Both sides are right AND wrong. Government is corrupt and stupid. Pharma is greedy and profit driven. Pandora's box was opened when Medi-Care created health care as a right and removed any market influences. It worked great for awhile. The healthcare business reaped huge revenues and profits which drove innovation and created huge advances. Problem is it was NEVER paid for and now the bill is coming due. We have a society that thinks they should get virtually free access to every medical advance, never acknowledging that these advances would never exist if it weren't for the profits. No profits, no advances.
The government can't fix it. By your own admissions they werer complicit in creating the mess. Re-importation won't help you as you think and people will not be dropping dead from laced pharmaceuticals either. If you think pharma will still sell drugs in other countries on the cheap if US reimports you are wrong. Look no further than Canada. Several companies threatened to stop doing business in Canada if they continued to resell in US. In a way the US is subsidizing cheap healthcare for the rest of the world, just like we do militarily.
The simple reality is that everyone can't have the best, unless the best is is diminished. That is why nationalized healthcare dooms everyone to mediocre care. I for one, would like to have access to the best since I worked my ass off for the benefit rather than sitting on my ass collecting government checks.
By the way the government that you seek for assistance from won't allow companies to provide financial assistance to medi-care recipients. Go figure.
as an american citizen I have 4 issues
1) why should every other patient in the world have access to the EXACT same meds
substantially cheaper
2)why should the entire healthcare system including doctors be paid 10x
what they are in other developed countried
3) why should the govt be prevented from negotiating prices with a modest
yet inclusive formulary
4)why should citizens be denied freedom to purchase re-imported drugs
Don't give me the crap about socialism , I pay WELL OVER 50% in state & federal taxes
throw in mandatory insurances , taxes on fuel , mortgage interest , utilities etc
& I'm paying more than those so called socialists .
Who live far better than US citizens & having lived in both canada & germany
I say this from experience.
The American citizens are being duped & who needs R&D for the
10th overactive bladder med , 8th Boner pill , 9th ARB ,
a new BB etc...Scam Scam Scam
There are people in small villages alll over the world including 3rd world countries
with equal or better life expectancy without these so called miracles & their glorious side effects
Believe when pharma treats their own employees like disposable garbage they could give 2 shits about patients