The FEDS are coming!!!! The FEDS are coming!!

Why would we? We were treated like shit from people that thrived on power, manipulation, greed, and common indecency. The two at the top were boffing each other and were planning to get to the CEO and President spot with whatever means they needed. Their scheme has now backfired and all those they screwed over are going to get sweet (but true) revenge. "Vengence is mine" sayith the Lord....and sometimes we puts it in the hands of his flock.

Bye,Bye upper management....I wonder how you will look in stripes?

BTW- How badly do you think JM is begging PL to settle right now? All I kept hearing about is how brilliant he is....doesn't seem to smart right now.

I'm and ex employee and I am giving them everything they need. I hope this goes to trial because I can't wait to see the look on those POS's when they see my ass walk in. What comes around goes around!

Uh, maybe because they've been promoting Megace ES off label in elderly and cancer patients for the last 4 years? Are you stupid? JM and NG orchestrated the whole thing including their rise to the top as the other poster mentioned. Weren't they also responsible for the products that Forest recently got in trouble for? They should both be in jail. Maybe they'll be allowed conjugal visits.

This is the funniest post of the year!. Anyway, I will repsond to idiot Ranbaxy posts on here because the fools at the top want the ranbaxy post to continue to take away from all other posts on this board. Let's look at the dumbest post that was just put out.

"If the allegations were true then Par would have to respond with a statement."

Are your kidding me? The allegations are sealed. Do you here me "SEALED" this means that nobody at Par knows why the Feds are looking into them or who filed the case? For all Par knows it could be a current employee that has filed the case. Until it goes to court, those documents will continue to be sealed. The only people that Par management know that have been contacted are actual Par employees. Any former employees contacted are just rumor and only the Feds know who they have contacted.

The fact that the Feds are asking questions means Par is screwed. Here is what will happen from here.
1) The Feds will never go away. It will only ge worse.
2) They will continue to build their case and once they have more information they will subponea every document you can imagine.
3) If you work for Par and you have deleted anything off of your computer the last couple of days you may be in big trouble. I can see it know, NG & JM shredding everything together in their offices between boffs.
4) What has started this investigation is immaterial. Once subpomeas start, the Feds will find something.
5) It may take a few years but Par will settle. Too risky not too. If they decide to take it to court, PL, JM, NG, GC, BH will never work again.

If you think this is not true then just do your own homework as to what happaned to Tap, Schering, Cephalon etc. during their investigations. This is just the start folks.

BTW- The moron who said "vengance will destroy you" doesn't understand the difference between vengance and justice. Vengance does destroy people that is why vengance is in the hand of the Lord. The Lord often uses his people to deliver his vengance through the truth. Those people that will testify will only be telling the truth and not getting vengance. That, however, will be an inevitable result. The fact that this is happening is proof that God does control everything and evil will be destroyed. Those that lust for power, money, sex, etc will eventually be destroyed but it is in God's time. Those that have committed crimes will be discovered and God will assure they get their punishment. Some of us are happy about that and that yes is a sin but something I am sure God will easily forgive.

God Bless to all of those good people out there.

"Every drug has off-lable marketing" was the latest brilliant response. H'mmm now you admit it but the problem is most drugs have off-label use NOT off-label marketing. Big difference. Also not 99% of marketing is off-label like this company

Here is the latest stroke of brilliance
"you are putting at risk the remaining jobs at par
we were sorry to see you go and you have let your wild imagination take over
that generous salary package and benefits are history so you blew it
now vengance takes over and your attempt to coach remaining par employees is deplorable and is further proof the decision to let you go was correct and long overdue"

We will disect this one sentence at a time.
I am putting the jobs remaining at par at risk? Now that doesn't sound like someone that is accepting any responsibility does it? So let's see, if I turned in an illegal drug ring and the drug dealers were convicted and put in jail, had to pay fines, and their assets were seized it would be my fault that these criminals could no longer operate their business? It wouldn't matter that what they were doing was illegal? Do you get your screwy logic? The fact is I didn't turn them in but I am a witness and I will tell the truth. Do you have a problem with people telling the truth? It sounds to me like you want people to hold back evidence which will get them in even more trouble. The fact remains that the people that put the jobs af everyone at Par at risk are PL, JM, NG, GC, & BH. The drunk had nothing to do with this but is now making it worse.

"we were sorry to see you go and you have let your wild imagination take over"
Really, seems to me by the next sentence it seems you wish I was still around, so which is it? Wild imagination, me? I think you need to look in the mirror and realize what has hit you. You are being investigated by the Feds and that is bad shit. You need to wake up my friend. They don't mess around and if you think this is all an imagination you need to wake up from your fantasy world.

