The End Is Near

It is amazing how Tom still has a.job here. He is a theif. How does he.keep this thing going? At the end of the day, hopefully he gets his due. For one I hope someone gets him in a.back ally and knocks some sense into him. Hey Tom, go fuck yourself.
Theif? Ally? Instead of worrying about Tom, perhaps you should try and educate YOURSELF. Do you think anyone is taking you and your 6th grade education seriously?

You sound like nothing more than the immature child we all know you to be. Perhaps if your mother who was previously canned and most likely writing on this forum for you, since you're not intellectually capable of fending for yourself, could stop with this immature argument since there is absoulutely no excuse for your work behavior, theft from the supplies department, and horrific work ethic. It's taken 7 too many years for you to be called out for screwing this company. What do you have to say now you jackass? Correction: what does your mother suggest you say next?

Believe me you idiot, Im not your loser supply clerk who you obviously have a hard-on for. Take a look around, its clear why this place is on life support. No growth - that would be your department I'm referring too. While you and the rest of the pathetic sales team pretend to be productive, the specimen count continues to decrease which holds us all hostage. So if you want to place blame, look no further than to you and the rest of the washed up reps that are responsible for this sinking ship!

I wonder if Accurate realizes that they are dealing with sharks and professionals who are experts at selling worthless companies? Time is running out on them before all $$$ is lost. The hundreds of creditors and loyal employees remain clueless. Sad.

I wonder if Accurate realizes that they are dealing with sharks and professionals who are experts at selling worthless companies? Time is running out on them before all $$$ is lost. The hundreds of creditors and loyal employees remain clueless. Sad.

Thanks for the laugh! So you believe MPL are sharks and professionals? They are the joke of the industry and no one thinks they are experts on anything but how to lose money.

Trevi is the shark you idiot. They don't want to cut losses. They are selling to make money and screw the creditors who they owe fortunes to. Learn the Laws! Our next President has been practicing this form of business forever. Wouldn't be surprised if the #2 at Accurate was getting paid off to push the deal thru. They want the accounts, not the old golf pros, old beach bums, and the lazy asses.

Is this all true? Knowing sales guys I dont think they go for nothing. There are a ton of other options out there. Sounds like investors just looking for a bailout with no regard for others. Probably need to think again.

If it is true, we need bonuses, contracts, and 10% or more since it will all be new business to Accurate. If not, we are free agents and can surely get it elsewhere. Also, sell the new testing we do now.

Trevi is the shark you idiot. They don't want to cut losses. They are selling to make money and screw the creditors who they owe fortunes to. Learn the Laws! Our next President has been practicing this form of business forever. Wouldn't be surprised if the #2 at Accurate was getting paid off to push the deal thru. They want the accounts, not the old golf pros, old beach bums, and the lazy asses.

Hey dumbass, the Trevi trio of knuckleheads are shark bait - not sharks. The creditors will be the ultimate owners as Trevi's equity is worth close to zero based on the outstanding debt vs the enterprise value of the company - which is difficult to estimate due to the fact its a shit pile no one wants.

The bank in Texas owns MPL but hey don't want to be in the blood testing business. Trevi has plenty invested. Why do you think that they keep paying the payroll each month?

Because the alternative is shuttering the place, walking away and getting ZERO. They are desperately seeking a white knight to take them out at any price!