Weel, jumpin catfish. To day just a round that there lunchtime, I here me some bangin on my front door. I look out my winder and see a PO-lise car and a black 4 door seedan. I open the door and there 2 fellers in soots stand side of the law man. That POliseman in a real bad mood en he ask if the fellers kin come in. I say shure. One feller be some fedral marshel en the other from the FDA. They done ask me queshons bout that there drug sails. I shure proud. I say I startup with that there cornstoner. They done ask me if I were down at that there county hospitle yesturday. I say, shure I were talkin to one of them there docter. I tell you, that poliseman were in a real fowl mood. He unfrendly and downrit meen to me. Then that there FDA feller ask if he and the marshel talk to me in privet. I say I rekin so. I shure glad that poliseman don't foller us. That FDA feller say some docter done call to envestigate. He want make shure I a real drug sailsman. I say I just start lernin. He tell me that iffen I were experenst he wood have to give me a sitashon fer that there off lablin descushens. Oooeee, my unkle Snook en his boy Elroy both get sitashons from bein in the US army. Thay thell me thay be back now ifen I have any more off lable descushens. I say ok feller next time I serv up some fresh viddles. That there poliseman were snoopin round en they tell him thy ready to go. They strutin over to there cars en I say yall come back now. Well goleee, I rekin ifen I done git me a sitashen from the govmint, I can hanger in a frame on the wall just like cousin Elroy. I shure feelin proud now.