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The definition of "liberal" is......

Aint that the truth. We saw that on display here many times.

One of my fishing buddies is a retired surgeon. He says:
"When I was practicing I always scheduled operations on Democrats on days I wanted to quit early. You cut them open and all you find is a mouth and an asshole, and they are interchangeable parts."

One of my fishing buddies is a retired surgeon. He says:
"When I was practicing I always scheduled operations on Democrats on days I wanted to quit early. You cut them open and all you find is a mouth and an asshole, and they are interchangeable parts."

Aren't you just the definition of sane! How many times you going to reply to yourself on THIS thread, wacky?

It's your thread, not mine. Too much medical marijuana tonight?

Oh, my bad...you have so many posts and create so many threads, it's tough to believe that the wacko mods actually let little old ME start one. Plus on the other thread that YOU started about "liberals", you replied to yourself three times and I had to take pity since no one else gives a rip about it.

You may want to ask the jewish poster who brought slavery into the thread and apparently still thinks that people own slaves.

People don't own slaves anymore but governments sure do....about 47% of all Americans are slaves to the United States government. The other 53%, sucking off the tit of all of our honey. Oh and the biggest slaves of all, the top 10% of all wage earners who pay a whooping 73% of all the tax burden.

The reference was to your party hero, Jefferson. He was not only a slave owner but he routinely raped at least one of them on a regular basis (Hemings) and fathered several children by her.

You made an overtly racist reference in asking another poster if he owned slaves. (see post #12)

You can't unring that bell.

This thread has made me actually go and look up the definitions of liberal and conservative. And as an aside, I looked up independent. That moniker suits me much more efficiently for where I am at now in my life and my thinking. Therefor, from this point forward I will be Conservative Independent Here. Refer to me as such from now on.