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This Article explains Merck


Well, I suppose I could have easily gone without reading this today.....talk about throwing the equivalent of a giant sequoia's worth of wood on to my worry fire. It rings so true with my own experiences and observations at Merck that it is terrifying.

Narcissism is a terribly devastating disease that nearly always causes significant harm and damage to those who do not have this pathological mental condition. That's about all I have to say about this.

This article concerns me in that it is so accurate in reflecting what has become of Merck.

If some of the executive management had a psych evaluation before they were hired, they would have been turned down and sent to a mental institution. This article makes sense regarding the madness within Merck.

This generation of managers is all about self gratification without remorse for those they use and abuse. Many use religion or petty charity claims to demonstrate to themselves and others that they are in fact wonderful, caring people. We see right through this charade and so does GOD.

This generation of managers is all about self gratification without remorse for those they use and abuse. Many use religion or petty charity claims to demonstrate to themselves and others that they are in fact wonderful, caring people. We see right through this charade and so does GOD.

I cannot speak for the tablet side but the previous leadership in the Merck Vaccine Division (1990's to early 2000's) understood it was normal if a rep, territory or region had a bad year, especially after coming off of a really good year. The leadership understood that if you exceeded objective, objective will be set higher the next year or if you missed the objective, they made it reasonable to obtain the next year. Regardless, they would motivate the salesforce not to get discouraged and reassure the salesforce that we were in this together so give it your best we'll take care of the rest. This leadership understood that if you motivate and reward the group, it was going to come back in profits and focused loyalty. As a result, we all did well individiually or as a team and we had fun along the way. The few bad eggs in the bunch would mostly leave on their own because we all policed ourselves. I guess it helped that the leadership understood the concept of sales and not everything is perfect every year.

Now this "what have you done for me lately" leadership berates you if you don't make plan, they berate you if you exceed plan because they think you slacked the year before and they constantly threaten PIP's or reorganization if you make any type of mistake. Yeah, constantly threatening reps or constantly replacing reps really creates a great selling environment. Customers really love reps who are constantly forced to be pushy with their products or programs out of fear of losing their jobs or having a new rep every year constantly having to re-establish trust.

It all goes back to your point about this new generation of selfish, unrealistic and unreasonalbe group of narcissistic managers that are destroying the sales, the salesforce and the organization with their terrorist style demands that ulitmately only benefit themselves. It is absolutely sickening to watch these people move from position to position up the ladder in very short intervals, an averge of 18 months. They never really learn anything or do anything because they are not their long enough but they talk a good self-promoting con artist game. Now these cons are going to manage and decide the fate of others, who were their opposition to get to the top. Yeah right. Merck is failing as a company because they are hiring people who have blind allegiance to themselves individually rather than hiring people who have the ability to persuasively motivate others to excel so that we all can win.

I cannot speak for the tablet side but the previous leadership in the Merck Vaccine Division (1990's to early 2000's) understood it was normal if a rep, territory or region had a bad year, especially after coming off of a really good year. The leadership understood that if you exceeded objective, objective will be set higher the next year or if you missed the objective, they made it reasonable to obtain the next year. Regardless, they would motivate the salesforce not to get discouraged and reassure the salesforce that we were in this together so give it your best we'll take care of the rest. This leadership understood that if you motivate and reward the group, it was going to come back in profits and focused loyalty. As a result, we all did well individiually or as a team and we had fun along the way. The few bad eggs in the bunch would mostly leave on their own because we all policed ourselves. I guess it helped that the leadership understood the concept of sales and not everything is perfect every year.

Now this "what have you done for me lately" leadership berates you if you don't make plan, they berate you if you exceed plan because they think you slacked the year before and they constantly threaten PIP's or reorganization if you make any type of mistake. Yeah, constantly threatening reps or constantly replacing reps really creates a great selling environment. Customers really love reps who are constantly forced to be pushy with their products or programs out of fear of losing their jobs or having a new rep every year constantly having to re-establish trust.

It all goes back to your point about this new generation of selfish, unrealistic and unreasonalbe group of narcissistic managers that are destroying the sales, the salesforce and the organization with their terrorist style demands that ulitmately only benefit themselves. It is absolutely sickening to watch these people move from position to position up the ladder in very short intervals, an averge of 18 months. They never really learn anything or do anything because they are not their long enough but they talk a good self-promoting con artist game. Now these cons are going to manage and decide the fate of others, who were their opposition to get to the top. Yeah right. Merck is failing as a company because they are hiring people who have blind allegiance to themselves individually rather than hiring people who have the ability to persuasively motivate others to excel so that we all can win.

