The S. FLA Crusader

Just a guy in S. FL that thinks outside the box, makes sense and takes on management in issues they want to take advantage of reps on. Unlike everybody else in pharm world he takes the way of pharm thinking outside the normal paradigm.

Dont worry he'll be gone like 1/2 the salesforce this year.

Hey, this is getting crazy! I copied and pasted this from the regional boards/Canada section. Check it out!


I am getting alot of info. on some rep in the southern portion of Fla (Miami) that is doing incredible things to change the way pharma runs in the U.S. I don't know alot of specifics but it sounds like he challenges all the stupid things they do and is considered a maverick of sorts. Sat in on a monthly coffeehouse rep meeting in Kitchener and everyone was trying to find out who this cat is and if he can share his approach with some of us up here. God knows we have our issues too.

Hey, this is getting crazy! I copied and pasted this from the regional boards/Canada section. Check it out!


I am getting alot of info. on some rep in the southern portion of Fla (Miami) that is doing incredible things to change the way pharma runs in the U.S. I don't know alot of specifics but it sounds like he challenges all the stupid things they do and is considered a maverick of sorts. Sat in on a monthly coffeehouse rep meeting in Kitchener and everyone was trying to find out who this cat is and if he can share his approach with some of us up here. God knows we have our issues too.

Maybe you can hire him as a consultant?

Who's next? England? Italy? This approach might be a good thing for THE WORLD of pharm reps

He screwed up that role play with Tcaps in front of company. Although glad it wasnt me.

Thats what you get when you get a Primary Care Product Manager who has never in her life seen an oncologist yet she cant get out of her mind role play..primary care role play is all Van Primarcarestein knows.

Funny shit.....Kim Van Primarycarestein

Not even S.FL Crusader aka MK can save us from the Compliance Bozo's watching our every move? Off label not off label? Lets have 100 MSLs go in for all off label usage.
Lets play babysit the babysitter!!

Maybe I joined late but who is the South Florida CCO Rep and what is he/she doing that is so incredible? I mean come on.......It is pharma sales. I don't think anyone is cracking any atoms! Fill me in.

Will this messiah be joining us in June for the national meetings?! I would love to meet him, take his sandals off and wash his feet as the ultimate sign of respect. I have a long list of issues that his excellency may be able to offer me some divine guidance on. I am in desperate need of spiritual intervention and am under the impression he can help. Oh Divine one, how will one recognize you? Will you be in a flowing white robe and walk upon palm fronds? Jesus befriended whores and criminals in an effort to change their hearts. Is this why you are employed at this unholiest of places?

Will this messiah be joining us in June for the national meetings?! I would love to meet him, take his sandals off and wash his feet as the ultimate sign of respect. I have a long list of issues that his excellency may be able to offer me some divine guidance on. I am in desperate need of spiritual intervention and am under the impression he can help. Oh Divine one, how will one recognize you? Will you be in a flowing white robe and walk upon palm fronds? Jesus befriended whores and criminals in an effort to change their hearts. Is this why you are employed at this unholiest of places?

My son, it is I, the S. Fla Crusader, one should not try to find the perfect company, but rather seeing an imperfect company perfectly my son.

Yes my son, I will be floating gently above the cascade marble floors in Chicago, while those in need of help gently grab my hand asking for the guidance much like yourself my son. But fear not, I hear your cry for help and shall bestow my grace upon your soul. Until then my son, I grant you happiness, health and peace.
S FL Crusader