The BS video from Tracy and more


First of all- Concierge was told not to discuss being paid on the 5 targets at the meeting. They new they would be paid and the other divisions were deceived until the lie came out.
100% lie that you decided to SPIN as change to the contest results . Do you think divisions do not talk ? Wake up.

#1 Derm company with no samples and no rebates in the field. Why ?

Contest Contest Contest- just like gambling all rigged for about 30% to make the money.
These contests are all smoke and mirrors.

What company pays 0 dollars unless you are at 100% or better. That would be Galderma on
Mirvaso. Why sell the drug ?

Epiduo market share flawed competing against its own Differin- SMART

Hey Jake Aczone is in Soolantra MarketShare and its not indicated for Rosacea. Doctor
will you replace Aczone with Soolantra going forward? Call it off label


My DM (concierge) told us at the Texas meeting Do Not discuss your payment because you will make money on the 10 targets that Galderma and Theracutix will be targeting.
It's a win win for us.

Why all the secrecy and lies in this company ?

Valeant sales force averaging about 90k to 115K per year commission, don't worry because we reinvest20% back to R&D and are respected by the Derm world. Oh yeah, we don't pay most of our sales force commission, goals are not obtainable.

Soon Galderma will only be able to hire 23 to 25 year olds who have no experience and
don't get it. When they do get it, they will jump ship too.

I heard Bayer is already go after us about talking about Aczone, be careful in the field,
lawsuits waiting to happen. Is Soolantra indicated for Acne too, Galderma has made me
believe it is by including Aczone in my MarketShare.

What about the secret Kaiser reps we have, how they get paid, number of doctors,
and why can't other territories with he same issues have the same ??

Tracy doesn't like to talk about that or anything that really is a field concern.

no samples, no rebates, lots of hiring at the home office and lots of money to be spent on the second new Galderma logo and reps don't make quota and they wonder why, and then they come up with another new contest

thank you

How can we trust a company that messed up on Q4 commissions to over 50% of reps and managers. Some overpaid, some not paid, some paid too much. It was reps that called out the issue and took weeks for management to step up.
How can we trust quotas, and numbers ? ???

Dear Safia

I need samples and rebate cards. Please send before you leave the office and
ask yourself what have I done for the field reps today.

Thank you,

Rep in need

How do our home office clowns think we are a number one derm company? I am friends with a former Galderma employee that had a very high position in sales and he showed me the IMS sales numbers from last year. We are actually in 6th place in the derm space. His company looks and compares the biologic companies in the space. Even if you take that out we are behind Valiant and other smaller companies are coming up on us fast from a growth perspective. Number one Derm company? - not even close and we are slipping fast. Just another lie from our home office people. Scum bags.

How can we trust a company that messed up on Q4 commissions to over 50% of reps and managers. Some overpaid, some not paid, some paid too much. It was reps that called out the issue and took weeks for management to step up.
How can we trust quotas, and numbers ? ???

The fact is that you cannot trust the numbers nor can you trust this current so called leadership at this company. They railroaded out a lot of good people that actually built and grew this place up over the years. Some of those people actually cared about the reps and the business. Had the guts to speak up when they needed to and those people got their heads chopped off here. Now we still have a little crazy guy running it that shows no loyalty to anyone over in Switzerland. He brings in a bunch of goofs from Alcon who know nothing about Dermatology and could care less about the reps home office employees and or our customers. It does not take a rocket scientist to simply run a company based on a P & L and then know nothing about what truly drives the business & motivates employees and or costumers to stay loyal to you. The current leadership in the US including the lady running the Rx business unit are completely incompetent and have no idea how to fix this thing. The recent Texas meeting proved how adrift this place truly is. Galderma = embarrassment. Sad to see this company go down the tubes like it is.

If you are so miserable, why don't you all just quit and get different jobs? If you are as terrific as you say, then it shouldn't take long. That you, you can bitch and moan about your new company...and the one after that...and the one after that. At some point, perhaps you will realize that life is short and it takes a lot of energy to constantly spit out vitriol. Is the company using you to make money? Of course they are. That's the American way. Welcome to America!

