The Drug Industry: GlaxoSmithKline, Merck and Novartis Again Rank Highest on Access t


Re: The Drug Industry: GlaxoSmithKline, Merck and Novartis Again Rank Highest on Acce

It's like saying John Wayne Gacy ranks as a top 3 serial killer with Ted Bundy & Jeffrey Dahmer

Re: The Drug Industry: GlaxoSmithKline, Merck and Novartis Again Rank Highest on Acce

Yeah great comparison, that makes total sense. It doesn't soud CRAZY at all.... really!?!?!

True , those 3 individuals didn't commit as nearly many murders/deaths as novartis alone.

"300% increased risk

In addition, earlier studies linked Zelnorm to a three-fold increase in the risk of ovarian cysts and a dramatic increase in the risk of gall bladder or other abdominal problems. During a study investigating the side effects of Zelnorm, patients taking the drug needed surgery to treat gall bladder or other problems five times as often as those who were given a placebo.

Several patients treated with Zelnorm died after using the drug, and many more have suffered injuries. As more and more of the 4.7 million women who suffer from irritable bowel syndrome learn that symptoms they have suffered may have been caused by Zelnorm side effects, the number of injuries and deaths linked to the drug may increase substantially.

Because Novartis' withdrawal of Zelnorm is so recent, a full understanding of the danger of Zelnorm side effects has only begun to emerge."

Re: The Drug Industry: GlaxoSmithKline, Merck and Novartis Again Rank Highest on Acce

True , those 3 individuals didn't commit as nearly many murders/deaths as novartis alone.

"300% increased risk

In addition, earlier studies linked Zelnorm to a three-fold increase in the risk of ovarian cysts and a dramatic increase in the risk of gall bladder or other abdominal problems. During a study investigating the side effects of Zelnorm, patients taking the drug needed surgery to treat gall bladder or other problems five times as often as those who were given a placebo.

Several patients treated with Zelnorm died after using the drug, and many more have suffered injuries. As more and more of the 4.7 million women who suffer from irritable bowel syndrome learn that symptoms they have suffered may have been caused by Zelnorm side effects, the number of injuries and deaths linked to the drug may increase substantially.

Because Novartis' withdrawal of Zelnorm is so recent, a full understanding of the danger of Zelnorm side effects has only begun to emerge."

You sound even less crazy NOW than before, if that is at all possible.... your points about murder and death are so salient. How does one become so insanely sane as you? It must drive you crazy to be so logical. I bet ALL your friends look up to you with envy. I love you and people like you who are just trying to educate people about the dangers of drugs and how evil corporations would like nothing more than to give us products that kill us. It makes perfect sense. And the sad thing is, these evil corporations would get away with it, if it weren't for a HERO like YOU. THANK YOU..... I feel so much safer knowing that you exist.

Re: The Drug Industry: GlaxoSmithKline, Merck and Novartis Again Rank Highest on Acce

I love you and people like you who are just trying to educate people about the dangers of drugs and how evil corporations would like nothing more than to give us products that kill us. It makes perfect sense.
Were you the spin doctor for Phillip Morris too ?

Re: The Drug Industry: GlaxoSmithKline, Merck and Novartis Again Rank Highest on Acce

How dare you post something positive about Novartis on this site, Sir!

Yeah ok like "Access to Medicine Index" is some gospel spewing relevent source

About as credible as the NY Times giving props to Obama

Nice try ! LMAO ! ! !

Re: The Drug Industry: GlaxoSmithKline, Merck and Novartis Again Rank Highest on Acce

Yeah ok like "Access to Medicine Index" is some gospel spewing relevent source

About as credible as the NY Times giving props to Obama

Nice try ! LMAO ! ! !

Yeah.... there is absolutely nothing positive about Novartis or the pharmaceutical industry. Didn't you ALL read about how those evil corporations are out to kill us? They want us ALL dead.

Re: The Drug Industry: GlaxoSmithKline, Merck and Novartis Again Rank Highest on Acce

But if they are so EVIL, then why do they do this:

The companies are graded on many factors, including whether they offer lower prices or donate drugs in poor countries, whether they license generic versions of their products or fight to prevent them, whether they donate expertise or money to struggling health systems and whether they do research on neglected diseases.

