The End Is Near

If anything, call it a "Fire" sale cause aint no reputable company gonna pay up for this miserable operation.

I hear the toilet flushing, this turd is rolling round the bowl ready to disappear. Guess the co-op deal with Fresenius didn't help save us from the inevitable. We can't even get our partner to take us out of this disaster. I guess we are destined for the sh*t pile after all.

Hal isn't needed any longer. He got BH to pay a month in advance so they could pay idiot TG his salary, commissions, and expense reports so he wouldn't quit before the Accurate takeover.

Hal isn't needed any longer. He got BH to pay a month in advance so they could pay idiot TG his salary, commissions, and expense reports so he wouldn't quit before the Accurate takeover.

Takeover? Maybe, more like a free giveaway, like what you get when a new bank branch opens. In this case for the price of a toaster you get this P.O.S.