Not sure your view makes sense. Bulks, rebates, etc. are discounted pricing schemes and have nothing to do with driving down ASP's and has been going on for 25 yrs by all companies. You are clearly not exposed or experienced at contract pricing. You are missing the point and that is my point. BIO is lured into these contract negotiations where they have never done any business but they want to get in so the Hospital comes up with rediculous pricing, sometimes intitiated by BIO, who is so eager to get in, and the hospital then sends out to the big 3 that if they want to be on contract at that facility they all must agree to this rediculous pricing. BIO is the first to jump at the chance and I am aware of several contracts where this has happened and MDT refused to the pricing in multiple contracts this year. Maybe your 10+ yrs of experience has been limited to a very small peep hole but MDT has stood its' ground and been complimented by competitors for sticking to their guns.
I am aware of such a case where BIO got on contract after being the first to agree to rediculous pricing and have done a total of 5 pacers in 5 months which is less than 2% of total implants at that account. What is equally laughable is that BIO hired 2 clinical rejects from the big 3 that were about to lose their jobs and made one a rep in anticipation of increased business and for what? $20k worth of pacer business over 5 mos??? Bravo!