The truth about the upcoming layoffs

this was a crap posting. the metabolics (former Solvay) division is untouched. Also, it has nothing to do with Solvay severance package as that was built for 1 year so they could have just waited until Feb 16th for the anniversary of buying Solvay. I think they like our business model. We've had a lot of success with far fewer people in territories. I imagine PPD will look like Solvay did before we were bought where there is no sharing of Docs. Sick of seeing 2 reps riding around chasing signatures down all day. Absolutely mind numbing how often I see two calls on the same Dr. within 10 minutes of eachother both with signatures for the same drug. I understand metrics and that crap, but common!

I do wish everyone good luck tomorrow, especially those with kids and mortgages. May not appreciate everyone I work with, but do not wish this on anyone.

this was a crap posting. the metabolics (former Solvay) division is untouched. Also, it has nothing to do with Solvay severance package as that was built for 1 year so they could have just waited until Feb 16th for the anniversary of buying Solvay. I think they like our business model. We've had a lot of success with far fewer people in territories. I imagine PPD will look like Solvay did before we were bought where there is no sharing of Docs. Sick of seeing 2 reps riding around chasing signatures down all day. Absolutely mind numbing how often I see two calls on the same Dr. within 10 minutes of eachother both with signatures for the same drug. I understand metrics and that crap, but common!

I do wish everyone good luck tomorrow, especially those with kids and mortgages. May not appreciate everyone I work with, but do not wish this on anyone.

The pompous attitude of the "Solvay" reps is appalling! But Abbott created this monster by treating them better than their own reps.

Solvay in my area is completely worthless yet they think they actually have made lots of impact and deserve two consecutive years of all stars in which were won for them not by any efforts of their own, but by the Abbott reps they overlapped with. The "storm" deserves no accolades for their efforts and they can thank several Abbott reps who have won them multiple all-stars, most notably SP and all of BD and TP managerial efforts. Complete BS and I hope they sink faster than the titantic now that they can't ride on the Abbott reps coat-tails. And since I am ranting, Solvay has to be the the weirdest group of salespeople I have ever been around and I hope this island of misfit toys gets tossed as soon as possible.

Solvay in my area is completely worthless yet they think they actually have made lots of impact and deserve two consecutive years of all stars in which were won for them not by any efforts of their own, but by the Abbott reps they overlapped with. The "storm" deserves no accolades for their efforts and they can thank several Abbott reps who have won them multiple all-stars, most notably SP and all of BD and TP managerial efforts. Complete BS and I hope they sink faster than the titantic now that they can't ride on the Abbott reps coat-tails. And since I am ranting, Solvay has to be the the weirdest group of salespeople I have ever been around and I hope this island of misfit toys gets tossed as soon as possible.

talk about riding on coat tails...take a look at the lazy ass chicks in California...who every other day have some lousy excuse NOT to work in the field, but make all stars? Who does that? SOMEONE WHO RIDES COAT TAILS!! At least legacy Solvay were ranked INDIVIDUALLY, and you are ranked AS A TEAM...HMMMM?

talk about riding on coat tails...take a look at the lazy ass chicks in California...who every other day have some lousy excuse NOT to work in the field, but make all stars? Who does that? SOMEONE WHO RIDES COAT TAILS!! At least legacy Solvay were ranked INDIVIDUALLY, and you are ranked AS A TEAM...HMMMM?

This is the first time we have been ranked as a team asshole and no All Star awards yet for 2010. Past All Star rankings have been on solo efforts. Scratch that theory.

JUST SAYIN...10 years with abt, 115k base, usually 150 with bonus, 24 years carrying the bag total! Yes it has been a good living. I started out at 17,500. In 1986. No formularies didn't even get signatures for non controlled samples.

Seen more good than bad. Always felt like I earned my own and then some. Also helped out many of patients and maybe 2 or 3 times a year really help out on specific patient or need.
But all the other times.....

A decision was made about several products for treatment of a specific disease state and the HCP choose mine. Maybe because of something I had told them/sold them/informed them about or maybe just because of me. Not just a favor but a trust. A trust in me and quite frankly who ever I work for or whatever they sell.

Just ME!

talk about riding on coat tails...take a look at the lazy ass chicks in California...who every other day have some lousy excuse NOT to work in the field, but make all stars? Who does that? SOMEONE WHO RIDES COAT TAILS!! At least legacy Solvay were ranked INDIVIDUALLY, and you are ranked AS A TEAM...HMMMM?

What team in Cali are you talking about?

talk about riding on coat tails...take a look at the lazy ass chicks in California...who every other day have some lousy excuse NOT to work in the field, but make all stars? Who does that? SOMEONE WHO RIDES COAT TAILS!! At least legacy Solvay were ranked INDIVIDUALLY, and you are ranked AS A TEAM...HMMMM?

Sounds like Sparky needs to take his/her Prozac. Get a life you looser!!

well based on the solvay conference call tonight, my original post was right...they like our business model. Customer Centric Alignment makes more sense so you are not following the following the Phizer model and pissing off doctors by calling on them with the same drugs day after day and tripping over eachother. I know our "arrogance is appalling", but in my area, it is justified. This is not to say that there are not some great reps in primary care (Abbott) and some crap reps in metabolics (former Solvay). It depends on what geographic area you are in...I'm sure most people have reps they think work and also have reps they know are lazy and or stupid. I was wrong to suggest that all Abbott reps go around together, but the the majority in my area do and don't know disease state or competitive products. All of them are bad reps except 2 and one was NQ

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