The types of people in this industry.


1. People too dumb to find other careers.

2. People who are so dumb that they think these products do good.

3. People who are so dumb that they think these jobs are actually good paying.

4. People that hate themselves.

5. People that don't value their time.

6. People that think a job with a company car is the most amazing thing ever.

7. People that have no understanding of anything in life, for the most part.

1. People too dumb to find other careers.

2. People who are so dumb that they think these products do good.

3. People who are so dumb that they think these jobs are actually good paying.

4. People that hate themselves.

5. People that don't value their time.

6. People that think a job with a company car is the most amazing thing ever.

7. People that have no understanding of anything in life, for the most part.
You forgot people like you who complain about literally everything and don’t shut up

You forgot people like you who complain about literally everything and don’t shut up

And people that have their heads so far up their orifices that they can't add two plus two.

Best move I made was to leave this industry. Wish I did earlier because most of you are just awful human beings. Not smart either.

1. People too dumb to find other careers.

2. People who are so dumb that they think these products do good.

3. People who are so dumb that they think these jobs are actually good paying.

4. People that hate themselves.

5. People that don't value their time.

6. People that think a job with a company car is the most amazing thing ever.

7. People that have no understanding of anything in life, for the most part.
you forgot people that are just plain lazy, and hate the thought of getting up early and going to an office...

Another one are the people that have no soul.

I think they are called NPC these days. We have lots of those. Heartless, punks, that can't sell their way out of a brown paper bag.

You forgot the obvious one: Alcoholics are abundant in this industry. Just like lawyers. Overpaid losers. What is worse, is that they make NO contribution to their communities. Just NPC clowns most of them, raising dysfunctional children as well.

The thing is, as I've said many times, most people in this world aren't who you think they are. Therefore, you should not feel guilty to use someone who is essentially worthless outside of some service they can provide.

You need to recognize if you don't already, how many people are willing to play an act all day to function in society and to smooth social relations with a vast amount of people, as a survival mechanism.

It is absolutely cringey and disgusting.

Most people you are around you in every day, including very powerful, if even local people are also stage actors.

A lot of them got to where they are without any actual work or merit, and more often are actually dirty pieces of shit, many have substance abuse problems and all kinds of other dishonorable traits about them.

In fact, there are hardly anyone I know that doesn't play an act somehow in this watered down toxic world we know as Corporate America.

Never forget the low IQ doctors, who got into the profession because they loved to watch Doogie Howser, MD, on their TV sets. I am not even trying to be funny here. There are people like that. Or that other stupid show, ER. The amount of low IQ doctors I have run across in my career makes my head spin to this day. No wonder people are dying at young ages, and people feel like crap all day long.

Never forget the low IQ doctors, who got into the profession because they loved to watch Doogie Howser, MD, on their TV sets. I am not even trying to be funny here. There are people like that. Or that other stupid show, ER. The amount of low IQ doctors I have run across in my career makes my head spin to this day. No wonder people are dying at young ages, and people feel like crap all day long.
Doogie Howser's best friend on the show is on the Tulsa King.

I guess we are going to see an increase in horse riding activity from people these days as well, as he plays a guy working on a horse farm.

From this website to our TV sets, the amount of followers we have in our dumbed down, predatory world is to the point of jumping the shark in epic proportions.