The Future of Legalization is Bright

The momentum of the movement is fascinating. People are coming out of the woodwork in support of what has long been a known fact. Were Mc Cain not so old, he would likely approve too as his daughter is on board with it (and probably his wife). Along those lines, a few months ago, it was time for me to get a new Rx (we need one annually in CA) and I looked online for a clinic closer to where I lived. The first name and photo that popped up was one of my previous vaccine customers - the most prominent pediatrician in the county. The trend is our friend.

Governor: Colorado pot market exceeds tax hopes

. . . And a since banned RP was saying there would no economic benefits from legalization - Go figure.

There are always gloom and doomers and naysayers. They tend to base it on THEIR interpretation of the bible or on their politics. They have also ALL benefitted from the absurd 'War on Drugs'. We just need to ignore them and forge ahead. Here's another funny one. Some guy saying what terrible things will happen if America starts using pot routinely. Hell, half of America has used it routinely since the 60s (which is 50 years) and we still see negative effects of alcohol without a single death from pot. Who do these bozos think they are anyway?