The Meeting

Did the company strike a deal with Nature Valley Granola? The only thing to eat was those dry-as-bone oat bars. They suck. Overall the food was pathetic. I remember having a nice, sit down dinner during the awards ceremony, at past NSM. I guess they spent all the budget to rent out the Grand Ole Opry...what a dump.

I would love to know who wrote this crap. Any of our superiors who are worth a damn know this is just a waste of time. This place is a joke. There are reps at other labs making $200k,$300k,$400k+ and they work 5 hours per day. No senseless Sales Force. Just get out there and sell. I'm gathering my entel and will be gone shortly. The deal is done. The competition will have all the wonderful news from this great meeting soon......not that it will be worth a damn. Go drink some more Cool Aide you loser.

Did the company strike a deal with Nature Valley Granola? The only thing to eat was those dry-as-bone oat bars. They suck. Overall the food was pathetic. I remember having a nice, sit down dinner during the awards ceremony, at past NSM. I guess they spent all the budget to rent out the Grand Ole Opry...what a dump.


Yeah great. Meetings from 8 - 5 then dinner with a bunch of people I don't want to be around. Don't you have a life?..
You don't deserve to be at Quest and clearly aren't cut out for sales, or even work for that matter.
Sales IS exactly the things you state you don't like about the meeting. Save us all. Leave.

Seriously, you weren't starved. Quest spends a lot to train you, employee you,and create a team atmosphere.
Appreciate what you have.
Or go start your own company.

They also spend a lot on hiring more leadership and bull shit consultants than they do on treating their employees with respect and dignity. I'm sorry, but I guess I missed the team atmosphere aura while I was digging my brain out of the pile of BS that was clogging my cranium. And although I don't feel starting my own company is what I wish to do in the future, I do appreciate that this company's lack of insight and loss of dignity will soon come back to bite them in the ass....horrible management, horrible benefits, horrible pay---yeah, just what is needed to keep employees dedicated.

They also spend a lot on hiring more leadership and bull shit consultants than they do on treating their employees with respect and dignity. I'm sorry, but I guess I missed the team atmosphere aura while I was digging my brain out of the pile of BS that was clogging my cranium. And although I don't feel starting my own company is what I wish to do in the future, I do appreciate that this company's lack of insight and loss of dignity will soon come back to bite them in the ass....horrible management, horrible benefits, horrible pay---yeah, just what is needed to keep employees dedicated.

You are obviously an underachieving malcontent whose failure is entirely too predictable.

They also spend a lot on hiring more leadership and bull shit consultants than they do on treating their employees with respect and dignity. I'm sorry, but I guess I missed the team atmosphere aura while I was digging my brain out of the pile of BS that was clogging my cranium. And although I don't feel starting my own company is what I wish to do in the future, I do appreciate that this company's lack of insight and loss of dignity will soon come back to bite them in the ass....horrible management, horrible benefits, horrible pay---yeah, just what is needed to keep employees dedicated.

So true and add in no appreciation for long service employees.