GlaxoSmithKline, Merck and Novartis have taken the top three spots again on the Access to Medicine Index, which ranks pharmaceutical companies on how readily they make their products available to the world’s poor.

This hardly seems like the actions of an EVIL monster corporation.... I bet if you look hard enough with your EYES OPEN, you will find PLENTY of CHARITABLE ACTIONS by Novartis and many other so-called EVIL corporations. But like most socialists, you will never accept their charity with thanks or appreciation and IT WILL NEVER BE ENOUGH for those who choose NOT to help themselves.

Re: The Drug Industry: GlaxoSmithKline, Merck and Novartis Again Rank Highest on Acce

But if they are so EVIL, then why do they do this:

The companies are graded on many factors, including whether they offer lower prices or donate drugs in poor countries, whether they license generic versions of their products or fight to prevent them, whether they donate expertise or money to struggling health systems and whether they do research on neglected diseases.

GlaxoSmithKline, Merck and Novartis have taken the top three spots again on the Access to Medicine Index, which ranks pharmaceutical companies on how readily they make their products available to the world’s poor.

This hardly seems like the actions of an EVIL monster corporation.... I bet if you look hard enough with your EYES OPEN, you will find PLENTY of CHARITABLE ACTIONS by Novartis and many other so-called EVIL corporations. But like most socialists, you will never accept their charity with thanks or appreciation and IT WILL NEVER BE ENOUGH for those who choose NOT to help themselves.

Charity is good for public image but has nothing to do with your obligation as a sponsor and licence holder. We could provide malaria drugs to the whole world for free and still FDA, prescribers and patients rightfully expect that we follow the rules and update the prescribing information with evolving safety data. Instead, on several occasions such data was purposefully hidden. It is more than fair to criticize this behavior and no indicator of a socialist.

It is doubtful that the recent efforts on revising internal procedures will fix this problem because the same people are still in power who prefer to ignore the world outside. Moreover, there are no consequences for those who are accountable if they ignore SOPs in that area; if at all, the frontline is punished. Senior management allows this to happen or simply don't even know the obligations and SOPs, that really sucks. We need senior management whose knowledge of drug development (if at all existent) doesn't date back to the days prior to Vioxx; the FDA has moved on and so have their standards. We better wake up.

Re: The Drug Industry: GlaxoSmithKline, Merck and Novartis Again Rank Highest on Acce

Charity is good for public image but has nothing to do with your obligation as a sponsor and licence holder. We could provide malaria drugs to the whole world for free and still FDA, prescribers and patients rightfully expect that we follow the rules and update the prescribing information with evolving safety data. Instead, on several occasions such data was purposefully hidden. It is more than fair to criticize this behavior and no indicator of a socialist.

It is doubtful that the recent efforts on revising internal procedures will fix this problem because the same people are still in power who prefer to ignore the world outside. Moreover, there are no consequences for those who are accountable if they ignore SOPs in that area; if at all, the frontline is punished. Senior management allows this to happen or simply don't even know the obligations and SOPs, that really sucks. We need senior management whose knowledge of drug development (if at all existent) doesn't date back to the days prior to Vioxx; the FDA has moved on and so have their standards. We better wake up.

Charity is good ONLY because of public image??? How about the MILLIONS of lives that have been improved because of the charity..... any good there to mention???
Nobody is questioning whether or not breaking the rules should be criticized.... breaking the rules and the law should be dealt with appropriately. But this ENTIRE website ONLY focuses on the negative and NEVER acknowledges the positives. And unfortunately, in the end, MOST of these idiots on this site are socialists who want nothing more than to fleece these companies of their money because of jealousy, class-envy and their misguided notions of fairness and equality.

Re: The Drug Industry: GlaxoSmithKline, Merck and Novartis Again Rank Highest on Acce

But this ENTIRE website ONLY focuses on the negative and NEVER acknowledges the positives. And unfortunately, in the end, MOST of these idiots on this site are socialists who want nothing more than to fleece these companies of their money because of jealousy, class-envy and their misguided notions of fairness and equality.

The positive exists for the shareholders & the enrichment of the executives.
That they can give away their cheap drugs only illustrates how how fleeced
United States citizens are by the pharma industry.

Pity the corporate welfare built in to Med D by the grace of the few hundred
million $$$ lobbying effort by big pharma because God only knows they couldn't
actually compete in a true capitalistic system.

