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The problem at Lilly from an old timers perspective

Like the guy twirling the sign out front.

There lies the problem. Drs. see us as just as an annoying "sign twirler".

Why? Because of the quality of reps we now hire just to save a few bucks in the short term. Most new reps today Lack of knowledge and the intellect to carry on decent conversations with physicians.

It use to be Lilly reps had to have a pharmacy or nursing degree and were the highest respected reps of the any other pharmaceutical company. But in order to retain such talent now, one would have to pay a quality rep around 90K-120K. But in the long run the company would benefit.

What Dr. wants to see some gel headed goof ball these days? They don't want to waste their time on the circus we put in front of them. Just let em sign and get the numb nuts out of here. The quicker the better.

There lies the problem. Drs. see us as just as an annoying "sign twirler".

Why? Because of the quality of reps we now hire just to save a few bucks in the short term. Most new reps today Lack of knowledge and the intellect to carry on decent conversations with physicians.

It use to be Lilly reps had to have a pharmacy or nursing degree and were the highest respected reps of the any other pharmaceutical company. But in order to retain such talent now, one would have to pay a quality rep around 90K-120K. But in the long run the company would benefit.

What Dr. wants to see some gel headed goof ball these days? They don't want to waste their time on the circus we put in front of them. Just let em sign and get the numb nuts out of here. The quicker the better.

This is a true post. But if you are going to carry on an intelligent conversation, are you going to provide an intelligent choice of alternatives?

There lies the problem. Drs. see us as just as an annoying "sign twirler".

Why? Because of the quality of reps we now hire just to save a few bucks in the short term. Most new reps today Lack of knowledge and the intellect to carry on decent conversations with physicians.

It use to be Lilly reps had to have a pharmacy or nursing degree and were the highest respected reps of the any other pharmaceutical company. But in order to retain such talent now, one would have to pay a quality rep around 90K-120K. But in the long run the company would benefit.

What Dr. wants to see some gel headed goof ball these days? They don't want to waste their time on the circus we put in front of them. Just let em sign and get the numb nuts out of here. The quicker the better.

I agree , I have a MS in Biochem and finished in the Top 10 % for the last three years. I was reallocated in 2013, my Drs appreciated me because we talked science I drilled deep with moa and they told me that it was refreshing for a change. Lilly is really corrupt, thanks John.

I agree , I have a MS in Biochem and finished in the Top 10 % for the last three years. I was reallocated in 2013, my Drs appreciated me because we talked science I drilled deep with moa and they told me that it was refreshing for a change. Lilly is really corrupt, thanks John.

I'm still with the organization and have a masters degree in a science as well. I talk science, disease state and competitors all the x. Except when we are with my manager. He wants me to act like a robot and we ask the Dr. questions like," what's your favorite hobby" and, " how can we provide value to you today?" After he leaves I call them all to apologize and we laugh and discuss what a dope the guy is. Lilly doesn't realize how none of the customer even want to see the reps because we stopped hiring talent or permitting reps to provide customers info that help them in their practices.

Here how I see what has happened at Lilly. When I joined the company in the mid 1970's, it was run by Pharmacists and Scientists. These people had perspectives on medicine, physicians, and patients. Somewhere along the line, the company got away from being run by scientists, physicians,pharmacists, and instead, started incorporating big school MBA's into the mix. We got guys like Jordan, Crenshaw, Tupman, a bunch of OUS types who didn't understand the US, the stars of the Evista team, Symbyax, etc. who couldn't use common sense to save their butts. They truly didn't understand the markets, or our customers. Mostly, they polished apples and kissed ass instead of running the company. As a result, we saw massive lawsuits, inept marketing, product failures at launch and personnel decisions that where, at best, criminal. Promotions were based on what you are, rather than what you have done. Probably the worst thing these inept managers did was to expand the sales forces to a size that our customers refused to see us anymore. (Lilly wasn't the only ones guilty of this.) As a result, a really good company is suffering. Until they turn the company back over to those truly involved in medicine, we will ultimately fail. MBA's (of which I am one,) are not appropriate to run this type of business.

Best post ever! I remember those days well b/c I was one of the ones that was called on and Lilly reps were different and well respected. It is a shame what greed does
to a fabulous company.

The problem is upper management doesn't truly understand the business, it's too difficult for them. The only training they have received is from Lilly's feeble previous leadership. The top guy thinks filling the pipeline to the max with unproven molecules is all he needs to do to be successful. Sorry John running a corporation is much more than that. Unfortunately when talks he sounds like a politician rather than an intelligent business man. He just ain't got the juice.

The problem is upper management doesn't truly understand the business, it's too difficult for them. The only training they have received is from Lilly's feeble previous leadership. The top guy thinks filling the pipeline to the max with unproven molecules is all he needs to do to be successful. Sorry John running a corporation is much more than that. Unfortunately when talks he sounds like a politician rather than an intelligent business man. He just ain't got the juice.

It sounds you know something about business. Good for you, good for us.

This is a true post. But if you are going to carry on an intelligent conversation, are you going to provide an intelligent choice of alternatives?

Here you go: Go back to hiring class. Reps with experience, pharmacists and nurses who are credible.
Yes, even if it means hiring middle aged reps. Invest in knowledge.
Go retro. Retro Reps.

The problem is upper management doesn't truly understand the business, it's too difficult for them. The only training they have received is from Lilly's feeble previous leadership. The top guy thinks filling the pipeline to the max with unproven molecules is all he needs to do to be successful. Sorry John running a corporation is much more than that. Unfortunately when talks he sounds like a politician rather than an intelligent business man. He just ain't got the juice.

