The Whole New NY Abortion Law is an interesting Angle for Liberal Democrats


I heard this on the radio this morning, and it is an interesting theory.

The “New” NY abortion law signed by Cuomo is horrific on many levels, and tge optics- including the ‘lighting up’ of bridges, 1 WTC, etc to celebrate its passing is incredulous...unless you consider the long game being played by Democrats.

Democrats recognize that SCOTUS nominees don’t energize their base like it does for Republicans, but the bigwigs see the significance of Ginsberg leaving can be catastrophic to their agenda.

Follow me here....the inevitable legal challenges to this law will soon start showing up(I mean, who would support a non-physician doing a late term abortion?), and although nothing will get to SCOTUS before Nov 2020, the sirens will come up that republicans want to overturn Roe , take women’s rights away, and they’ll claim they want another Kavanugh on the bench, along with all the BS claims about him brought up again.

Base gets energized, and even moderates feel the need to vote for a left wing Democrat nominee to ‘protect’ women.



Interesting theory. It does boggle the mind as to why they would put on a show to celebrate this law.

And it also boggles the mind that Trump hired this guy,, the ultimate carnival barker, to put on a show for him. :cool:


Nice try at deflecting. Feel free to continue Trump bashing on the multitude of threads here. Why not just postulate on the theory regarding the updated vaby-killing law?

'Vaby killing law'? Are you 'vabing' instead of vaping'? Not to worry we understand about those who never got past 8th grade. :rolleyes:

Nice try at deflecting. Feel free to continue Trump bashing on the multitude of threads here. Why not just postulate on the theory regarding the updated vaby-killing law?

Because he’s intellectually deficient and emotionally immature and so he desperately tries to distract especially when he’s been smacked.

I heard this on the radio this morning, and it is an interesting theory.

The “New” NY abortion law signed by Cuomo is horrific on many levels, and tge optics- including the ‘lighting up’ of bridges, 1 WTC, etc to celebrate its passing is incredulous...unless you consider the long game being played by Democrats.

Democrats recognize that SCOTUS nominees don’t energize their base like it does for Republicans, but the bigwigs see the significance of Ginsberg leaving can be catastrophic to their agenda.

Follow me here....the inevitable legal challenges to this law will soon start showing up(I mean, who would support a non-physician doing a late term abortion?), and although nothing will get to SCOTUS before Nov 2020, the sirens will come up that republicans want to overturn Roe , take women’s rights away, and they’ll claim they want another Kavanugh on the bench, along with all the BS claims about him brought up again.

Base gets energized, and even moderates feel the need to vote for a left wing Democrat nominee to ‘protect’ women.


Cuomo is a dolt. NYS and NYC is becoming #2 to CA as the worst shitholes in the US.
Both run by Democratic rule for decades. Tell you something about them.?

Nice try at deflecting. Feel free to continue Trump bashing on the multitude of threads here. Why not just postulate on the theory regarding the updated vaby-killing law?

Technically not babies until born. At times it needs to be done - never easy but sometimes the reality. :)

Technically not babies until born. At times it needs to be done - never easy but sometimes the reality. :)

It’s a baby from moment of conception. Case closed.

Never needs to be done except to save the life of the mother - a one out of a million or more situation.

The reality is that your irrational, unscientific and immmoral and flat out wrong.

It’s a baby from moment of conception. Case closed.

Never needs to be done except to save the life of the mother - a one out of a million or more situation.

The reality is that your irrational, unscientific and immmoral and flat out wrong.

You're sounding like John McCain after they put the microchip in for his run with Failin' Palin.

It's 'Ladies Choice' Bubba - :D