Very accurate analysis. My former manager, a tablet one, loved to pit MVD against USHH and it split the district down the middle and led to even more distrust (the tablet dweebs were spiteful and backstabbing to start with) among the 2 groups. Previously, we always hung as a district but after the merger and seeing the favoritism, free nights at meetings were spent with other MVD people and district meetings were spent at two different tables- our table and their table. Manager never got it that we were supposed to be one. There was also gossip on field visits, and other things that said a lot about their integrity (or lack of it). Too much talent and vaccine sales have been lost (sales from missing vaccines like Vaqta and HIB-containing vaccines) and it hurts me to see where this division is now. I loved waking up before. Now, it is a direct deposit check once a month that keeps me going. What a sham this whole thing has become. Good luck to you!

I cannot speak for the tablet side but the previous leadership in the Merck Vaccine Division (1990's to early 2000's) understood it was normal if a rep, territory or region had a bad year, especially after coming off of a really good year. The leadership understood that if you exceeded objective, objective will be set higher the next year or if you missed the objective, they made it reasonable to obtain the next year. Regardless, they would motivate the salesforce not to get discouraged and reassure the salesforce that we were in this together so give it your best we'll take care of the rest. This leadership understood that if you motivate and reward the group, it was going to come back in profits and focused loyalty. As a result, we all did well individiually or as a team and we had fun along the way. The few bad eggs in the bunch would mostly leave on their own because we all policed ourselves. I guess it helped that the leadership understood the concept of sales and not everything is perfect every year.

Now this "what have you done for me lately" leadership berates you if you don't make plan, they berate you if you exceed plan because they think you slacked the year before and they constantly threaten PIP's or reorganization if you make any type of mistake. Yeah, constantly threatening reps or constantly replacing reps really creates a great selling environment. Customers really love reps who are constantly forced to be pushy with their products or programs out of fear of losing their jobs or having a new rep every year constantly having to re-establish trust.

It all goes back to your point about this new generation of selfish, unrealistic and unreasonalbe group of narcissistic managers that are destroying the sales, the salesforce and the organization with their terrorist style demands that ulitmately only benefit themselves. It is absolutely sickening to watch these people move from position to position up the ladder in very short intervals, an averge of 18 months. They never really learn anything or do anything because they are not their long enough but they talk a good self-promoting con artist game. Now these cons are going to manage and decide the fate of others, who were their opposition to get to the top. Yeah right. Merck is failing as a company because they are hiring people who have blind allegiance to themselves individually rather than hiring people who have the ability to persuasively motivate others to excel so that we all can win.

Every dumbass executive from Frazier on down needs to read this post and then read it again until it sinks in to their understanding of what is so fundamentally wrong at Merck now. Any executive who fails to understand the truths represented in this post should be replaced since that makes them a part of the problem. Merck will continue to fail at becoming a leading pharma researcher and manufacturer again as long as all of this management instigated and supported hostility toward the non-management employees exists. Merck would be well served to remember, re-learn, and re-introduce those traits and practices that helped make them a most-admired corporation twenty years ago.

Very accurate analysis. My former manager, a tablet one, loved to pit MVD against USHH and it split the district down the middle and led to even more distrust (the tablet dweebs were spiteful and backstabbing to start with) among the 2 groups. Previously, we always hung as a district but after the merger and seeing the favoritism, free nights at meetings were spent with other MVD people and district meetings were spent at two different tables- our table and their table. Manager never got it that we were supposed to be one. There was also gossip on field visits, and other things that said a lot about their integrity (or lack of it). Too much talent and vaccine sales have been lost (sales from missing vaccines like Vaqta and HIB-containing vaccines) and it hurts me to see where this division is now. I loved waking up before. Now, it is a direct deposit check once a month that keeps me going. What a sham this whole thing has become. Good luck to you!

Thank you and I wish you the best as well. We shouldn't have to work like this but the psychopaths in charge won't have it any other way until they are exposed for what they are and removed.

With our current leadership it is only a matter of time before Merck burns itself out. Too many new ideas and change done just to check the box instead of being productive.

With our current leadership it is only a matter of time before Merck burns itself out. Too many new ideas and change done just to check the box instead of being productive.

We used to kill GSK in sales because of the pressure tactics their management team put on their salesforce. We used to act like the calm and responsible reps in the room with the best products so it was a no brained to buy from us. Now we behave like GSK because our leadership is using the same Gestapo tactics to pressure us to pressure the customers. Our biggest enemy or obstacle is our own management which is tragic.