The End Is Near

TG is a liar and a thief. He'll do anything that benefits him and him alone even if it's illegal. Go back to Florida you Big Doofus for another 13 days while we work our butts off and await our pink slips!

TG. I worked with you many years ago and I always enjoyed it. Seems things have changed and you are losing friends. Something I know you dont like. Not a good road to go down my friend and I'm not sure why you are taking it. Step back and look within and dont lose anymore. You'll never get them back and whatever youre striving for is not worth it.

TG. I worked with you many years ago and I always enjoyed it. Seems things have changed and you are losing friends. Something I know you dont like. Not a good road to go down my friend and I'm not sure why you are taking it. Step back and look within and dont lose anymore. You'll never get them back and whatever youre striving for is not worth it.

I just threw up in my mouth, give us a break you idiot.

I also had the pleasure to work with him. He is a good guy in many ways, good guy to have a beer with, and he also has some unique sales skills. But he is not a CEO savior turnaround guy.
I also worked with TG for several years. He has always done the right thing by me and we made lots of $$ together. He is a very good guy. No one can possibly be a savior in the current lab environment. You people need to wake the F up. Hospitals have been devouring up dr practices for years now. EVERY lab is hurting. There are NO labs out there that are growing - EXCEPT Hospital Labs.

I also worked with TG for several years. He has always done the right thing by me and we made lots of $$ together. He is a very good guy. No one can possibly be a savior in the current lab environment. You people need to wake the F up. Hospitals have been devouring up dr practices for years now. EVERY lab is hurting. There are NO labs out there that are growing - EXCEPT Hospital Labs.

In my experience with Tom, the above is correct.

Hey Trevi, when is our Christmas bonus going to be paid? Hey TG you idiot, are you going back to Florida for a vacation before the 1st of the year? No work gets done over the holidays! I think we should just start working around the 3rd or 4th of January. Give the docs a few days to settle in...

I also worked with TG for several years. He has always done the right thing by me and we made lots of $$ together. He is a very good guy. No one can possibly be a savior in the current lab environment. You people need to wake the F up. Hospitals have been devouring up dr practices for years now. EVERY lab is hurting. There are NO labs out there that are growing - EXCEPT Hospital Labs.

You are clearly uninformed sh*t for brains.

Look around and you will see there are labs growing; Bio, Sonic, Enzo. Whats your excuse?

Oh yeah, TG is great and will lead us to growth.

The only Fool here is you. TG has made me much money over the years. Can never thank him enough. Keep wasting your time with this nonsense while I keep cashing my large monthly checks. Now tell me again who the fool is here. Have a great weekend loser!!!!!!!!

Ditto here. He ain't perfect but his career has been improbable in some ways, but overall one heck of a good run and mostly fun.