The question is - why?


Since your question regards "anyone" you should ask the BleachBit Queen. Yeah, some of Hillary's were found on the laptop of convicted sexter and former democrat congressman's laptop.

Please reference the source of this pipe dream - go !!!

Are you seriously this detached from reality? Carlos Danger wants to know.

In May last year, the Archives reportedly realized that some important items from Trump’s presidency had not been transferred to the Archives. Upon coming to that realization, longtime Archives lawyer Gary Stern reached out to Trump’s team. Stern reportedly contacted a person from the White House counsel’s office, who was designated as the President Records Act point of contact, in an effort to locate the missing items and begin the process of transferring the materials back to the Archives.

Stern reportedly grew increasingly frustrated when several months of a back and forth with Trump’s team proved fruitless. But at one point, the Archives escalated its demand for documents to be turned over prompted an end to the impasse. The Archives notified a member of Trump’s team that it would alert both Congress and the Justice Department if documents weren’t turned over immediately.

The months-long impasse ended last month when Archives officials retrieved 15 boxes of Trump White House documents from Mar-a-Lago. Last week, the Archives confirmed to the Washington Post that it recovered Trump’s self-described “love letters” from North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un and the infamous Hurricane Dorian forecast map that Trump altered with a Sharpie to back up his false claim about the hurricane hitting Alabama. Additionally, the Archives reportedly retrieved former President Barack Obama’s departing message to Trump.

However, despite Trump claiming in a statement last week that that he had engaged in “collaborative and respectful” discussions with the Archives, the document turnover has “not been fully resolved.” Trump is still in possession of documents the Archives wants.

The Archives signaled that it was not done searching for more of Trump’s records in a statement last week.

“Former President Trump’s representatives have informed NARA that they are continuing to search for additional Presidential records that belong to the National Archives,” the Archives said.

Additionally, House Oversight Committee chair Carolyn Maloney (D-NY) launched an investigation last week into Trump’s handling of White House documents, following revelations that he had taken boxes of them to Mar-a-Lago.

Renewed concerns of the former president’s handling of government documents, including those that may be classified, come amid the Jan. 6 Select Committee’s investigation. The committee is looking through records from the National Archives to investigate Trump and his allies’ involvement in the Capitol insurrection last year.


...And henceforth elected the most demented and incompetent president in history. Funny how your blinders led you down such a hapless road.

Former President Donald Trump has now been ditched by his accounting firm, which says no one should rely on a decade's worth of financial statements it prepared for the business mogul. Meanwhile, Trump is selling his flagship Washington hotel. Add to this his monetizing his post-presidency in every imaginable way, and Trump looks like a man who has entered his desperate hours.

Former President Donald Trump has now been ditched by his accounting firm, which says no one should rely on a decade's worth of financial statements it prepared for the business mogul. Meanwhile, Trump is selling his flagship Washington hotel. Add to this his monetizing his post-presidency in every imaginable way, and Trump looks like a man who has entered his desperate hours.

...And henceforth elected the most demented and incompetent president in history. Funny how your blinders led you down such a hapless road.
Blah, blah, blah. Dementia and incompetence?? Really?? That’s all you got? You GOPs think repeating the same tired lame insults will somehow stick, but they won’t. All you bots can keep trying but you have nothing to back it up. Laughable!!

Blah, blah, blah. Dementia and incompetence?? Really?? That’s all you got? You GOPs think repeating the same tired lame insults will somehow stick, but they won’t. All you bots can keep trying but you have nothing to back it up. Laughable!!
You're such a dupe.

Brandon says his sanctions were never for preventing Puton from invading Ukraine. Meanwhile his VP, Gigling Patsuit says sanctions are and have always been about prevention. Brandon says they sanctions will be immediate and devastating, but they will take time. What are they saying???

You elected a really stupid version of the Keystone Cops.

Please give us the exact quote with citation. Go!

Coronavirus: Trump’s disinfectant and sunlight claims fact-checked

After the administrator, William N. Bryan, the head of science at the Department of Homeland Security, told the briefing that the agency had tested how sunlight and disinfectants — including bleach and alcohol — can kill the coronavirus on surfaces in as little as 30 seconds, an excited Mr. Trump returned to the lectern.

