Now all of you are finally seeing the reasoning why the ALL DAY LIE was set up to begin with. As I prepare to go fishing this morning, I feel so satisfied in the fact that I am screwing AZ as they have screwed us. It's like a little taste of revenge every time I embrace our wonderful tradition! WHAT ARE YOU DOING TODAY WITH THE ALL DAY LIE? HAVE FUN!

Now all of you are finally seeing the reasoning why the ALL DAY LIE was set up to begin with. As I prepare to go fishing this morning, I feel so satisfied in the fact that I am screwing AZ as they have screwed us. It's like a little taste of revenge every time I embrace our wonderful tradition! WHAT ARE YOU DOING TODAY WITH THE ALL DAY LIE? HAVE FUN!

You are right! Everybody will soon be practicing the ALL DAY LIE! IT'S TIME WE ALL SCREWED AZ, EACH AND EVERY DAY! IT'S CALLED REVENGE BABY!

ive been faking lunches for months now! My manager knows, we share the food. We both bring coolers and know we will never get caught!
Today it was $270!
We know CVAS is getting whacked so we’re screwing them before they screw us.

been at AZ for 9 years and can honestly say I have averaged 16 real calls per week and sampled about 10 of them. numbers have been steady and I managed my bosses. not a lot to complain about here

been at AZ for 9 years and can honestly say I have averaged 16 real calls per week and sampled about 10 of them. numbers have been steady and I managed my bosses. not a lot to complain about here

Here is somebody that understands how to do it! I have been doing it for a little longer than that. I plan on doing it for most of December too! No complaints here!

Here is somebody that understands how to do it! I have been doing it for a little longer than that. I plan on doing it for most of December too! No complaints here!

Our DSM triggered the All Day Lie in late April. The past 8 months have been a dream. Numbers have flatlined, not because of living the All Day Lie, but because DSM was able to move our success across to other territories. Cannot wait until Q1! Our FSIP will be very easy to exceed. We are on our way to COE in 2018! As long as the toolbag of a DSM doesn’t mess with our contribution again. A legal shot across the bow is coming in the form of a cease and desist. Retaliation will not be tolerated!

All day lie got 1000s fired. Thanks for letting go all of these lazy ones.

No Mr. DM the ALL DAY LIE is/was not responsible for anyone being let go, at the least the ones smart enough not to get caught. This tradition is now engrained in AZ's culture, but you can be stupid about how you go about practicing it! I, along with every AZ rep I know practice it to one degree or another. Some go way out there and take huge risks, others like myself, use a little common sense about it. Believe me, it doesn't take long before new reps are in full swing with it either!

No, I love AZ! There are things I would change, but i would NEVER risk losing the ALL DAY LIE!

This is MY FAVORITE thread on CP! What a better way to end 2017 than to post one last time on "THE ALL DAY LIE THREAD"! No other thread is a better example of what we have become here at AZ! No better thread illustrates our feelings toward's work here. In a few short words, WE LOVE WORKING AT AZ! How could we not? I literally worked 2 hours a day leading up to my XMAS vacation time! Where in the hell can you find a company that will let you do that??

Count your blessings for working here, and I hope you have an even better ALL DAY LIE year in 2018!


This is MY FAVORITE thread on CP! What a better way to end 2017 than to post one last time on "THE ALL DAY LIE THREAD"! No other thread is a better example of what we have become here at AZ! No better thread illustrates our feelings toward's work here. In a few short words, WE LOVE WORKING AT AZ! How could we not? I literally worked 2 hours a day leading up to my XMAS vacation time! Where in the hell can you find a company that will let you do that??

Count your blessings for working here, and I hope you have an even better ALL DAY LIE year in 2018!

Amen, my brother from another mother! The ALL DAY LIE will spread like the ebola virus throughout AZ this year. Everyone has heard about it, and all embrace it!! We AZ'ers live in a dream world!

Now more than ever, everyone MUST join in the ALL DAY LIE!

Yes, THE ALL DAY LIE is now firmly entrenched as accepted behavior at AZ. I guess they realized "if you can't beat em', join em'!" Guys, we are lucky to have a company that is so understanding of THE ALL DAY LIE! Yes, we have some complaints with management, but allowing us to practice our culture of freedom is priceless!

The best thing about this job is that they HAVE NO IDEA what we are doing all day long. As hard as they try to metric us to death and follow us electronically, the fact is that there are a million ways for us to beat the system. THE ALL DAY LIE ROCKS!!!