He sounds like the bumbling, failed hack that he is. When his mouth is open, food goes in and lies come out.

Here you go: Go back to hiring class. Reps with experience, pharmacists and nurses who are credible.
Yes, even if it means hiring middle aged reps. Invest in knowledge.
Go retro. Retro Reps.

To do what old timer? We don't sell anymore. We are a nuisance in the offices and can barely get a Dr to give us a signature for the hundreds of dollars of free meds we leave them every visit.

Back in your day reps were a resource. These days we are nothing but UPS drivers and can't even be caterers anymore.

This is the real reason why Lilly isn't investing in top notch talent anymore. They want basically Source Force quality reps who will do this menial labor for a low base salary and almost no bonus checks. Have you seen the reps we are hiring these days? We are recruiting out of Office Max, Verizon Wireless and Target for gosh sakes. And your asking why we aren't hiring pharmacists?? Lmao! The good reps have or are leaving because they can't stand it anymore. So we are left with reps who can't get a job anywhere else and these new rock bottom hires.

They have no desire to hire pharmacists etc.. Why would they? We don't get time with the Drs and when we do Lilly doesn't let us sell or answer any questions except whats on the label. They can read that themselves.

Whole different world and company old timer. Be glad you got out when you did. It would make you sick. Some people have to stick it out because they only have a few years left. Problem is that no one even knows if any of us will have jobs by then. Might be holding on for nothing the way this company is going.

To do what old timer? We don't sell anymore. We are a nuisance in the offices and can barely get a Dr to give us a signature for the hundreds of dollars of free meds we leave them every visit.

Back in your day reps were a resource. These days we are nothing but UPS drivers and can't even be caterers anymore.

This is the real reason why Lilly isn't investing in top notch talent anymore. They want basically Source Force quality reps who will do this menial labor for a low base salary and almost no bonus checks. Have you seen the reps we are hiring these days? We are recruiting out of Office Max, Verizon Wireless and Target for gosh sakes. And your asking why we aren't hiring pharmacists?? Lmao! The good reps have or are leaving because they can't stand it anymore. So we are left with reps who can't get a job anywhere else and these new rock bottom hires.

They have no desire to hire pharmacists etc.. Why would they? We don't get time with the Drs and when we do Lilly doesn't let us sell or answer any questions except whats on the label. They can read that themselves.

Whole different world and company old timer. Be glad you got out when you did. It would make you sick. Some people have to stick it out because they only have a few years left. Problem is that no one even knows if any of us will have jobs by then. Might be holding on for nothing the way this company is going.

FWIW, the PhDs in the labs don't have it any better. Every single minute for 10+ hours a day is accounted for in one way or another. This company can only run as long as there is no other game in town. Hasn't it always been that way?

Of course now, it's not only the only game in town, but the game is outsourced to the cheapest taxed production globally. We are screwed and management knows it.

Get used to it or get out I guess. Just be sure you have couple years savings stashed away. The future careers of the US economy may be part-time only.

To do what old timer? We don't sell anymore. We are a nuisance in the offices and can barely get a Dr to give us a signature for the hundreds of dollars of free meds we leave them every visit.

Back in your day reps were a resource. These days we are nothing but UPS drivers and can't even be caterers anymore.

This is the real reason why Lilly isn't investing in top notch talent anymore. They want basically Source Force quality reps who will do this menial labor for a low base salary and almost no bonus checks. Have you seen the reps we are hiring these days? We are recruiting out of Office Max, Verizon Wireless and Target for gosh sakes. And your asking why we aren't hiring pharmacists?? Lmao! The good reps have or are leaving because they can't stand it anymore. So we are left with reps who can't get a job anywhere else and these new rock bottom hires.

They have no desire to hire pharmacists etc.. Why would they? We don't get time with the Drs and when we do Lilly doesn't let us sell or answer any questions except whats on the label. They can read that themselves.

Whole different world and company old timer. Be glad you got out when you did. It would make you sick. Some people have to stick it out because they only have a few years left. Problem is that no one even knows if any of us will have jobs by then. Might be holding on for nothing the way this company is going.

Sad and true. This industry focused on quantity of reps not quality and the Drs figured it out after the novelty of beautiful, young people wore off. They don't have time for " fluff" but they do make time for people who they trust, treat the staff well and who they consider knowledgeable.
I predict companies will continue to downsize.

Executives at Lilly are only concerned with themselves and their wallets. They don't care about the science or the people. I started in the late 80s and it was a very different place. Most have no values or character. JL, DR, SF are the demise of the company

Executives at Lilly are only concerned with themselves and their wallets. They don't care about the science or the people. I started in the late 80s and it was a very different place. Most have no values or character. JL, DR, SF are the demise of the company

The whole corrupt, lying PM system is there to keep everyone in their place.

When you are hired, there is a plan for you. There will be no deviations.

If you think you'll ever find any fairness here, think again, or better yet, don't think at all.

It just hurts to think about these things

The whole corrupt, lying PM system is there to keep everyone in their place.

When you are hired, there is a plan for you. There will be no deviations.

If you think you'll ever find any fairness here, think again, or better yet, don't think at all.

It just hurts to think about these things

SF from Biomed SouthWest is going down thanks to RD. Hurray !!

Executives at Lilly are only concerned with themselves and their wallets. They don't care about the science or the people. I started in the late 80s and it was a very different place. Most have no values or character. JL, DR, SF are the demise of the company

Dude, gotta go back farther. RT, ST, AC, GS, BC, RP, MD.