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They are running back


At least 6 managers have left to go back to Novartis and I’m sure more managers and reps will follow. They had over 100+ listings in LinkedIn for their new allergy position and closed the listings after like 3 days. Must be all full with candidates. I wonder who is going and who is staying?

Better pay and much better benefits.
That is NOT the main reason people are leaving this shit hole. It is much much deeper than pay and benefits. It's the leadership here, the way they treat their employees, the cut throat culture, the list goes on for days why this place is the ABSOLUTE worst place in pharma to be. The exodus will continue until they have no originals left. I haven't talked to a single rep who is happy here. Everyone is interviewing or actively looking to leave this hellhole of a company.

That is NOT the main reason people are leaving this shit hole. It is much much deeper than pay and benefits. It's the leadership here, the way they treat their employees, the cut throat culture, the list goes on for days why this place is the ABSOLUTE worst place in pharma to be. The exodus will continue until they have no originals left. I haven't talked to a single rep who is happy here. Everyone is interviewing or actively looking to leave this hellhole of a company.
Spot on. I know reps who took less money just to get out of here. Territory size is another reason. Its un manageable in some geographic areas.

Leave already…. Stop complaining about it and leave. If you’re not happy, go find a better situation and get happy. You don’t pursue a job shoveling poop and then complain that poop stinks. Just leave. It’s quite simple.

Leave already…. Stop complaining about it and leave. If you’re not happy, go find a better situation and get happy. You don’t pursue a job shoveling poop and then complain that poop stinks. Just leave. It’s quite simple.
Look around you dumbass! everyone is leaving. If you actually opened your email you would see we have 20 new hires every week. We will continue to leave, just a matter of time. I find it hilarious everytime I browse LinkedIn every manager in different regions is desperately trying to recruit for open territories

This place stinks from the rooter to the tooter!

Look around you dumbass! everyone is leaving. If you actually opened your email you would see we have 20 new hires every week. We will continue to leave, just a matter of time. I find it hilarious everytime I browse LinkedIn every manager in different regions is desperately trying to recruit for open territories
We have 3 vacant territories on my team and another one or two are iminent.

Bausch and Lomb sent ‘cease and desist letter’ to Novartis to not interview any current employees. 25% loss for first half of year per a manager. Prior reps and managers are leaving in droves to get back to a company which has significantly better opportunity to grow in multiple fields, better benefits, managers and finally pay than Bausch.

Novartis agreed to not interview us even after moving ahead with the final 5-6 finalist. Very disappointed in Novartis too.

This has to be illegal. I’ve reached out to a lawyer today. They are looking into it since they go up against pharma companies to see if this is true. Bausch is stopping me and others from pursuing a better job. Laws were just passed stating, ‘No company can prevent its employees to work at another company even if it’s a competitor. Novartis doesn’t even have an ophthalmic division now.

More reasons…Bad managers with little training.
In July, Purple team had to give up majority of all top Rxers and now have docs who Rx very little.
Many Blue team reps have massive territories.
New Omni Channel called Glimpse should be called Glitch for all the constant problems.
Finally, reps with zero sales experience are being hired because they want to get cheap reps to mold.

Bausch management NOW has so many enraged employees this will take years to undo so many bad decisions.

At least 6 managers have left to go back to Novartis and I’m sure more managers and reps will follow. They had over 100+ listings in LinkedIn for their new allergy position and closed the listings after like 3 days. Must be all full with candidates. I wonder who is going and who is staying?
Bausch just stopped its reps from interviewing with Novartis with a ‘cease and desist letter’. Even reps who were moving ahead in the interview process will not now.

This is absolutely illegal! We didn't sign non compete agreements when we came here. Novartis positions aren't even for eyecare!!! We as employees are willingly wanting to leave this mess, it's not like Novartis HR is actively pursuing us, We as humans want a better culture, company, pay and benefits. WE WANT OUT! This is absolute bullshit. I hope everyone who was in late stage interviews hires attorneys and SUES Bausch and Lomb for these fear tactics. Every state except Montana is an at will state. You can't keep us hostage here you miserable shitbags!!!!!

There are other companies that didn’t cash a BIG B&L check for the acquisition of a medication AND sales force that you can go to… If you paid a breeder for a pet dog and then found out that they trained that dog to run away and return to the breeder, I think you would be upset.
Now sit Ubu sit, Good dog!

There are other companies that didn’t cash a BIG B&L check for the acquisition of a medication AND sales force that you can go to… If you paid a breeder for a pet dog and then found out that they trained that dog to run away and return to the breeder, I think you would be upset.
Now sit Ubu sit, Good dog!
So you're comparing humans to trained dogs? You're a moron.