It's almost like none of you even know what happened. Amarin didnt lose its reduce it patents, it lost its marine patents. You know, the one that indicates high trigs. Generics cannot sell a generic that indicates cvd reduction. In fact the generics wanted to ban the reduce it study from the trial all together. The issue is now the generics can come in and sell the exact same drug and hope the docs prescribe it off label for cvd instead of amrn. The high trig market is already saturated. Also the rest of the world is still under Amarins patents so this doesnt effect any one but the US. You guys need to do more research for Pete's sake. It isnt over. Amrn does have 3 options. 1. Sell the company. And yes they can because they still have exclusivity to the rest of the world. And they also can still sell in the US just like Lipitor does after patent expiration. 2. They can appeal. 3. They can try to settle with the generics. You cant guage the severity off a stock market over reaction, you need to use that brain God gave you.