I am kind of new to this company, but some of you need to grow up. You are right pp-how old are these people? Ive never seen anything like it. There are nothing but complaints on this board. that usually means a bunch of non working, non productive people with entitlement attitudes. "We should be making $125,000 + bonus to make 7 or 8 easy calls a day" just because we want it. Whine about the benefits, which, by the way are pretty darn good, whine about the new auto mileage policy-its the best company car I've ever had, whine about the stock-50% match up to 20%!!!
Can you for once in your adult life look at the bright side? Can you not be happy to be with a company that doesnt track your every move? Report each signature you get/or dont, track your 1st & last signature of eadh day and require explanations of everything that is more than 30 minutes off the median?
Do you realize how GOOD you have it here?
If not LEAVE, do not complain, just LEAVE!