Funny thing is Galderma has recently hired quite a few reps from Leo, Aqua and Valeant. Leo folks say they are void of leadership as they have no VP, Aqua is run by a bunch of Spanish folks and Valeant is always looking for next deal and don't give a dam about their Reps. So it is NOT better elsewhere and I would try to make it work here as it will be much better than leaving. Think about it.

aqua leo etc not a good comparison and most would not go there and those are not the companies growing. Look at the IMS rankings and you will see the real growing companies and they are not the ones you mentioned little HR person. Try Novartis, Abbot, Amgen, and Sun Pharma. Also, some of those companies have some of your former leadership over there and they are the ones that will either are or soon will be dominant companies in the space. The numbers do not lie. I do agree with Aqua and leo or losers and are in steep decline. As far as Galderma a bit flat on IMS but that is troublesome when you consider the fact that we are launching products and still loosing ground.

aqua leo etc not a good comparison and most would not go there and those are not the companies growing. Look at the IMS rankings and you will see the real growing companies and they are not the ones you mentioned little HR person. Try Novartis, Abbot, Amgen, and Sun Pharma. Also, some of those companies have some of your former leadership over there and they are the ones that will either are or soon will be dominant companies in the space. The numbers do not lie. I do agree with Aqua and leo or losers and are in steep decline. As far as Galderma a bit flat on IMS but that is troublesome when you consider the fact that we are launching products and still loosing ground.

Is English your second language?

I agree that Leo and Aqua are not players and never will be as they both wil be gone in a year or two. Our competitor's are the ones you mentioned and that is where the real competition will come from in the future. That's where galderma reps are moving to, we are moving up not down.


36 % quota increase starting April 1 on Generic Oracea when it is just being introduced.

When Cloderm had the intro with branded Cloderm generic, they had no more than 8% increase of quota the 1st year.

Way to rock Galderma and make sure we are not incentivized. Hey are you adding
new doctors so we can get some more business ???

ACZONE alert- Jake D. we are being asked to sell off label. DMs are forwarding info and
asking for replacement. The 15% in our MarketShare opens the door to off-label

Jake D. get on it or wait for that fine $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

My district spent 30 minutes discussing how to take share from the Acne drug Aczone
and discussed acne/rosacea lesions. A district mate is sending competitive tips.
I'm new is this off label where it can be a fireable offense?

confused- 3 weeks on the job

I worked with DM in the field for 2 days and he non stopped talked about using Soolantra forrosacea, acne, scabies and seb derm. He spole about Oracea for all female acne patients too

Can I get whistle blowing money ? How much ? Who do I call ? My docs will back me up too...

Google the whistle blower hotline and or look at this site it is often listed there. Also, keep the emails and document & the conversations with your manager times dates etc when they are "coaching" you to sell off label. They will simple put you on a conference call when they decide to lay you off. You might as well play offense and at the same time do the right thing. I demonstrates just how desperate this place has become. In addition, it demonstrates once again how incompetent our management is and what a goof our compliance officer is. Why is he still in that position after all of the transgressions every time he addresses the sales team?

Dear Safia

I need samples and rebate cards. Please send before you leave the office and
ask yourself what have I done for the field reps today.

Thank you,

Rep in need

Too much , love it . She has no clue and even less interest . We sell for a living don't you think we can't smell a fake a mile off ? Her speeches and emails are the stuff a first year Avis employee would read from their customer service manual .

A bad hire and another layer of unproductive management . Did anyone sit with her over lunch ? Talk about window dressing and Tracy was worse only the brand new people or brown noses with even less clue thought it was for real .

Laughable how Tracy pushes the top 30% getting paid while the rest get jack . When did he last hit his numbers ? I'd put his ass on a PIP .

When u ask yourself " what have I done for the sales force today " the answer would be , over loaded them , didn't give clear direction , under paid them on bonus and salary , changed quota and bonus every other week then promoted brown noses into leadership or any female with a pulse and generally decreased morale . Good enough list for ya ?