I support this guy being killed. Based on what we have been told, it was likely the right thing to do. But, the government should have full transparency when they make a decision to kill an American citizen. On our streets, we ahve extremists who want to challenge the basics of what it means to be American. We have those who have bombed and destroyed, and are labeled as home grown terrorists. We do not kill them without trial. If you really read about this case, there is supposition, encouragement, and incitement but no direct action from the person in question. I am stunned that more of you refuse to see the huge risk this action reflects, putting anyone who speaks out against the government at risk. This action dwarfs concerns about the Patriot Act, wire tapping, and all the rest that had libbies up in arms. But now that this is obama, they are silent and endorse the action. Or the lunacy that we should not aggressively question these people but it is perfectly ok to kill them? We have lost too much when we allow the government unbridled power and quit askign questions.