They're getting rid of the wrong people


I have been loyal to Eisai, but F them now. I hope to have a new job before the layoffs, which is just what they want. I will screw them by getting severance and paid by the new company :)

I have been loyal to Eisai, but F them now. I hope to have a new job before the layoffs, which is just what they want. I will screw them by getting severance and paid by the new company :)

Who is "they"? The only "they" making decisions in the HO is Lonell. Do you think Lonell gives a crap if you stay or leave? If it makes you feel better to think Lonell will cry when you leave then so be it.

I have been loyal to Eisai, but F them now. I hope to have a new job before the layoffs, which is just what they want. I will screw them by getting severance and paid by the new company :)

wishful thinking my friend. There are over 100k laid off ex-pharma reps looking, Take a number and keep in mind ex-Esai reps have almost zero value. And if you are not employed you have one more strike against you.

This is probably the one reason Eisai still has any reps.

Have a friend who used to make a living as a consultant to corporate America to build morale and team spirit. Her business has dried up and she is looking to change careers cause companies are not worried about losing workers any more. Pharma is worse than the rest of corporate America and Eisai is worse than pharma. It has no culture to preserve. It just takes advantage of whatever opportunity shows up here and there. That's what Aricept was.