The Plan

Wahh, I am so scared. Doctors can do what they want. They come find me in my territory because they know we have a medical miracle in the powder.
Hair regen docs calling me, patient shelling out the cash.
Orthos calling me for OA injections, patients shelling out the cash.
It is crazy and I love it. If you can't hang you've gotta go, acell didn't destroy yor family and career, they gave you a chance to be part of something special. You couldn't cut it, you couldn't tell people about the miracles we see across the country everyday. You suck, go back to a me too and deal with the fact that you aren't a revolution.


Wahh, I am so scared. Doctors can do what they want. They come find me in my territory because they know we have a medical miracle in the powder.
Hair regen docs calling me, patient shelling out the cash.
Orthos calling me for OA injections, patients shelling out the cash.
It is crazy and I love it. If you can't hang you've gotta go, acell didn't destroy yor family and career, they gave you a chance to be part of something special. You couldn't cut it, you couldn't tell people about the miracles we see across the country everyday. You suck, go back to a me too and deal with the fact that you aren't a revolution.

I hope this is sarcasm.

Hair restoration docs calling? Orthos wanting to do OA injections? Medical miracle? You must not only have great clinical data you are showing but a personal FDA approval to sell off label! You smoking this stuff?

you guys on this board aren't too quick. acell policy is clear. no off-label promotion allowed, period. every rep was trained on that policy, and then we had to certify in writing that they will follow it. as far as docs are concerned, its called the practice of medicine. they can do what they want. off label use is not the same thing as off label promotion.

Looking back the only thing I can see that camel boy did wrong was hire a bunch of zeroes. Bunch of whiny little posters who sit on this site all day. I hear they are hiring at the kiosk in the mall selling pre paid wireless plans. Go try and work there and let us potato chip fans, camel boy man purse wearers have some fun.

Looking back the only thing I can see that camel boy did wrong was hire a bunch of zeroes. Bunch of whiny little posters who sit on this site all day. I hear they are hiring at the kiosk in the mall selling pre paid wireless plans. Go try and work there and let us potato chip fans, camel boy man purse wearers have some fun.

Yeah, that's the problem. (Laugh) Keep doing what you're doing. It should be fun to see how it all works out.

you guys on this board aren't too quick. acell policy is clear. no off-label promotion allowed, period. every rep was trained on that policy, and then we had to certify in writing that they will follow it. as far as docs are concerned, its called the practice of medicine. they can do what they want. off label use is not the same thing as off label promotion.

I'm a little confused here. We're trained not to promote products for off label use in one session and then in another trained to convince docs to use plenty of powdah virtually everywhere. Does the left hand know what the right hand is doing? Does legal or regulatory ever listen in on Bladder Matters? Of course docs can do what they want but if all the managers believed that, why are they training us to push off label use? That's called "off label promotion" by the way.

I believe the corporate stance is that if a correspondence contains the phrase "For Internal Use Only" or "Not For Distribution" that it absolved them of any legal ramifications, this is not true.
The taped Bladder Matters are priceless! You hear one thing and think that it could not get any worse then 10 minutes later it gets worse. "Sell by the gram" is priceless, thanks JH.
The waters are so muddy that I doubt many of the new reps even know what is off label anymore. "Powder then close" is off label people! Doesn't matter what case you're doing.
So not to be labeled a "whiner" let's discuss real, undeniable fraud: Surgical Convenience Packs. A hospital purchases a product, then the MD takes "leftover" product out of hospital and then uses product in his office? Whos idea was this? Imagine if the MD then billed for applying a product that he did not purchase. Classic! Everyone gets in trouble.
I would like to hear a retort from one of the All-Stars on my last point and please let us know how may SCP's you have sold.

are any of the taped bladder matters from the last year? i've been with the company for a year, and i'm not sure i hear what you guys are smoking. selling tons of product is what every pharma and device company in the history of the world has aimed to do, and what they have encouraged reps to do. since our salaries are commission based, we really don't need much encouragement, if you feel me.

as for off-label, promote at your own risk. none of the stuff corporate tells us to do or gives us to promote is off-label. promoting tons of sales is one thing, promoting off-label another, and off-label use by docs still a whole different thing.

if you want to do promote off label yourself, you're risking your own future, but don't try and take down my job with your b.s. the economy sucks and i'm happy to be here with a stable job.