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The sex scandal that would have brought Ted down

You're a gullible fool! Yeah, the Enquirer, really credible.

Meanwhile it's documented fact that Lying Donald is pimp.

It's highly likely based upon credible testimony that Bill Clinton is a rapist.

So one more time (which you are a coward to answer) who ya gonna vote for?
2) Hillary?
3) sit out?

If you vote for Trump you're (according to yourself) voting the wrong way.
If you vote for Hillary - same thing.
And if you sit out, you're voting for Hillary.

Whatcha gonna do studmuffin - huh? huh? huh? :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

You'll ever answer because you're nothing but a liar and an instigator. :cool::cool::cool::cool::cool:

So one more time (which you are a coward to answer) who ya gonna vote for?
2) Hillary?
3) sit out?

If you vote for Trump you're (according to yourself) voting the wrong way.
If you vote for Hillary - same thing.
And if you sit out, you're voting for Hillary.

Whatcha gonna do studmuffin - huh? huh? huh? :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

You'll ever answer because you're nothing but a liar and an instigator. :cool::cool::cool::cool::cool:

Wrong idiot boy, I'll sit this one out fool.

So one more time (which you are a coward to answer) who ya gonna vote for?
2) Hillary?
3) sit out?

If you vote for Trump you're (according to yourself) voting the wrong way.
If you vote for Hillary - same thing.
And if you sit out, you're voting for Hillary.

Whatcha gonna do studmuffin - huh? huh? huh? :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

You'll ever answer because you're nothing but a liar and an instigator. :cool::cool::cool::cool::cool:

One more time? There hasn't been a first time,
So quit being a liar and a punk.

Been doing something stronger than weed or wine? LOL!

First, I utterly reject the premise you put forth, not voting for Trump isn't a vote for Hillary. Now, I haven't made up my mind for sure but I'm 99% sure I'm not voting for Trump. I'll write in Ted Cruz or I'll vote for the Constitutional Party's candidate.

There is so little difference between Hillary and her donor that it probably doesn't matter who wins. At least if Hillary gets it, the Republicans may rise up on occasion to stop her and while Trump
Is going to listen to no one, Hillary will have Bill and will probably listen to him. With a Republican House and/or Senate, we might make it without totally crashing and with Hillary, Ted stands a good chance getting the nomination and of beating her in 2020.

At this point, I can do what I want with a clean conscious because I tried to avoid this mess by supporting Cruz. I voted for McCain, he lost. I voted for Romney, he lost. Trump is Romney 2.0 without Romney's basic decency and character. At this point I loathe Trump and I haven't found a convincing reason to vote for him.

Talk about spin - wow Talk about a losing voting record - wow! Talk about doing something stronger than weed or wine - wow! You take the prize on all 3. :cool::cool::cool:

Talk about spin - wow Talk about a losing voting record - wow! Talk about doing something stronger than weed or wine - wow! You take the prize on all 3. :cool::cool::cool:

No spin. I'm a Republican. But beyond that I'm a conservative. Newsflash. Obama has won twice. Hardly makes for a losing record for me. More importantly, the nation lost.

But did you, Mr. I'm not a liberal vote for Obama twice? Hmmm?

The point is that I've voted for the last two RINOs and they lost even with my vote. If RINO Trump goes down it will be nothing new.

But the bottom line is that you've had another post blow up in your face. You make stuff up And act like I won't answer your questions and once again I've shown you up.

No spin. I'm a Republican. But beyond that I'm a conservative. Newsflash. Obama has won twice. Hardly makes for a losing record for me. More importantly, the nation lost.

But did you, Mr. I'm not a liberal vote for Obama twice? Hmmm?

The point is that I've voted for the last two RINOs and they lost even with my vote. If RINO Trump goes down it will be nothing new.

But the bottom line is that you've had another post blow up in your face. You make stuff up And act like I won't answer your questions and once again I've shown you up.

I've never voted for Obama even once. Are you drunk or something already?

You just loathe Trump because he has sex with married women and his current wife has shown her tits a lot and does racy ads - you have a very difficult time accepting the reality that much of life is about sex since life is sexually transmitted. You also have a hard time with the fact you've criticized our 1st lady's dress code and now you're confronted with the fact that there will be Internet pussy shots of our new one floating around. And remember, your boy Cruz would have been exposed if the DC Madam's phone book were released. Since he didn't get the nomination, they didn't expose him. They were just whores with kind hearts.
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I've never voted for Obama even once. Are you drunk or something already?

You just loathe Trump because he has sex with married women and his current wife has shown her tits a lot and does racy ads - you have a very difficult time accepting the reality that much of life is about sex since life is sexually transmitted. You also have a hard time with the fact you've criticized our 1st lady's dress code and now you're confronted with the fact that there will be Internet pussy shots of our new one floating around. And remember, your boy Cruz would have been exposed if the DC Madam's phone book were released. Since he didn't get the nomination, they didn't expose him. They were just whores with kind hearts.

Thanks for exposing yourself as a gullible go yet again.

If you didn't vote for Obama, then you're basically as big a loser as I am So what was the Point you thought you were making? Hmmm?

I don't like Trump because he is devoid of good character and morals across the board, not just when it comes to sex.

It's disgusting and a stain on the reputation of the nation that we could even Possibly have a First Lady who had Posed nude.

How many bogus stories concerning Cruz are you going to buy into from that disreputable rag? There is no sex scandal involving Cruz to expose.

But using YOUR standard of evidence, then our soon to be first First Guy, is a rapist since Clinton is going to win. Got that?

Yeah, I knew I would really upset you when I called your hero BJ Clinton what he is: a rapist.
If Bill was a rapist, why did your party's boy Trump invite him to his wedding? He also called Paula Jones a loser and he said Linda Tripp was a lying loser. Hmm? :cool:

If Bill was a rapist, why did your party's boy Trump invite him to his wedding? He also called Paula Jones a loser and he said Linda Tripp was a lying loser. Hmm? :cool:

You tell us. I'm not the Trump supporter. You are.

The point is according to the application of YOUR standard, Bill Clinton is far, far more likely to be a rapist, than Ted Cruz is likely to have used prostitutes.

Yeah, you've been cornered again and so its deflect and ask stupid question time for

You tell us. I'm not the Trump supporter. You are.

The point is according to the application of YOUR standard, Bill Clinton is far, far more likely to be a rapist, than Ted Cruz is likely to have used prostitutes.

Yeah, you've been cornered again and so its deflect and ask stupid question time for

Why did TC use the DC madam's service then? (get it? TC/DC?)