We are jealous that Canada & Europe & Asia didn't fall for this bogue ruse.

Re: The Drug Industry: GlaxoSmithKline, Merck and Novartis Again Rank Highest on Acce

Charity is good ONLY because of public image??? How about the MILLIONS of lives that have been improved because of the charity..... any good there to mention???
Nobody is questioning whether or not breaking the rules should be criticized.... breaking the rules and the law should be dealt with appropriately. But this ENTIRE website ONLY focuses on the negative and NEVER acknowledges the positives. And unfortunately, in the end, MOST of these idiots on this site are socialists who want nothing more than to fleece these companies of their money because of jealousy, class-envy and their misguided notions of fairness and equality.

You are totally free to praise the Lord and Novartis on CP and elsewhere but again, if others disagree it doesn't make them being socialists. Criticizing senior management for mismanagement and implicitly or explicitly supporting violations of the law when it comes to patients' safety has also nothing to do with jealousy, class-envy, misguided notions of fairness and equality. It is just a sign that the brainwash messaging from our 'leaders' doesn't work and that many capable employees still know what needs to be done if they were allowed to.

Again, you're totally free to believe that the malaria campaign is driven by the desire to save lives of patients. Well, I don't believe that any longer. First of all, it was absolutely disgusting to link the answers to the Global Employee Survey earlier this year to donating one malaria device per answer to malaria patients in Africs. The message in the innumerable reminders was very clear: if YOU don't answer, somebody in AFRICA will have to suffer from it. If they had been serious about patients' well-being, they wouldn't have linked these two things which are totally unrelated matters. Unethical in my opinion. I'll bore you to death by reiterating but if they were caring about patients, they would simply respect the rules which they fail to do. I'd be the first to cheer if Tim Wright would be willing and able to fix that and restore some trust in Novartis.

Re: The Drug Industry: GlaxoSmithKline, Merck and Novartis Again Rank Highest on Acce

You are totally free to praise the Lord and Novartis on CP and elsewhere but again, if others disagree it doesn't make them being socialists. Criticizing senior management for mismanagement and implicitly or explicitly supporting violations of the law when it comes to patients' safety has also nothing to do with jealousy, class-envy, misguided notions of fairness and equality. It is just a sign that the brainwash messaging from our 'leaders' doesn't work and that many capable employees still know what needs to be done if they were allowed to.

Again, you're totally free to believe that the malaria campaign is driven by the desire to save lives of patients. Well, I don't believe that any longer. First of all, it was absolutely disgusting to link the answers to the Global Employee Survey earlier this year to donating one malaria device per answer to malaria patients in Africs. The message in the innumerable reminders was very clear: if YOU don't answer, somebody in AFRICA will have to suffer from it. If they had been serious about patients' well-being, they wouldn't have linked these two things which are totally unrelated matters. Unethical in my opinion. I'll bore you to death by reiterating but if they were caring about patients, they would simply respect the rules which they fail to do. I'd be the first to cheer if Tim Wright would be willing and able to fix that and restore some trust in Novartis.

Who broke what rules? GIVE ME NAMES OF PEOPLE WHO BROKE RULES AND WERE INSTRUCTED TO BREAK RULES. You are a DRONE. It is AMAZING how many EXPERTS at RUNNING a company exist in the popcorn gallery.

Re: The Drug Industry: GlaxoSmithKline, Merck and Novartis Again Rank Highest on Acce

Who broke what rules? GIVE ME NAMES OF PEOPLE WHO BROKE RULES AND WERE INSTRUCTED TO BREAK RULES. You are a DRONE. It is AMAZING how many EXPERTS at RUNNING a company exist in the popcorn gallery.

It's not amazing that YOU prefer to ignore the wake up call, and you have supreme company eg Joe Jiminez. FDA knows issues and names. Warning letter was sent to JJ in which he's reminded about corporate management's responsibilities: Not pretty.

But you may still believe this is a joke or a big conspiracy or requirements are too high, so just dream on while FDA may withold approvals ('Until all corrections have been completed and FDA has confirmed corrections of the violations and your firm’s compliance with CGMP, FDA may withhold approval of any new applications or supplements listing your firm as a drug product manufacturer.').

TRD/TRD QA will be rather busy these days and for a quite long time ...

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