The S. FLA Crusader


Many thanks to you my friend. MK is fighting for us all. Trying to change the simple primary care minds of Eisai management. Cars. Bonus. Etc...
Why cant he run the oncology division?
Sometimes his thoughts make all the sense in the world but the rest of us are to chicken shit to say whats on our minds.

Good luck and Thanks MK

Many thanks to you my friend. MK is fighting for us all. Trying to change the simple primary care minds of Eisai management. Cars. Bonus. Etc...
Why cant he run the oncology division?
Sometimes his thoughts make all the sense in the world but the rest of us are to chicken shit to say whats on our minds.

Good luck and Thanks MK

Totally agree. The frustrating part is that they let MK speak his mind as if they are really listening. Then they go behind closed doors and speak otherwise. If they were honest, they would cut him off during one of his rants, but the deceptive bastards are actors too.

Keep coming at them MK....we all know your heart and mind are in alignment with the realities of our situation.

I agree with both posts above. MK is not afraid to confront the current environment in hopes of making things better. We all feel the same but fail to voice it openly for fear of retribution. None of us ever contest what MK has to say and that alone is our way of saying "You're right!" Remember when we complained about the downgraded company cars? Personally, I could care less. I will take what is given. However, for some there are real comfort issues with smaller cars and large territories. Remember Trexler promising to do something about it? What happened? Did he ever get back to us individually or as a group? Just an example of what the poster said above about them pretending to listen and then doing nothing. Maybe it's in "committee"!

As much as I hate to say it, MK totally makes sense on so many issues.
He just has a knack for common sense, no BS, straight talk, whether you like it or not. MK has great business sense for a younger guy. Never had somebody in a company approach management on the big issues cars & compensation before, stand up and make great points.
The guy is prob successful cuz he has "big gonads" and can make great argumentative points that management cant do anything but really listen to him because they know he knows his shit and has proven it.
He should have been an attorney cause he's a bulldog.

MK is a jagoff. Sells more off label then a 2 dollar ho bag

Who cares?! He gets more "strange" than anyone in the entire company.............combined! Plus, if he does sell "off label" as you say, does that not prove the fact that we are wasting money by hiring PharmD's to try this? Let MK loose and the world will be a little rounder, rotate with less wobble, stop global warming and end world hunger. Women will walk with a spring in their step and a slight hitch in their giddy'up from saddle fatigue. For god's sake if this company would only realize the raw and untapped talent of this messiah, we might actually rise to the top of the Oncology world. I'm Andy Rooney and I approve of this message.

Who cares?! He gets more "strange" than anyone in the entire company.............combined! Plus, if he does sell "off label" as you say, does that not prove the fact that we are wasting money by hiring PharmD's to try this? Let MK loose and the world will be a little rounder, rotate with less wobble, stop global warming and end world hunger. Women will walk with a spring in their step and a slight hitch in their giddy'up from saddle fatigue. For god's sake if this company would only realize the raw and untapped talent of this messiah, we might actually rise to the top of the Oncology world. I'm Andy Rooney and I approve of this message.

LMAO big time!!

What does this mean though??
"He gets more "strange" than anyone in entire company"?

He screwed up that role play with Tcaps in front of company. Although glad it wasnt me.

Thats what you get when you get a Primary Care Product Manager who has never in her life seen an oncologist yet she cant get out of her mind role play..primary care role play is all Van Primarcarestein knows.

He screwed up that role play with Tcaps in front of company. Although glad it wasnt me.

Thats what you get when you get a Primary Care Product Manager who has never in her life seen an oncologist yet she cant get out of her mind role play..primary care role play is all Van Primarcarestein knows.

You must have NOT been there,he did a fine job, trying to K.I.S.S., for the benefit of all the NEW people in Onc.