They are running back

I am SO over this place. Time to get a lawyer up as nothing illegal has happened on our part and B+L is the most crooked company ever.
Not really a B+L problem as much of a NVS problem. We know NVS is afraid of, and paranoid about lawsuits. They are operating out of fear. If you feel so solidly about rejoining NVS just quit B+L and there is nothing stopping them from re-hiring you. No threat of any illegality since you don’t work here. Previous posters already mentioned the issue is when you identify as a B+L employee—so quit.

Not really a B+L problem as much of a NVS problem. We know NVS is afraid of, and paranoid about lawsuits. They are operating out of fear. If you feel so solidly about rejoining NVS just quit B+L and there is nothing stopping them from re-hiring you. No threat of any illegality since you don’t work here. Previous posters already mentioned the issue is when you identify as a B+L employee—so quit.
Unless you have an offer letter in hand you don't just quit a job. Dumbest idea I've read as of yet. B & L needs to stop acting like we're working in a prison. People will find a way to leave if they're not happy.

Unless you have an offer letter in hand you don't just quit a job. Dumbest idea I've read as of yet. B & L needs to stop acting like we're working in a prison. People will find a way to leave if they're not happy.
I was thinking the exact same thing. Sure I’ll just quit with no health insurance and vehicle and keep fingers crossed they choose me without a job.

I was thinking the exact same thing. Sure I’ll just quit with no health insurance and vehicle and keep fingers crossed they choose me without a job.
The point is if you are so “sure”’you are getting a job there don’t let B+L get in the way. But you “aren’t sure” because you didn’t perform here, nor at NVS. Some of the laziest and mediocre group of people I’ve seen are the NVS people.

“Whhhaaaaaaa B+L sent a letter to NVS and now I can’t get a job there”. Like I said—just quit. That way you will have your insurance and car and you can stop bitching about stuff here.

The point is if you are so “sure”’ you are getting a job there don’t let B+L get in the way. But you “aren’t sure” because you didn’t perform here, nor at NVS. Some of the laziest and most mediocre groups of people I’ve seen are the NVS people.

“What B+L sent a letter to NVS and now I can’t get a job there”. Like I said—just quit. That way you will have your insurance and car and you can stop bitching about stuff here.
B+l can't take ownership of a person's employment from another company without mutual agreements being established. A rep had to most likely fill out paperwork and go through an application process to become an employee of b+l. I doubt a person went from a novartis rep to a B+l rep overnight without any paperwork being signed by the rep and new employer. Please, correct me if I am wrong.