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Think it's nasty selling against former Takeda reps at IW, wait until Novo

Typical Takeda Actos sample-dropping rep you are. let me teach you something about the pharmaceutical and biotech industry.
There are at least two major obstacles preventing generic Lantus from becoming available. First, Lantus is considered a "biologic" medication and is, therefore, under different rules and laws than most other medications. At this point, generic biologics, including generic Lantus, are not allowed to be manufactured in the United States. Currently, legislation is under way that may change the laws concerning generic biologics (including insulin), but it is not clear when (or even if) this may happen.

Second, several unexpired patents protect the drug. The first of these patents already expired in May 2010. Other additional patents that expire at a later date may continue to protect Lantus from generic competition.

Next time, actually learn the topic you are trying to comment on since you obviously don't know the difference between a pharmaceutical and a biologic.

I'm sorry you didn't get the Novo job.

Yep... Except those generic biologics can be manufactured abroad and will be. Just as they are with almost every other generic.

Zero people that I know who left Takeda for Novo would be considered a loss.

Yep... Except those generic biologics can be manufactured abroad and will be. Just as they are with almost every other generic.

Zero people that I know who left Takeda for Novo would be considered a loss.

Give me an example of a biologic manufactured abroad, that has caused insurance to block or step edit other biologics?

This is why I got the job at Novo and you didn't.

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