The SCAM of Med D prescription Drug Plan

You are not very bright are you ????? Let me ask you one more time & let's see if you can figure this out. Promises & agreements are like assholes , everyone has one (in your case several)

In fact novartis doesn't even pay it's own current obligations !

Here's what the facts are. Before pharma EVER "contributes" (LOL!!)
80 billion to ANYTHING , they will jack the prices up about 90 Billion
for a net positive 10 billion . The standard Pharma M.O.

Fucking clown , go hang yourself for your unbridled stupidity

$80 billion..... it took effect this year to close the doughnut hole MORON. Sorry I don't have actual access to each individual bank account.

Now go continue to deny the Holocaust, you might actually have more credibility than what you are embarrassing yourself with here.

Hey Dick breath from your own liberal link now go back to doing what you do best
namely , jerking off . Fucking jerkoff
"Q: Won't drug makers raise prices to make up their losses?
That could very well happen, says the Congressional Budget Office. Medicare drug plans negotiate prices with pharmaceutical manufacturers and pharmacies, and this year's discounts will come off of those agreed-to prices. Drug makers could partially offset that lost income by raising the prices they charge the drug plans, CBO Director Douglas Elmendorf told Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Wis., in a letter last fall. Higher prices would affect all beneficiaries"

I love how YOU, a liberal/socialist, want to deny the facts from this source. But then later quote from it... So I assume since you are using quotes from this source, you are accepting the facts. Here is another fact which you DRONES don't ever accept: "That could very well happen, says the Congressional Budget Office. Medicare drug plans NEGOTIATE prices with pharmaceutical manufacturers and pharmacies, and this year's discounts will come off of those agreed-to prices." See that.... NEGOTIATE PRICES. You drones act like the current prices have not been NEGOTIATED. I guess you are WRONG again MORON.... now respond with swearing rants and non-sense. LOL

I love YOU, a liberal/socialist
NEGOTIATE PRICES. You drones act like the current prices have not been NEGOTIATED. I guess you are WRONG again MORON.... now respond with swearing rants and non-sense. LOL

Go blog for hitler you freakn moron the GOVT does NOT negotiate med D prices
if they did they'd be paying VA prices
Which they will be soon & allowing re-importation :)
much to your chagrin

Go blog for hitler you freakn moron the GOVT does NOT negotiate med D prices
if they did they'd be paying VA prices
Which they will be soon & allowing re-importation :)
much to your chagrin

You posted the quote MORON.... The quote came from the CBO MORON... It says the prices are NEGOTIATED.

Your worldview has once again been completely DISMANTLED.

You want to pay VA prices.... join the Army FOOL. And remember, when you pay VA prices, you get VA quality. To which I say "NO THANKS"

Dear Fleeced Consumer,

I have been in this business for 25 years. I have seen things swing from one side to the other, back again and repeat. Pharmaceutical companies have their issues and I believe much of the current restrictions on the way we do business was caused by many unethical marketing practices from our past. We deserve that.

However, there is another side. I find it disturbing to know that when you take away free market incentive you also take away R&D. There will never be new developments in mass market disease states such as high blood pressure, diabetes or hyperlipidemia - and the technology exist to continue to advance in these areas. Unfortunately, managed care dictates generics - not always the best treatment, but the least expensive. Even the generics mandated today were once the new drug of choice. Drugs which have significantly decreased morbidity and mortality, not to mention given consumers an upgraded quality of life.

Of course pharmaceutical companies want to make money. The average cost of getting a drug through stage 3 trials is almost a billion dollars. As Novartis has seen, many of those don't even make it to market. For a company to stay afloat they have to make everything they can on the drugs that do make it. Most successful businesses (and this is a business) do not give their products or services away. Most, not all, people in this country have access to healthcare. We have the best healthcare in the world available. It seems to me that everyone wants the best healthcare, but no one wants to pay for it.

