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The Chat from today’s call

the constant laughing made it hard to pay attention to anything. What evil people.

hats off to the people in the chat keeping it entertaining

and screw you to the people in the chat sippin’ that KOOLAID.

Agreed! Tami's post...breakthroughs that change EMPLOYEES lives.

This is more “breakdown” than “breakthrough”…this is a temporary fix, a band-aid, to a much bigger problem. Senior Leaders legacy will be one of continuous cuts, instead of growth. Covid money was a lottery ticket that got wasted….sad

Man that was weird. A long winded way of saying he screwed up. And so matter of fact about it too. CFO and HR looked like they were held hostage there with him. And that weird video “This girl is on Pfizer!” When they panned to the ppl in the room they looked shocked. The dead silence for a good 30 sec for Q&A until they got some poor putz to ask the 1st thing that came to his mind which had nothing to do with the topic.
This was one for the books!

Man that was weird. A long winded way of saying he screwed up. And so matter of fact about it too. CFO and HR looked like they were held hostage there with him. And that weird video “This girl is on Pfizer!” When they panned to the ppl in the room they looked shocked. The dead silence for a good 30 sec for Q&A until they got some poor putz to ask the 1st thing that came to his mind which had nothing to do with the topic.
This was one for the books!

the constant laughing made it hard to pay attention to anything. What evil people.

hats off to the people in the chat keeping it entertaining

and screw you to the people in the chat sippin’ that KOOLAID.
Oh my god...could you believe the constant laughter? All of those "people" he surrounds himself with were laughing as he was discussing layoffs. Layoffs impact employees and families he thought this was his opportunity to be George Carlin. I never thought I would see something so distasteful in my lifetime. This is a joke. This proved that when he said " this is a painful for me" he was full of crap.

This is more “breakdown” than “breakthrough”…this is a temporary fix, a band-aid, to a much bigger problem. Senior Leaders legacy will be one of continuous cuts, instead of growth. Covid money was a lottery ticket that got wasted….sad
Lottery ticket was not really wasted. What if, lets say, the incredible amount of Covid cash that flowed into our coffers provided certain people here and their cronies with generational wealth?

Uncle Albert was laid back and slouching in his chair. Totally unprofessional. Should be fired tonight if any competent board member was watching. But we know that won’t happen because board members all take care of themselves.

Did anyone else catch him saying, patients come up to him and say I have 3 of you in me??? Am I the only one that thought that was funnier than a fart to a 5 year old boy?

so sad I didn’t see the chat feature.

Will say I’m not sure it’s a coincidence. The announcement on Fri and that weird email form the ELT about how to handle people being outspoken about Pfizer. These could very well be a sign we are gonna be in some rough waters in the weeks and months ahead.

The reverence and deference for “The Street” and the offhannded way he talked about people losing their jobs, it was pretty obvious who he cared about more. I’m new here but I’m starting to think I might need to go to a more stable company. All Pfizer does is lay people off I’m realizing.

The reverence and deference for “The Street” and the offhannded way he talked about people losing their jobs, it was pretty obvious who he cared about more. I’m new here but I’m starting to think I might need to go to a more stable company. All Pfizer does is lay people off I’m realizing.

Despite this being a town hall for employees, it felt like he was talking to wall street more. We were just there to serve as an audience for the screencaps. "Look at how the masses support me!"

The moment he pivoted to the buzzwordfest about AI you could tell he was hoping the stock price was skyrocketing with each word.

Will say I’m not sure it’s a coincidence. The announcement on Fri and that weird email form the ELT about how to handle people being outspoken about Pfizer. These could very well be a sign we are gonna be in some rough waters in the weeks and months ahead.
Shame on those of us that needed a "sign". My "sign" was the rollout of VCCs, Pfizer Connect (and other worthless new departments) a couple of years back and the lack of a game plan over the past 8 years to drastically improve R&D results. I truly and honestly believe that our handling of Covid money will be taught to all levels of students from AP in high school to B school. A true comedy of errors!!!!

The reverence and deference for “The Street” and the offhannded way he talked about people losing their jobs, it was pretty obvious who he cared about more. I’m new here but I’m starting to think I might need to go to a more stable company. All Pfizer does is lay people off I’m realizing.

Welcome to "ALL of Pharma". It's a 2-3 year happenstance (even yearly regarding a division here, a division there). Sadly even with any sizable organization you are seeing more "lay-offs" with the remaining salary employees working slave wages because hours/week are insane.

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