The sale of Vision Care

What grade are you in?

I am kind of new to this company, but some of you need to grow up. You are right pp-how old are these people? Ive never seen anything like it. There are nothing but complaints on this board. that usually means a bunch of non working, non productive people with entitlement attitudes. "We should be making $125,000 + bonus to make 7 or 8 easy calls a day" just because we want it. Whine about the benefits, which, by the way are pretty darn good, whine about the new auto mileage policy-its the best company car I've ever had, whine about the stock-50% match up to 20%!!!
Can you for once in your adult life look at the bright side? Can you not be happy to be with a company that doesnt track your every move? Report each signature you get/or dont, track your 1st & last signature of eadh day and require explanations of everything that is more than 30 minutes off the median?
Do you realize how GOOD you have it here?
If not LEAVE, do not complain, just LEAVE!
I am kind of new to this company, but some of you need to grow up. You are right pp-how old are these people? Ive never seen anything like it. There are nothing but complaints on this board. that usually means a bunch of non working, non productive people with entitlement attitudes. "We should be making $125,000 + bonus to make 7 or 8 easy calls a day" just because we want it. Whine about the benefits, which, by the way are pretty darn good, whine about the new auto mileage policy-its the best company car I've ever had, whine about the stock-50% match up to 20%!!!
Can you for once in your adult life look at the bright side? Can you not be happy to be with a company that doesnt track your every move? Report each signature you get/or dont, track your 1st & last signature of eadh day and require explanations of everything that is more than 30 minutes off the median?
Do you realize how GOOD you have it here?
If not LEAVE, do not complain, just LEAVE!

You are not kind of new to this company. Valeant (B+L) has been laying off like crazy. You must be a consultant hired by Valeant to post counter posts to the negative comments. Hope they are paying you $125,000 for this post as you will likely get laid off by the end of the month.
You are not kind of new to this company. Valeant (B+L) has been laying off like crazy. You must be a consultant hired by Valeant to post counter posts to the negative comments. Hope they are paying you $125,000 for this post as you will likely get laid off by the end of the month.

No, B & L rep. All companies are laying off. This new healthcare environment does not favor the use of branded drugs nor does it incentivize new drug applications or research & development of any kind.

This field is narrowing. Hopefully not ending.

Negative attitudes do nothing to help anyone's situation. Negative speculation and pot stirring do no good either. We should all be responsible and wise-keep a current resume and look at options and possibilities.

The things that are barked about on this site boarder on ridiculous. I have seen posts crying about the change in benefits, mileage reporting, 401ks, and more. There is absolutely nothing wrong with the benefits at this company.

I have not seen the "normal" nasty stuff that is going on at other companies happening here-(yet). Just saying that there really is not anything to be whining and crying about here-we've got a great gig going. Our eyecare competitors are having every move tracked. Noone at B& L is asking us to write an explanation of why our 1st call last Tuesday was at 8:45 instead of 8-8:30. Or why there is no signature after 4:30. That, my friend is the stuff to complain about-being treated like common criminals or small children. Constant threats. High stress.

I have been with companies that are treating reps like Poo-poo, and worse. Not sure why all the cry babies here. Get up & go do your job. Stop bitching & moaning! Be happy or find something that will allow you to. No sense being unhappy or bringing the rest of us down. This is a very decent place to work.
No, B & L rep. All companies are laying off. This new healthcare environment does not favor the use of branded drugs nor does it incentivize new drug applications or research & development of any kind.

This field is narrowing. Hopefully not ending.

Negative attitudes do nothing to help anyone's situation. Negative speculation and pot stirring do no good either. We should all be responsible and wise-keep a current resume and look at options and possibilities.

The things that are barked about on this site boarder on ridiculous. I have seen posts crying about the change in benefits, mileage reporting, 401ks, and more. There is absolutely nothing wrong with the benefits at this company.

I have not seen the "normal" nasty stuff that is going on at other companies happening here-(yet). Just saying that there really is not anything to be whining and crying about here-we've got a great gig going. Our eyecare competitors are having every move tracked. Noone at B& L is asking us to write an explanation of why our 1st call last Tuesday was at 8:45 instead of 8-8:30. Or why there is no signature after 4:30. That, my friend is the stuff to complain about-being treated like common criminals or small children. Constant threats. High stress.

I have been with companies that are treating reps like Poo-poo, and worse. Not sure why all the cry babies here. Get up & go do your job. Stop bitching & moaning! Be happy or find something that will allow you to. No sense being unhappy or bringing the rest of us down. This is a very decent place to work.

Definitely a paid corporate psychologist. Of course we are going to complain on this website. That is what it is for. It is not a website of continued praise for corporate management. If you want that go set up you own suck up to management website.

Pharma Cafe is for people to air out potential problems with their jobs and companies. It keeps the companies honest. (Not all corporate bullshit all of the time). Here we can say some corporate political incorrect things without fear of losing our jobs.
Very well said again!!!

