The coaching is killing me

Tired of it

I have been a rep for a long while. I have done many things. Never gotten below a 3. Mostly 4’s and 5’s. Won circle once or twice also. This new AZ forward looking model is the worst yet. I had a coaching call with my manager and it about killed me. I am to the point that I think its time for me to leave and its only because I cant stand this coaching/ride day crap. By the way, I am not an under performing or on any lists. I just cant handle the day to day coaching.


I have been a rep for a long while. I have done many things. Never gotten below a 3. Mostly 4’s and 5’s. Won circle once or twice also. This new AZ forward looking model is the worst yet. I had a coaching call with my manager and it about killed me. I am to the point that I think its time for me to leave and its only because I cant stand this coaching/ride day crap. By the way, I am not an under performing or on any lists. I just cant handle the day to day coaching.

My friend, I too have been around for quite some time here at dear ole AZ. I've seen more "sales models" than Carter has pills. This too, shall pass just like all the rest of those lying in the "coaching graveyard." Understand your boss probably believes that the model is bullshit but he or she has a job to do. My friend, play the game, act like you are enthusiastic about the latest bullshit. When your manager is with you...give them what they want. Being upset and letting this affect your life is insane This is a job pays great and has all kinds of freedom. However, you have to play the game to keep your sanity. Think about leave and go work for some other do you know they will have the same or worse bullshit?? Play the game here at AZ make believe you embrace this crap and go about your life. Again, this too shall pass until the next consultant sells someone on another "coaching model."

My friend, I too have been around for quite some time here at dear ole AZ. I've seen more "sales models" than Carter has pills. This too, shall pass just like all the rest of those lying in the "coaching graveyard." Understand your boss probably believes that the model is bullshit but he or she has a job to do. My friend, play the game, act like you are enthusiastic about the latest bullshit. When your manager is with you...give them what they want. Being upset and letting this affect your life is insane This is a job pays great and has all kinds of freedom. However, you have to play the game to keep your sanity. Think about leave and go work for some other do you know they will have the same or worse bullshit?? Play the game here at AZ make believe you embrace this crap and go about your life. Again, this too shall pass until the next consultant sells someone on another "coaching model."

LOL this person knows what they are talking about. It's all bullshit. Close your eyes long enough and it goes away. Give your manager what they want they leave you alone. It's not rocket science.

Are you in your late 40's or 50's? If so, they are probably trying to coach you out. Do everything you can to hold on because the grass is NOT greener any where else right now. Layoffs are rampant at many pharma companies now.

My friend, I too have been around for quite some time here at dear ole AZ. I've seen more "sales models" than Carter has pills. This too, shall pass just like all the rest of those lying in the "coaching graveyard." Understand your boss probably believes that the model is bullshit but he or she has a job to do. My friend, play the game, act like you are enthusiastic about the latest bullshit. When your manager is with you...give them what they want. Being upset and letting this affect your life is insane This is a job pays great and has all kinds of freedom. However, you have to play the game to keep your sanity. Think about leave and go work for some other do you know they will have the same or worse bullshit?? Play the game here at AZ make believe you embrace this crap and go about your life. Again, this too shall pass until the next consultant sells someone on another "coaching model."
Great observation.

My friend, I too have been around for quite some time here at dear ole AZ. I've seen more "sales models" than Carter has pills. This too, shall pass just like all the rest of those lying in the "coaching graveyard." Understand your boss probably believes that the model is bullshit but he or she has a job to do. My friend, play the game, act like you are enthusiastic about the latest bullshit. When your manager is with you...give them what they want. Being upset and letting this affect your life is insane This is a job pays great and has all kinds of freedom. However, you have to play the game to keep your sanity. Think about leave and go work for some other do you know they will have the same or worse bullshit?? Play the game here at AZ make believe you embrace this crap and go about your life. Again, this too shall pass until the next consultant sells someone on another "coaching model."
That is good advise. It is not always easy to do though.

We had to roleplay during our midyear review. Not Certify on new indications. Just straight up roleplay our our DSM seriously thinks he's a doctor.
Your manager is crazy. That is like asking a carpenter that has built houses for years to demonstrate that he can hammer in nails. That is a waste of everyone's time. If he wants to hear you detail, he should join your virtual lunches and listen to some REAL objections.

