The ration of reports to managers is the worst in the industry

Now, with all the shit coming down about GOALS for the remainder of the year, good fuckin' LUCK. You talk about a ghost town, as the opportunities around the industry become available.

I experienced the same treatment from an Oncology manager in the midwest. She is heartless and lacks compassion for people. My child was brought to the
Er after having a seizure while i was away at a meeting and when my manager found out what happened she said NOTHING! Wouldnt anyone with a heart say do you need to go home whatever you need to do is fine with me, but my loser of a manager just sat there and let me sit through two more days of meetings not caring if my daughter needed me or not. The worst is she is a mother herself, I feel sorry for her kids. I am not working for her anymore so if I ever see her I will make sure to tell her to kiss my a$$. QUOTE=Anonymous;3884067]You should be deeply troubled.

One person in sales at AMGEN had their 5 year old child who was brought to the ER on a Saturday, and eventually the Hospital said the child was in trouble and needed to stay overnight and potentially much longer. The Amgen employee was in shock, and shaken to the core. The Amgen employee was there overnight and into the next night worried sick-nothing in life mattered (not even Amgen at that point to this employee who thought the world of Amgen). Long story abbreviated, Employee and said child got home late Sunday night, Hospitalist/Medical Team said child needed close supervision and would be OK with a weeks rest in bed but if not brought to ER, child may have had permananent damage, or worse......

Rep let Manager know of situation over weekend since they were to ride together on Monday/Tuesday. Rep did not get in assigned paperwork when rep picked up Manager Monday morning, and Manager wrote rep up!!

In normal world, Manager says take the day and regroup, take care of your child, get yourself some rest, and get paperwork in when you can, probably Tuesday morning..??

Rep never said anything. Amgen Manager utilizes late paperwork as part of reason to put on plan at later date. Amgen supports managers decision all the way (this rep was #1 to quota, literally). Rep still loves Amgen, will work his way through Manager until next one.

This scenario was from a veteran whom I trust implicitly. Person wants nothing to do with Amgen and simply moved on. I am Amgen long timer in the field (10 + years) and am also looking, not because of this incident, but because this incident represents what Amgen has become. To the veteran rep, well, they felt it was a Manager issue, not an Amgen issue. Me, I feel it is an Amgen issue (there are sooo many more stories like this over the past 2-3 years that it not only sickens me, it scares me). I also have family to support and give my love to.

Thanks Amgen Field Sales VP's!

See you on the other side! I pray for y'all. Really do.

God Bless.[/QUOTE]

Anyone in the BHBU who is actually following the rules and selling with integrity is doing poorly! I'm right there with you. I've had my doctors ask me to fill out paperwork for them, etc., etc., but I refuse due to our "rules and regs." I know damn well reps are breaking rules every day just to make a sale at any cost because of the desperation and pressure from the top. Amgen tells us to *wink, wink* "do the right thing" but what they are consistently showing us is to sell at all costs and don't get caught! Disgusting and shameless!

No, mark my word, Amgen is going to get in some trouble here eventually! Let's think about it, we are promoting this drug for high risk patients. Seriously, with the quota of 50 for the first three months of the year, is that realistic (especially when there are issues with speciality pharmacies reporting)? No, now if we try to promote to other patients that are not included in the label, yes, it maybe possible. What about the OPM speaker programs? It amazes me how the speaker who has been used constantly for speaking is passing out EOB's with the complicated chemo code? Really Amgen? Is this right? My Manger and my RSD have BOTH talked to me in the past about letting on of my physicians know that they can do this and even mentioned that it had been done with another office in the region and it was okay and they had been paid-this was a repsonse when one of my Endo's said he wouldn't write Prolia because he wouldn't make any money off from it, he made money on Reclast. I'm telling you, this is NOT good. I do my job with integrity! I'm currenlty the last one in my district but I have saved all the messages that have come down discssing this and I'm building up my case when they decide to put me on a plan due to my numbers! It's just a matter of time, it will happen. I do not want anyone knocking at my door because I will definitely tell the truth. I have the emails, presentations to prove it!