Flemming is a bully and acts like one. A lot of bullies are people who were bullied themselves. It's just that now that they're in a position of power they feel comfortable to prey on the weaker.

Could it be that you do not know the difference between a good Leader and a bully? An incompetent subordinate often times has issues with differentiating between the two.

I agree that most of the people on this site just complain. Getting tired of hearing all the complaints which makes me wonder if they, and not Fleming are the problem?
What’s happening at Galderma is soul destroying. Employees are complaining based on facts. So many share the same opinion, it cannot be an isolated case of frustration. Maybe you are so far from the “top” that you do not realize what’s going on (yet).
The more intelligence you have, the more you will hate this place and the leaders destroying Galderma. Intelligent people move on. I guess I am not that smart yet, but I am looking for a new job.

Flemming is an educated sociopath who thinks his shit don't stink. Arrogance beyond belief. He cares for no-one except himself. He uses people and throws everyone else under the bus who doesn't meet his ivy league standards.

Flemming is an educated sociopath who thinks his shit don't stink. Arrogance beyond belief. He cares for no-one except himself. He uses people and throws everyone else under the bus who doesn't meet his ivy league standards.
His so called A players are running Galderma into the ground. Business is dying in many markets.