The sale of Vision Care


If you are looking to buy B+L Vision Care put up a good offer and Valeant will take it. Valeant is a Pharma company not a Vision Care company. Don't want it, Don't need it, please buy it.
If you are looking to buy B+L Vision Care put up a good offer and Valeant will take it. Valeant is a Pharma company not a Vision Care company. Don't want it, Don't need it, please buy it.

I have made your appointment to appear on Mad Money, since you are so "in the know" of all things corporate. I wish I had your insite!
Mad Money does not care about Valeant. They only interview people from real companies that have real futures. |Valeant Ha.

It is such a pleasure working on the same team as you. I wish everyone was were so delightful! You have a great day, now, ya hear.

Really hope life gets better for you. You may want to consider other options in your career that would be more fulfilling for you. Or maybe your personal life is just as bad?
It is such a pleasure working on the same team as you. I wish everyone was were so delightful! You have a great day, now, ya hear.

Really hope life gets better for you. You may want to consider other options in your career that would be more fulfilling for you. Or maybe your personal life is just as bad?

Are you some kind of weird corporate psychologist hired by Valeant? None of these posts have anything to do about someone's personal life.

By the way. Valeant has ruined the personal life of thousands in 2013 by laying off indiscriminately. Perhaps Valeant upper management should have a good psycho analysis to make sure they are still capable of being in charge of people.
It is such a pleasure working on the same team as you. I wish everyone was were so delightful! You have a great day, now, ya hear.

Really hope life gets better for you. You may want to consider other options in your career that would be more fulfilling for you. Or maybe your personal life is just as bad?

What team are you on? The Pharma Cafe Team? The Mad Money Team? The Valeant is the best company in world team? The layoff and consolidate team? The fire and replace team? The life is great if you are Valeant corporate management team? The I am not a future Valeant layoff team?
I have $28 USD. Would like to purchase VC. I have great plans for this company. I'm going to put this out here, and I know you are all going to be like WTF , but under my leadership, I will guarantee $10,000. 00 in sales for 2014. Yes, you heard it correctly, ten thousand US American Dollars in sales. Who's in???
I have $28 USD. Would like to purchase VC. I have greaor salt plans for this company. I'm going to put this out here, and I know you are all going to be like WTF , but under my leadership, I will guarantee $10,000. 00 in sales for 2014. Yes, you heard it correctly, ten thousand US American Dollars in sales. Who's in???

What an idiot. Capacity expansions are underway in both Rochester & Waterford.
Valeant is putting $150 Million into manufacturing capacity for new products.

Does this sound like Vision Care for sale . NO.

Go crawl back into your dark cave.............
What an idiot. Capacity expansions are underway in both Rochester & Waterford.
Valeant is putting $150 Million into manufacturing capacity for new products.

Does this sound like Vision Care for sale . NO.

Go crawl back into your dark cave.............

150 million is peanuts. Also most of this is likely just a transfer of equipment from one plant to another. Boat trips to transfer the equipment cost significantly less than 150 million dollars.
Valeant has to show at least some minimal investment in VC or any prospective buyer will feel they are buying a dead business..(which it mostly is)
Pearson is not interested in contact lenses and said so in management calls..too low a margin and low growth...
He will sell it as fast as he can...and recoup any small investment made in the price...
150 million is peanuts. Also most of this is likely just a transfer of equipment from one plant to another. Boat trips to transfer the equipment cost significantly less than 150 million dollars.

Wrong again you idiot. This $150 Million (not peanuts) is for the purchase and installation of new equipment for the (2) Zeus production lines in Rochester. Also , plans are being prepared for a third .

New product development for contact lenses in Vision Care continues in Rochester NY

Manufacturing operations continue.
Pipe dream Rochester, pipe dream.
Wake up and smell some coffee before your clock is cleaned.
These are all games by Valeant.
They shut down their Scottsdale site after starting new equipment installation to triple their production. They also told Scottsdale site that it will grow to be 3 times greater in 2014 but it got shut down.
You will find out soon enough.
Pipe dream Rochester.
Valeant has to show at least some minimal investment in VC or any prospective buyer will feel they are buying a dead business..(which it mostly is)
Pearson is not interested in contact lenses and said so in management calls..too low a margin and low growth...
He will sell it as fast as he can...and recoup any small investment made in the price...

Has he ever sold anything? They keep repeating the same play book and selling divisions isn't part of their script.

Give up $B in sales? Tough to imagine.
Has he ever sold anything? They keep repeating the same play book and selling divisions isn't part of their script.

Give up $B in sales? Tough to imagine.

Also agree with this post .
Valeant will keep Vision Care and the $B in sales.

Zeus production in Rochester and One Day in Waterford will add to the bottom line .
Oh delusional...
Valeant never owned a contact lens type business before and certainly did not buy B+L to get the lens business.
It does not fit their business profile and Pearson hates it...$150m investment,,,he will recover that from new buyer or write it off as part of the cost of buying a company that had pieces that did not fit his future profile...
The only idiots are those who feel contact lenses has a future in Valeant.,..
Oh delusional...
Valeant never owned a contact lens type business before and certainly did not buy B+L to get the lens business.
It does not fit their business profile and Pearson hates it...$150m investment,,,he will recover that from new buyer or write it off as part of the cost of buying a company that had pieces that did not fit his future profile...
The only idiots are those who feel contact lenses has a future in Valeant.,..

And you & your best buddy Pearson sat around the other night discussing his hatred for contact lenses?
This is not about what they already have, its about growing their specialty portfolio and bringing in money. That's what companies do. Either they will keep it, or they won't. Speculating every possibility only serves to create fear, stress and unhappiness. Why do you all continue with this?
If you are not happy, move on. Stop trying to make everyone else miserable too. Everyone here is of adult age and should be responsible and smart enough to keep a resume current. If parts are sold off, it will be for the good of the buyer & seller and there is no way you can predict the outcomes for those involved.
Noone needs this negativity or people who thrive off creating drama and/from hypothetical situations
Oh delusional...
Valeant never owned a contact lens type business before and certainly did not buy B+L to get the lens business.
It does not fit their business profile and Pearson hates it...$150m investment,,,he will recover that from new buyer or write it off as part of the cost of buying a company that had pieces that did not fit his future profile...
The only idiots are those who feel contact lenses has a future in Valeant.,..

Delusional? Idiots? Someone has issues. Believe me, those who have an interest in lenses hope he sells. It can only be better.

I just don't believe he'll give up 10% of his sales by selling the unit. It's also likely that a buyer would want the B+L brand and MP covets that. Much more likely to try to unload the Surgical business.

I guess we'll see. I hope they break from their play book and sell.

In the meantime, try not to be so angry. I don't think you understand the eye health business.
What an idiot. Capacity expansions are underway in both Rochester & Waterford.
Valeant is putting $150 Million into manufacturing capacity for new products.

Does this sound like Vision Care for sale . NO.

Go crawl back into your dark cave.............

Waaa waaaa waaaaaa
Let's see. Currently a distant 4 in the CL industry. Some of the smaller CL companies such as Safigel have B+L in its sights to pass.
Thankfully, in my dark cave, I am able to sit back and be realistic. Enjoy your Kool Aid loser.
Waaa waaaa waaaaaa
Let's see. Currently a distant 4 in the CL industry. Some of the smaller CL companies such as Safigel have B+L in its sights to pass.
Thankfully, in my dark cave, I am able to sit back and be realistic. Enjoy your Kool Aid loser.

No R&D or marketing of contact lenses = absolute bottom of the market share list.