The truth


Here's the thruth......
Comment all you want, give advice and make predictions. At the end of the day the sales force is an expendable resource and that's just the cost of doing business. We're no different than the glossy reprints and handouts that are removed from Promos. We're not special, just disposable.


Here's the thruth......
Comment all you want, give advice and make predictions. At the end of the day the sales force is an expendable resource and that's just the cost of doing business. We're no different than the glossy reprints and handouts that are removed from Promos. We're not special, just disposable.

And that's no different than any industry. So everyone needs to quit worrying and just do your job. If you don't like it than leave.

Here's the thruth......
Comment all you want, give advice and make predictions. At the end of the day the sales force is an expendable resource and that's just the cost of doing business. We're no different than the glossy reprints and handouts that are removed from Promos. We're not special, just disposable.

You can't handle the truth!