This Deal Will NOT HAPPEN!

It is okay, it is not your fault, you can only play the hand you were dealt.

Sorry that you were given such bad cards in the game of life.

Too funny. Coming from the little turd who blames his cellar ranking on everything but his lack of ability. Good luck spinning all that when you start interviewing.

Too funny. Coming from the little turd who blames his cellar ranking on everything but his lack of ability. Good luck spinning all that when you start interviewing.

"Cellar", I guess if you call 3 PC in 5 years the "Cellar", then I am there. Your typical 350 rank must be the dungeon then????

HA ON YOU AGAIN....LOSER.....Enjoy that 50k position with Forest after you lose this..

Will you be there or are you just online talking tough and simply can not back up your mouth?

Well? Stop 'dodging' the question....

Be where? What fucking debates? I will be at the next meeting to beat the living shit out of you like the trashbag that you are for talking, talking, talking.


I wish you were correct however, not one single solitary article on the Internet mentions your "theory".

You are so behind the intellect curve. I tried to tell you that the Valeant deal would not happen, but you wouldn't listen. Maybe you will listen to this, there will be no cuts the field force at Ceph.

You are welcome.