These pretzels are making me thirsty


This is for the true blue Ethicon die hards that get chubby when thinking about how amazing Ethicon is to work for... Aside of a paycheck every two weeks why would anyone in their right mind stay at this floundering company?

I disagree. Most Ethicon reps are working 20 hours a week, not 2. The rest of the time if spent on side businesses, interviewing for another job, or running family errands.

The last post is so true. I can't think of a better place to be where I work 15-20 hrs a week (more often than not it's actually less if you take out the windshield time), and get to do what I want, when I want, am home by 2:00 almost every day to p/u my kids, do errands, or have mid-day sex w/ my wife!! I feel like a prostitute b/c I'm actually getting paid to have sex if you think about it!!!! #winning

The last post is so true. I can't think of a better place to be where I work 15-20 hrs a week (more often than not it's actually less if you take out the windshield time), and get to do what I want, when I want, am home by 2:00 almost every day to p/u my kids, do errands, or have mid-day sex w/ my wife!! I feel like a prostitute b/c I'm actually getting paid to have sex if you think about it!!!! #winning

Masturbating on company time is luxurious!

The last post is so true. I can't think of a better place to be where I work 15-20 hrs a week (more often than not it's actually less if you take out the windshield time), and get to do what I want, when I want, am home by 2:00 almost every day to p/u my kids, do errands, or have mid-day sex w/ my wife!! I feel like a prostitute b/c I'm actually getting paid to have sex if you think about it!!!! #winning

I agree 20 hours is pretty accurate but you are happy with that? Honestly it was cool for about a year but that is the reason I left pharma because this job is simply not challenging. And if you do want to push yourself the comp structure does not incentivize enough to warrant extra work (lets face it we are in sales for the $$).

For growth and development Ethicon talks a big game but does not deliver. If you have a side job or close to retirement I get it but there are many of us that want more out of a career than what is offered here.

PS I like title of this thread.

I agree 20 hours is pretty accurate but you are happy with that? Honestly it was cool for about a year but that is the reason I left pharma because this job is simply not challenging. And if you do want to push yourself the comp structure does not incentivize enough to warrant extra work (lets face it we are in sales for the $$).

For growth and development Ethicon talks a big game but does not deliver. If you have a side job or close to retirement I get it but there are many of us that want more out of a career than what is offered here.

PS I like title of this thread.

How much wood can a woodchuck chuck?

Coming from energy, its painfully obvious the Kip and Michelle have zero loyalty to the reps, they are only out for themselves. With that in mind, I am going to do minimal work and will continue to do so until I get fired. The loyalty goes both ways and after watching the recent layoffs, I have zero loyalty to those two clowns.

I agree 20 hours is pretty accurate but you are happy with that? Honestly it was cool for about a year but that is the reason I left pharma because this job is simply not challenging. And if you do want to push yourself the comp structure does not incentivize enough to warrant extra work (lets face it we are in sales for the $$).

For growth and development Ethicon talks a big game but does not deliver. If you have a side job or close to retirement I get it but there are many of us that want more out of a career than what is offered here.

PS I like title of this thread.
First off let me just say that you do not fit in here at Ethicon with an attitude like yours. Where do you come off not being happy with mediocrity? Please follow the Ethicon playbook by rattling off a few success emails and talking a big game all while fully understanding that contracts drive this business. Charisma, passion, critical thinking, realism and loyalty are all characteristics that are frowned upon here at Ethicon. Just don't ask questions, pay no attention to the layoffs, please don't look at what we pay new hires, certainly don't read into our lack of R&D, do not tell your KOL's we will not be doing any programs with them this year, don't talk to your peers about the problems with powered echelon and how i-drive is eating our bariatric business, forget about the succession planning and for for the love of all that is holy please do not ask kip why ESC is "above business plan" but 90% of the sales force is not hitting plan and whatever you do do not ask critical questions to leadership you will be targeted as "negative". Business is great! Never been better!

I was let go during the massive layoff of 2012. Does kip still say, "Hey, thanks for stepping up to ask a question. Hows the weather over there in Texas? Great question by the way. This is all about transparency."

I was let go during the massive layoff of 2012. Does kip still say, "Hey, thanks for stepping up to ask a question. Hows the weather over there in Texas? Great question by the way. This is all about transparency."

Hahaha yes he does. Right after he tells the floundering sales force that Ethicon is at plan and the new sales format is working. This place is a joke and DM's and SD's do not have a clue what is going on. I Know because I am one of them!

I agree 20 hours is pretty accurate but you are happy with that? Honestly it was cool for about a year but that is the reason I left pharma because this job is simply not challenging. And if you do want to push yourself the comp structure does not incentivize enough to warrant extra work (lets face it we are in sales for the $$).

For growth and development Ethicon talks a big game but does not deliver. If you have a side job or close to retirement I get it but there are many of us that want more out of a career than what is offered here.

PS I like title of this thread.

This job is for lazy ass reps that sit at home and complain about how crappy their job is. It is like they found a pile of dog poop in the middle of a field and get as close to it as possible and tell everyone how bad it smells and that it is in the way VS scooping it up and moving on. Ethicon is a bunch of cry babies and not scoopers.

This is for the true blue Ethicon die hards that get chubby when thinking about how amazing Ethicon is to work for... Aside of a paycheck every two weeks why would anyone in their right mind stay at this floundering company?

Still curious if there are any reasons to stay at this company. Does not seem anyone has a legitimate answer. Kip... Tim... Possibly some of the bumbling minions... Let me guess you have not been give a talk track yet!