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The REAL winners


Every time there is a layoff anywhere, there's always a thread about how "only the best" were retained. This isn't it. This thread is one of jealousy, because honestly, I think the real winners are those who got VEEP, those who got paid to go away and all those who have already left this sinking ship. Those left behind will ultimately be left with the check...Sanofi has become such a black hole of metrics and call plans and admin work...it's sad, really...


Every time there is a layoff anywhere, there's always a thread about how "only the best" were retained. This isn't it. This thread is one of jealousy, because honestly, I think the real winners are those who got VEEP, those who got paid to go away and all those who have already left this sinking ship. Those left behind will ultimately be left with the check...Sanofi has become such a black hole of metrics and call plans and admin work...it's sad, really...
No truer words! Sanofi was success do to the help of the large companies that they partners with. BMS led the ship with Plavix, Ambien was launched by Searle before Sanofi existed, and Aventis launched Lantus. The leaders at Sanofi have no clue and they aren't capable of strategic thinking for a non-socialist, American market. The people here are here because they are yes men that rise by the buddy system and not by competence. Not a single drug launch as been successful for Sanofi. They can't lead thus the partnerships with smaller companies always fail. To succeed, they need to partner with a Pfizer, AstraZeneca, BMS. Be glad if you are cut. Its really a blessing. That place is a pit in hell!

I think there are better divisions to work at in Sanofi unfortunately if you are in diabetes they truly want u to leave on your own. They are hiring low paid workers because the life cycle of products is at the end and the pipeline is dry.

No truer words! Sanofi was success do to the help of the large companies that they partners with. BMS led the ship with Plavix, Ambien was launched by Searle before Sanofi existed, and Aventis launched Lantus. The leaders at Sanofi have no clue and they aren't capable of strategic thinking for a non-socialist, American market. The people here are here because they are yes men that rise by the buddy system and not by competence. Not a single drug launch as been successful for Sanofi. They can't lead thus the partnerships with smaller companies always fail. To succeed, they need to partner with a Pfizer, AstraZeneca, BMS. Be glad if you are cut. Its really a blessing. That place is a pit in hell!

This is also true about the vaccine division. The leaders are a joke and know nothing about the business. But how they think they are so smart , esp mangers and the reps are sooo stupid

I am VEEP’d and outta here!! I have a new job and am so happy to leave this shitbag place of a company and all of the crappy “leaders” behind. I put in an honest effort and never gave more than I needed to this vampire of a company. I wish you all the very best. For all those in sales & marketing “leadership” go F yourselves and happy trails on the other side. You may be receiving some big packages but its not “F You” money and you will need to go out and get another job. My bet is that your incompetence will not fly for long if/when you land in your new gigs. You are all like de-clawed house cats released into the wild. Won’t take long for you to realize you were living in virtual reality for your entire careers

LOL!!! Declawed house cats?!!!! 1000% on point! Can’t imagine what the reaction will be when one of our top-tier marketers lays out a 400 page POA playbook, training rubric and a “simplified” 14 letter acronym for their new boss and gets laughed out of the room!!!!!!!!!

Agreed! That line is truth and pure gold!!! My counterpart and I are both happily outta here and he had said that “the marketing & leadership numbskulls are going to look like they just did the bat spin challenge for an hour when its time to get off the Sanofi carousel and actually get a real job and do some real work”

Some Things I wont miss:

My clueless ABL/RBL (any & all of them of them)
POA role playing & “War & Peace-sized” playbooks
Selling BS products with crappy materials and bad messaging
Toujeo & Oringdulph (condescending know nothing)
Soliqua & Mr KooKoo (a completely weird idiot)
Apidra & who the hell knows...
Michelle “I am a great leader, If you dont think so just look at my cool glasses” Carnahan
Any WebEx conducted by Marketing and the bad inside jokes
The entire training dept

Don't forget all the incompetent clueless leaders we worked under. For me it started with Viehabacher and Ann Whittacker. That was bad. Viehbacher fucked with diabetes and pointed the ship into the iceberg.

Scott O- enough said
Chris Kaplan- now that was quite a ride
Michelle- found her at a bus stop
Kristin Fink- a woman so veiled and hated by the salesforce. She could destroy a division or product as quick as Hitler.

Don't forget all the incompetent clueless leaders we worked under. For me it started with Viehabacher and Ann Whittacker. That was bad. Viehbacher fucked with diabetes and pointed the ship into the iceberg.

Scott O- enough said
Chris Kaplan- now that was quite a ride
Michelle- found her at a bus stop
Kristin Fink- a woman so veiled and hated by the salesforce. She could destroy a division or product as quick as Hitler.

And, on a less national scale, we will always be endeared to Paulie, AB, Napoleon,T-A S, and the rest of MA Management Team Of bygone years.

KooKoo is that whack job Kukulya who thinks his deuces don’t stink. I rode with that guy two yrs ago and it was the longest 4hrs of my life having to fake laugh at his stupid jokes and weird comments. That idiot should thank his stars that he’s at Sanofi. His next gig will be selling chili dogs out of a food truck.

Oringdulph is a special type of lunatic. Never sold a thing in her life and completely divorced from reality.

LOL!!!! This is spot on. Two of the many whack jobs Sanofi has held up as their finest over the years. BTW: 9AM on the East coast and I am enjoying my coffee and deciding what to watch on Netflix this morning. My VEEP Day cant come soon enough. On my last day I plan on smoking a cigar in my car with the windows up, placing fish under the front seat before I turn it in and will be sure to run over my laptop/iPad & throw it in my trunk along with the keys.

Before you put the fish under your seat you should gut it like in the movie Office Space. Not only will it stink but it is a fitting analogy to what the French as a whole and the entire, neverending cast of misfit toy- leadership clowns have done t this place

Wait, Sanofi still does Roll Playing? Please tell me they still don’t also have study halls the night before certification at meetings that everyone goes to?

Agreed! That line is truth and pure gold!!! My counterpart and I are both happily outta here and he had said that “the marketing & leadership numbskulls are going to look like they just did the bat spin challenge for an hour when its time to get off the Sanofi carousel and actually get a real job and do some real work”

Some Things I wont miss:

My clueless ABL/RBL (any & all of them of them)
POA role playing & “War & Peace-sized” playbooks
Selling BS products with crappy materials and bad messaging
Toujeo & Oringdulph (condescending know nothing)
Soliqua & Mr KooKoo (a completely weird idiot)
Apidra & who the hell knows...
Michelle “I am a great leader, If you dont think so just look at my cool glasses” Carnahan
Any WebEx conducted by Marketing and the bad inside jokes
The entire training dept

I have accepted my new job offer and now waiting on VEEP. I cant wait to to kick this shitbag company to the curb. If I wasn’t getting a payout I’d easily say this was the single worst career choice I have ever made. An awful place filled with awful people. I was here for 5 years, worked a solid 4 hour day and couldn’t give a rats a$$ about this place other than knowing that my benefits were intact and my direct deposits were made. This company never gave a crap about anyone so they shouldn’t be so shocked that no one, including myself, ever gave a crap about it. My only regret is that my neighbor’s name is “Larry” and looks just like that stupid bastard so I will likely never be able to scrub the Soliqua stain off of me until one of us moves!!!!!!!

Good luck to all, I truly mean it. To Sanofi- FU, hard!