I would hate to lose my job i would like to retire here i don't feel like i have always been treated fairly here. However, the pay is good and the benefits are great. If I do lose my job at Novartis, I will take the package and try to figure out something else. It's really not personal - it is business.

most sincerely,

someone whose been around

I have gotten a chuckle with the fat little jingoistic fella who must have just learned a new word!! He posts "moron" as a response to every post that offends his delicate little sensibilites--poor baby

Both sides are right AND wrong. Government is corrupt and stupid. Pharma is greedy and profit driven. Pandora's box was opened when Medi-Care created health care as a right and removed any market influences. It worked great for awhile. The healthcare business reaped huge revenues and profits which drove innovation and created huge advances. Problem is it was NEVER paid for and now the bill is coming due. We have a society that thinks they should get virtually free access to every medical advance, never acknowledging that these advances would never exist if it weren't for the profits. No profits, no advances.

The government can't fix it. By your own admissions they werer complicit in creating the mess. Re-importation won't help you as you think and people will not be dropping dead from laced pharmaceuticals either. If you think pharma will still sell drugs in other countries on the cheap if US reimports you are wrong. Look no further than Canada. Several companies threatened to stop doing business in Canada if they continued to resell in US. In a way the US is subsidizing cheap healthcare for the rest of the world, just like we do militarily.

The simple reality is that everyone can't have the best, unless the best is is diminished. That is why nationalized healthcare dooms everyone to mediocre care. I for one, would like to have access to the best since I worked my ass off for the benefit rather than sitting on my ass collecting government checks.

By the way the government that you seek for assistance from won't allow companies to provide financial assistance to medi-care recipients. Go figure.

Both sides are right AND wrong. Government is corrupt and stupid. Pharma is greedy and profit driven. Pandora's box was opened when Medi-Care created health care as a right and removed any market influences. It worked great for awhile. The healthcare business reaped huge revenues and profits which drove innovation and created huge advances. Problem is it was NEVER paid for and now the bill is coming due. We have a society that thinks they should get virtually free access to every medical advance, never acknowledging that these advances would never exist if it weren't for the profits. No profits, no advances.

The government can't fix it. By your own admissions they werer complicit in creating the mess. Re-importation won't help you as you think and people will not be dropping dead from laced pharmaceuticals either. If you think pharma will still sell drugs in other countries on the cheap if US reimports you are wrong. Look no further than Canada. Several companies threatened to stop doing business in Canada if they continued to resell in US. In a way the US is subsidizing cheap healthcare for the rest of the world, just like we do militarily.

The simple reality is that everyone can't have the best, unless the best is is diminished. That is why nationalized healthcare dooms everyone to mediocre care. I for one, would like to have access to the best since I worked my ass off for the benefit rather than sitting on my ass collecting government checks.

By the way the government that you seek for assistance from won't allow companies to provide financial assistance to medi-care recipients. Go figure.

Two solid voices of reason... almost two in a row. Thank you.... you both have restored my faith that perhaps we can overcome the MORONS of this world.

Both sides are right AND wrong. Government is corrupt and stupid. Pharma is greedy and profit driven. Pandora's box was opened when Medi-Care created health care as a right and removed any market influences. It worked great for awhile. The healthcare business reaped huge revenues and profits which drove innovation and created huge advances. Problem is it was NEVER paid for and now the bill is coming due. We have a society that thinks they should get virtually free access to every medical advance, never acknowledging that these advances would never exist if it weren't for the profits. No profits, no advances.

The government can't fix it. By your own admissions they werer complicit in creating the mess. Re-importation won't help you as you think and people will not be dropping dead from laced pharmaceuticals either. If you think pharma will still sell drugs in other countries on the cheap if US reimports you are wrong. Look no further than Canada. Several companies threatened to stop doing business in Canada if they continued to resell in US. In a way the US is subsidizing cheap healthcare for the rest of the world, just like we do militarily.

