her as a role model then there is something F'ed about you. There is not one redeeming quality about her that is shared across pharma other then maybe her looks (and she's getting long in the tooth) In fact her reputation preceded her even getting a job here. Look at the posting from as far back as August 2013.

Role model???? Is this a joke???? Yeah maybe if you like to emulate insecure, 24 hr a day work'a'holics with no personal life or friends who treat people without any respect. This broad has major issues and if you choose her as a role model then there is something F'ed about you. There is not one redeeming quality about her that is shared across pharma other then maybe her looks (and she's getting long in the tooth) In fact her reputation preceded her even getting a job here. Look at the posting from as far back as August 2013.

There are some who tell her that she's "so successful" and she's "such a role model" just to suck up to her. Sad part is, she's too stupid to see through it all and really buys into it thinking that she's so talented. What a laugh!