B&l rep my arse!!! Very poor that Valeant have to get some Donkey to write
Fake crap on how " wonderful" this company is..... Read the threads
" worst pharma company ever"
" worst working enviroment ever"
Are you some kind of weird corporate psychologist hired by Valeant? None of these posts have anything to do about someone's personal life.

By the way. Valeant has ruined the personal life of thousands in 2013 by laying off indiscriminately. Perhaps Valeant upper management should have a good psycho analysis to make sure they are still capable of being in charge of people.

Valiant has ruined noone's life. Layoffs are part of life and definitely a part of this industry. Those who are not prepared for change ruin their own lives and are living with risk.

We should all have and keep the following:
1. Updated resume
2. Polished interviewing skills
3. Strong network
4. A good track Record or performance
5. A year's salary in reserve
6. Debt free

If you are not prepared for life's stumbles, YOU will be responsible for your fall.
Definitely a paid corporate psychologist. Of course we are going to complain on this website. That is what it is for. It is not a website of continued praise for corporate management. If you want that go set up you own suck up to management website.

Pharma Cafe is for people to air out potential problems with their jobs and companies. It keeps the companies honest. (Not all corporate bullshit all of the time). Here we can say some corporate political incorrect things without fear of losing our jobs.

Nope! I am really a rep. Sorry to burst your bubble that EVERYONE is not so miserable. There are always a few that would rather bitch bitch bitch. Why not find another job that you like?

If you stay in pharma expect something much worse than this! Been there!
In reply to poster #28 how many reps do you think have a years salary in savings? That is crazy maybe you live in a shelter and are eating at burger king everyday, but this company is headed for major layoffs and 90% of the reps here that have experience and perform are very very unhappy
In reply to poster #28 how many reps do you think have a years salary in savings? That is crazy maybe you live in a shelter and are eating at burger king everyday, but this company is headed for major layoffs and 90% of the reps here that have experience and perform are very very unhappy

You have left your trash posts on every thread. If you are unhappy, leave! And if you cannot save money you are living beyond your means. Your salary should be high enough that you should be able to save. If not, sell that overpriced house, get rid of the overspending. The reality of this industry is that most reps will go through several lay offs prepared.
In reply to poster #28 how many reps do you think have a years salary in savings? That is crazy maybe you live in a shelter and are eating at burger king everyday, but this company is headed for major layoffs and 90% of the reps here that have experience and perform are very very unhappy

Start somewhere and build. 6 months is minimum. Talk to a financial planner & get your life on track
No R&D or marketing of contact lenses = absolute bottom of the market share list.

Marketing is the only group getting funding these days, and although R&D has been slashed, BioTrue One Day and Ultra Monthly contact lenses are the newest on the market.
If they fail, contact lenses are done, if they succeed, slim chance of future product, but Valeant will likely just milk these for a decade. Or sell us off come summer (after Ultra is available to all US doctors/customers).
I love B&L - they can't keep a rep to go against me for more than 11 months for the past 6 years. Zeus? LOL - another swipe at a dying sector of lens wear with dated technology proven to be a DOG w BioTrue One Day
I love B&L - they can't keep a rep to go against me for more than 11 months for the past 6 years. Zeus? LOL - another swipe at a dying sector of lens wear with dated technology proven to be a DOG w BioTrue One Day

Zeus (Ultra) and BioTrue One Day share almost nothing in common, similar blisters, a few similar components and that is about it. BioTrue is what it is (high water content, daily disposable), Zeus (Ultra) is a paradigm shift for Bausch. Nothing about Zeus (Ultra) is dated, and it will make Oasis look old and tired.
Is mark McKinney still with vision care?

Oh god, he rode with me in my territory years ago, sat down with my biggest customer and came across as a pompous arrogant know it all. Pissed my OD off and he basically stopped ordering inventory. This account had one of the highest SLDD numbers in the nation at launch. I didn't make goal because of that. MK didn't even own up to what he did. Asshole.
Zeus (Ultra) and BioTrue One Day share almost nothing in common, similar blisters, a few similar components and that is about it. BioTrue is what it is (high water content, daily disposable), Zeus (Ultra) is a paradigm shift for Bausch. Nothing about Zeus (Ultra) is dated, and it will make Oasis look old and tired.

Keep dreaming. Enjoy your delusional world at, what... A 7 share?
Oh god, he rode with me in my territory years ago, sat down with my biggest customer and came across as a pompous arrogant know it all. Pissed my OD off and he basically stopped ordering inventory. This account had one of the highest SLDD numbers in the nation at launch. I didn't make goal because of that. MK didn't even own up to what he did. Asshole.

He is in way over his head and knows it - but is happy that Valeant keeps him around - but not for much longer I'm afraid...