The simple reality is that everyone can't have the best, unless the best is is diminished. That is why nationalized healthcare dooms everyone to mediocre care. I for one, would like to have access to the best since I worked my ass off for the benefit rather than sitting on my ass collecting government checks.

By the way the government that you seek for assistance from won't allow companies to provide financial assistance to medi-care recipients. Go figure.

as an american citizen I have 4 issues
1) why should every other patient in the world have access to the EXACT same meds
substantially cheaper
2)why should the entire healthcare system including doctors be paid 10x
what they are in other developed countried
3) why should the govt be prevented from negotiating prices with a modest
yet inclusive formulary
4)why should citizens be denied freedom to purchase re-imported drugs

Don't give me the crap about socialism , I pay WELL OVER 50% in state & federal taxes
throw in mandatory insurances , taxes on fuel , mortgage interest , utilities etc
& I'm paying more than those so called socialists .
Who live far better than US citizens & having lived in both canada & germany
I say this from experience.

The American citizens are being duped & who needs R&D for the
10th overactive bladder med , 8th Boner pill , 9th ARB ,
a new BB etc...Scam Scam Scam

There are people in small villages alll over the world including 3rd world countries
with equal or better life expectancy without these so called miracles & their glorious side effects
Believe when pharma treats their own employees like disposable garbage they could give 2 shits about patients

as an american citizen I have 4 issues
1) why should every other patient in the world have access to the EXACT same meds
substantially cheaper
2)why should the entire healthcare system including doctors be paid 10x
what they are in other developed countried
3) why should the govt be prevented from negotiating prices with a modest
yet inclusive formulary
4)why should citizens be denied freedom to purchase re-imported drugs

Don't give me the crap about socialism , I pay WELL OVER 50% in state & federal taxes
throw in mandatory insurances , taxes on fuel , mortgage interest , utilities etc
& I'm paying more than those so called socialists .
Who live far better than US citizens & having lived in both canada & germany
I say this from experience.

The American citizens are being duped & who needs R&D for the
10th overactive bladder med , 8th Boner pill , 9th ARB ,
a new BB etc...Scam Scam Scam

There are people in small villages alll over the world including 3rd world countries
with equal or better life expectancy without these so called miracles & their glorious side effects
Believe when pharma treats their own employees like disposable garbage they could give 2 shits about patients

It's not just about life-expectancy.... it is about quality of life. You can live in a 3rd. world mud-hut, eat bugs, leaves and worms and live to be 103, but wish you were dead most of your life.... or you can live comfortably, pay for what you get in terms of healthcare and live 90 years. YOU CHOOSE.
We pay 10x more because there is NO BETTER healthcare in the world.

We pay more in America for drugs because we subsidize other parts of the world. Especially the ones to which you refered that live in third world huts. Other countries also subsidize their own drugs by paying higher taxes which fund their socialized medical systems. They also have LESS access to drugs and overall medical care than do Americans. Socialized medicine equals less innovation, longer wait-times and less access to healthcare.

You do NOT pay more than the socialists.

Freedom does NOT include reimporting drugs. The FDA has opposed reimportation based on safety concerns therefore a law has been passed banning reimportation.

Freedom does include the ability to make the 10th ARB or 100th ACEI or whatever a company wants to produce that is FDA approved.

The CBO stated the drug prices are NEGOTIATED.

It's not just about life-expectancy.... it is about quality of life.
Freedom does NOT include reimporting drugs. The FDA has opposed reimportation based on safety concerns therefore a law has been passed banning reimportation.

Freedom does include the ability to make the 10th ARB or 100th ACEI or whatever a company wants to produce that is FDA approved.

Oh the HORROR ! Those poor Vets at the VA were denied tekturna & it's combinations
Oh how they must have suffered while "LUCKY" patients were blessed with renal dysfunction & a myriad of other adverse side effects

I can see how re-importing generic losartan for pennies on the $ would really have degraded patients quality of life !
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