"that generous salary package and benefits are history so you blew it"
I have a better salary and benefits package now and I work for an ethical company that is not being investigated for off-label still work there an I don't...who blew it?

"now vengance takes over and your attempt to coach remaining par employees is deplorable"
Already explained to your feabile mind the difference between vengence and justice in a previous post. Some one has to coach the employees on what to do right because surely you will not. Coaching them to come forward to the feds if they have information that will help them in their investigation is not deplorable it is the right thing to do and it is the LEGAL thing they have to do.

"and is further proof the decision to let you go was correct and long overdue"
Best thing to ever happen to me my friend. Now if you stuck to your original guns and said this will all blow over and is no big deal why would you worry about what I write on here? Why would you worry about employees going to the feds if you thought they didn't have any evidence? Why would you worry about people getting revenge if everything over there was done legally? How would everyone's jobs be at risk if you are all so clean and innocent? The truth? You know you are not innocent. You know you have al been lying to employees fo ryears telling them it was legal what they were doing when it wasn't. Now the piper has called an they are going to make yo pay. Sounds to me like someone is scared. Do you want your binky? whaaa, whaaaa

Most recent brilliance

"one investigator, no substance to charges, coming from a former displaced disgruntled employee"

Back to what I said before, if not worried then you would have stuck to your original guns, look like you took my advice. First of all, the investigator is right in yoru own back yard. The "one" investigator is back by a team of federal agents across the country. So when you say "one" investigator you might as well say one very well funded investigator with unlimited resources.

Second, you have no idea what the charges even are? The fact is the government doesn't even have to prove anything. They just need reason enough to bring this thing to trial which they probably already have or else they wouldn't have taken on the case. Once you go to trial your management will settle. I would guess say goodbye to half of that $300 million you have stashed away and say bye-bye to any more products.

3rd, you have no idea where this came from and could be a current employee. You will not know that until the files are unsealed which will not happen until it goes to trial. It is a pretty good idea to guess the charges came from somewhere in the East based on the people who were questioned.

Nice try talking out of your ass again. Keep writing and I will keep schooling you bitch.

the one man smear campaign has ended exactly as i advised

now he has to worry about an investigation of his own actions

the silence is golden

tks for honoring the 72 hour embargo


Whatever...dude. I have a real joband you have nothing better to do than stay on cafepharma all day. I am not posting any more because I am done. I have made my points which you can't refute and now I am just waiting to testify so I can see all those scumbags in upper management go to jail. However, that won't happen because they will settle. In the final decision though your poor excuse of a company will be left with nothing, no more products because can't keep selling Megace ES the way you have and no money left to buy another product. Since there is no lending out there you are all finished. Instead of posting on CP why not post your resume for a new job? You will need a good head start...

What is the prosecutors name handling case..Is it civil or criminal?What happens after you talk to a prosecutor?When do you think this will go to trail.I heard these investigation can take up 4-5 years?

the one man smear campaign has ended exactly as i advised

now he has to worry about an investigation of his own actions

the silence is golden

tks for honoring the 72 hour embargo


Whatever...dude. I have a real joband you have nothing better to do than stay on cafepharma all day. I am not posting any more because I am done. I have made my points which you can't refute and now I am just waiting to testify so I can see all those scumbags in upper management go to jail. However, that won't happen because they will settle. In the final decision though your poor excuse of a company will be left with nothing, no more products because can't keep selling Megace ES the way you have and no money left to buy another product. Since there is no lending out there you are all finished. Instead of posting on CP why not post your resume for a new job? You will need a good head start...

I understand you can't be bothered anymore, but you do realize that you're posting at 11:30 am.

It is a criminal investigation. Subpoenas dont get issued, and investigators with guns dont show up after hours for civil crap. The length of time is meaningless. Time to jump ship while the getting is good.
Just call the US Attorney in Newark and ask for the prosecutor for the Strativa/PAR investigation.

It is a criminal investigation. Subpoenas dont get issued, and investigators with guns dont show up after hours for civil crap. The length of time is meaningless. Time to jump ship while the getting is good.
Just call the US Attorney in Newark and ask for the prosecutor for the Strativa/PAR investigation.

Subpoenas are issued in criminal cases and will be in this one. To answer the earlier question about what happens when you talk to a federal prosecutor- 1st- make sure you are represented by an attorney. You must protect yourself no matter what. 2nd- NF, JM,BH, GC will sell you down the river to save their own asses so if you have anything on these people you have an obligation to share it.

True what the poster said about length of time, it is meaningless. My guess is NF and JM are out searching for new jobs right now because if they can get a new job before this goes public then their new company will have a hard time getting rid of them. Look for their linkedin profiles to be very current. Also, look for the love birds to flock together.