“Supposing we hit the body with a tremendous — whether it’s ultraviolet or just very powerful light,” Mr. Trump said. “And I think you said that hasn’t been checked, but we’re going to test it?” he added, turning to Mr. Bryan, who had returned to his seat. “And then I said, supposing you brought the light inside the body, either through the skin or some other way.”

Apparently reassured that the tests he was proposing would take place, Mr. Trump then theorized about the possible medical benefits of disinfectants in the fight against the virus.

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“And then I see the disinfectant where it knocks it out in a minute — one minute — and is there a way we can do something like that by injection inside, or almost a cleaning?” he asked. “Because you see it gets in the lungs and it does a tremendous number on the lungs, so it would be interesting to check that.”

Experts have long warned that ultraviolet lamps can harm humans if used improperly — when the exposure is outside the body, much less inside. The link between ultraviolet light and skin cancer is well established. Bleach and other disinfectants may kill microbes but they also can kill humans if swallowed or if fumes are too powerful. That is why bottles of bleach and other disinfectants carry sharp warnings of ingestion dangers.

Mr. Trump’s comments prompted an explosion of warnings about the dangers of any improvised remedies. Emergency management officials in Washington State posted a warning on Twitter. “Please don’t eat tide pods or inject yourself with any kind of disinfectant,” they wrote, before urging the public to rely only on official medical advice about Covid-19. “Just don’t make a bad situation worse.”

The maker of the disinfectants Lysol and Dettol also issued a statement on Friday warning against the improper use of their products. “As a global leader in health and hygiene products, we must be clear that under no circumstance should our disinfectant products be administered into the human body (through injection, ingestion or any other route),” the company said.

By Friday morning, the White House press secretary, Kayleigh McEnany, issued a statement: “President Trump has repeatedly said that Americans should consult with medical doctors regarding coronavirus treatment, a point that he emphasized again during yesterday’s briefing. Leave it to the media to irresponsibly take President Trump out of context and run with negative headlines.”

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In the afternoon, Mr. Trump suggested that he was just kidding. “I was asking sarcastically to reporters just like you to see what would happen,” he told journalists as he signed the latest coronavirus relief bill into law.

At the Thursday briefing, Mr. Trump had assailed a reporter who expressed concern that people might “think they would be safe by going outside in the heat considering that so many people are dying in Florida.”

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On Friday the White House also sent a corrected briefing transcript, which initially misrepresented Dr. Birx’s response. The Thursday transcript quoted Dr. Birx as saying, “That is a treatment”; the corrected version clarified that she indeed said, “Not as a treatment.”

which he has promoted as a “what have you got to lose” remedy.

But some of his recommendations, however, have had disastrous effects. Last month, an Arizona man died and his wife was hospitalized after the couple ingested a cleaning product that contained chloroquine.

As the pandemic has spread to countries experiencing hot weather, including Australia and Iran, some groups have investigated whether the warmer summer season would slow the virus. Early this month, a committee of the National Academy of Sciences looked exclusively at humidity and temperature and found that they would have a minimal impact on the virus.

At the Thursday briefing, Mr. Bryan said that the novel coronavirus dies rapidly when exposed to sunlight, high temperatures and humidity. He cited experiments the agency had conducted at a high-security laboratory in Frederick, Md.

“Our most striking observation to date is the powerful effect that solar light appears to have on killing the virus — both surfaces and in the air,” Mr. Bryan said. “We’ve seen a similar effect with both temperature and humidity as well, where increasing the temperature and humidity, or both, is generally less favorable to the virus.”

The sunlight finding was no surprise to life scientists who, for many decades, have reported that ultraviolet light — an invisible but energetic part of the sun’s electromagnetic spectrum — can damage DNA, kill viruses and turn human skin cells from healthy to cancerous.

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For public health, the big challenge is widening such narrow laboratory findings so they take into account how the global environment and its changing weather and endless nuances can impact the overall result — most especially on the question of whether the virus that causes Covid-19 will diminish in the summer. This week, a pair of ecological modelers at the University of Connecticut reported evidence that balmy weather may indeed slow the coronavirus, but not enough to do away with the social-distancing measures advised by public health officials.

the panel said, “environmental conditions can be controlled, but almost always the conditions fail to adequately mimic those of the natural setting.”

Katie Rogers contributed reporting.

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