Thinking of Working Here

It is a sad company. The drinking is great but usually leads to backstabbing and political positioning. Be careful of wolves in sheep clothing. How can the company be so great when the turnover is 80% before 1 year. Top producers get persecuted if management doesn't like you while non-performers get a free pass. Ask any previous employee with talent and they all say the same thing. There are a lot of great people that filtered through that organization but none of them stayed.

It is a sad company. The drinking is great but usually leads to backstabbing and political positioning. Be careful of wolves in sheep clothing. How can the company be so great when the turnover is 80% before 1 year. Top producers get persecuted if management doesn't like you while non-performers get a free pass. Ask any previous employee with talent and they all say the same thing. There are a lot of great people that filtered through that organization but none of them stayed.

St. Louis rep is lucky to have Washington University in territory. Presidents club wins due to one doc, MDS Dr. Perlmutter, national opinion leader. old Merck rep won 4 times with Sinemet and recently Duopa rep with Abbott has won last 3 years. just saying:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

Rep there is awesome! Totally deserves the win, that doctor has nothing to do with it- jealous??? You can make good money here if you work hard. Try that instead of Trolling . . .

Yeah, the biggest MDS in the Midwest has nothing to do with a rep winning President's club. How many reps on the stage have no MDS docs in their territories, bet the answer is zero. It all comes down to being in the right place at the right time, with some commercial coverage. I would bet the top 5 writers in The US were either in the study protocol and/or national speakers. Face it, if the Neurologist is doing his job there should never be a need for this product.:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes: Please no more President's club pictures put on LinkedIn, act like a professional and not a narcisstic child!:eek::eek:

hey, fu; I and JL viscously amped up our selling machine to make this pc into reality. You are a hater, go home and study your CVA and perhaps maybe you can finish in the middle of the wolf pack “wwwoooowwww”

It is very simple. Look at all of the president club winners that leave the company within a year after receiving their award. It’s a two-faced company that is only good in small doses. Eventually, all the good people get tired of the BS and leave. I am actively looking to leave.

hey wolf boy, you need to lay off the company kool-aid. doubt if you make it thru 2018. keep bringing in Panera every day and maybe you will get some pity scripts, what flavor do you like the best:D:D:D:D:D:D

Be very cautious before accepting here. If your territory is not performing in 6 months, you will be out. Competition coming that will rock an already unstable financial situation at the company. Lucemyra team is off to a very slow start and it is impacting the CNS team as well.

Be very cautious before accepting here. If your territory is not performing in 6 months, you will be out. Competition coming that will rock an already unstable financial situation at the company. Lucemyra team is off to a very slow start and it is impacting the CNS team as well.

Agreed, no doubt you can make great money if you perform well. If you don't, you will be out the door in 6-9 months. The long term financial outlook of the company is more concerning, Lucemyra has not met projections by a mile. Think twice before accepting.

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