You know, many people on CP get all upset over nothing. We have a great job great pay, benefits and lots of freedom. I don't work very hard, I flirt with nurses, go work out, shop, etc etc on company time. Pharma sales is great. Yeah I know I'm very superficial. I'm not going to save the world. To me this is just a job....a very easy job. Now if my manager wants to role play with me. GREAT. I'll play the game. I would say...let me make a call then you make a call so I can learn from YOU. LOL. My manager would shit her pants if she had to make a call. At best you work with some idiot 2 days a month. Beats working in an office with a manager watching your ass 5 days a week 8 hours a day. Get what I mean? Roll with it. Play the game. Give the idiot whatever they want. Yawn with your mouth closed. This too shall pass., It's not worth getting upset over.

Well said! Losing sleep over this bullshit? No job is worth sacrificing your health. If you can't play the game like the poster says, quit and find something else to do for work.

Well said! Losing sleep over this bullshit? No job is worth sacrificing your health. If you can't play the game like the poster says, quit and find something else to do for work.

You're exactly right. I've been with AZ about two years now. At first I lost sleep over this job. DM wanted seven calls a day. No way I could do this. So I finally figured out they want seven report seven or more a day. Over time I've seen more and more boloney so I've come to terms with this job and I give them all the boloney they ask for. I'd leave this job but nobody hiring right now. Took me awhile but I learned to play the game and now I sleep like a baby. In college I never thought the real business world was this tainted.

You're exactly right. I've been with AZ about two years now. At first I lost sleep over this job. DM wanted seven calls a day. No way I could do this. So I finally figured out they want seven report seven or more a day. Over time I've seen more and more boloney so I've come to terms with this job and I give them all the boloney they ask for. I'd leave this job but nobody hiring right now. Took me awhile but I learned to play the game and now I sleep like a baby. In college I never thought the real business world was this tainted.
You're ridiculous. You can't make 7 calls in an 8-9 hour work day? You have found the perfect job for your poor work ethic. Loser.

You're ridiculous. You can't make 7 calls in an 8-9 hour work day? You have found the perfect job for your poor work ethic. Loser.

Fuck you, nobody makes 7 calls
100% of reps make maybe 2-3 calls a day and report 7-9.
Go to doctor jones office, he signs for sample. Dr smith and dr Owens were there. 3 calls are reported.
You are an absolute liar and a loser

Fuck you, nobody makes 7 calls
100% of reps make maybe 2-3 calls a day and report 7-9.
Go to doctor jones office, he signs for sample. Dr smith and dr Owens were there. 3 calls are reported.
You are an absolute liar and a loser

WHAT? You put down calls when you don't have:
• opened-ended, probing, empathetic question
• positive tension
• patient type discovery
• ask for that patient type
• statement of efficacy
• ISI & AE dialogue
• offer a PI
• managed markets discussion
and finally close for the business!?
That by definition institutes a call. Anything else is a lie.

Fuck you, nobody makes 7 calls
100% of reps make maybe 2-3 calls a day and report 7-9.
Go to doctor jones office, he signs for sample. Dr smith and dr Owens were there. 3 calls are reported.
You are an absolute liar and a loser
are you wearing your cape, Keyboard Super Rep? You're a tool. You're probably some meathead loser that believes you sell. Fuck off, Tosser.

I don't get it? Why do these people "fight" on this site? Makes no sense to me. All this anger over nothing. I doubt if any territory can make seven real calls day. Hell maybe there are a few somewhere. Who cares? Nothing about AZ or this job should raise your blood pressure one point. This is just a job where we make believe we sell, You think you sell you are kidding yourself. Now if you really believe you can sell go into a commission only gig where the income is not capped. Those successful people make hundreds of thousands of dollars a year. Oh? That's not you? You like the "comfort" of this job? Then in so many don't sell.

I don't get it? Why do these people "fight" on this site? Makes no sense to me. All this anger over nothing. I doubt if any territory can make seven real calls day. Hell maybe there are a few somewhere. Who cares? Nothing about AZ or this job should raise your blood pressure one point. This is just a job where we make believe we sell, You think you sell you are kidding yourself. Now if you really believe you can sell go into a commission only gig where the income is not capped. Those successful people make hundreds of thousands of dollars a year. Oh? That's not you? You like the "comfort" of this job? Then in so many don't sell.
choke on ham salad girl,some of us know how to sell-baby girl