Please post a link to the article. Nobody is saying the technology does not exist, because it does. But, AZ knows good and well that the vast majority of field sales (managers and reps) lie about a significant percentage of their calls. If they picked someone to spy on with this technology, then they would have to do it routinely to avoid appearing to discriminate. This would be amazingly expensive and would require many, many man-hours to review all the data captured!

The biggest problem is, what do they do with the data, and are they willing to use if and face a huge HR problem of dealing with thousands of cases? No, they are not willing to open that Pandora's box. So the game just continues, and continues, and continues. Managers lie about field days, and reps lie about calls. And so it goes.

Absolutely 100% correct. Lie away my friends! You have nothing to fear! It's so widespread, that AZ simply doesn't know why to do!

You pieces of shit!......there are plenty of us that care and still work!......You are just a dick! Please leave befor I find out who you are!

What are you going to track me?

Strange how that is your knee-jerk response to a conflict, but you expect AZ to just fail to even try for free to follow up on the deadbeat reps who come here and brag about not working at all, living an "all day lie" and sucking down 100 K in pay for being such a smarty pants. Wake up asshole, they have free resources to see where you are, record what you're saying, where your car and computer is 24/7. They warned us 10 years ago about Pinkerton Security. No more need for Pinkerton. You are being surveilled, and it is legal.

This is why I think you are an idiot. A true "all day lie" guy does not spend so much time posting tips and tricks on CP. He keeps a low profile and just does his thing, whatever that is... second job, movies, mid-morning banging of soccer moms, whatever. But coming here on CP and posting about it is a sure way to jam us all up. What are trying to do, start a revelation? Any good part timer knows that the Big Lie can only exist in the shadows. It depends on others picking up the slack or playing the game as well. Just do your thing baby, keep your mouth shut and cash your check.

Frenchie needs us to get to his delusion $45 billion in sales! I think the ALL DAY LIE will become more and more popular at AZ. Never tried it all day before, but I will this week. I am excited about it!!!!!

What are you going to track me?

Strange how that is your knee-jerk response to a conflict, but you expect AZ to just fail to even try for free to follow up on the deadbeat reps who come here and brag about not working at all, living an "all day lie" and sucking down 100 K in pay for being such a smarty pants. Wake up asshole, they have free resources to see where you are, record what you're saying, where your car and computer is 24/7. They warned us 10 years ago about Pinkerton Security. No more need for Pinkerton. You are being surveilled, and it is legal.

Nah--AZ can't get its act together to track anyone with any reliability; it's not gonna happen. When I was hired, I remember how they stressed using your laptop for business purposes only (with exemptions for doing personal banking, etc.). Working at hq, I see people surfing the web all day long, and no one ever gets dinged for that. I doubt they're tracking reps.

now?? You are just figuring out now about the "all day lie"?

OMG - all of us old timers have been doing this at least once a week for YEARS!!

ooops! sorry to upset things - but I thought this was understood and well played by everyone - not just here at AZ, but throughout the industry.

I started in this industry a Looong time ago - before the signature capture devices, when docs signed on cards for the samples. we had a daily goal of 6 calls - calls with some kind of interaction - it wasn't hard at all. Make a few extra calls during the week, drop off a few samples at a few more offices per day - and bingo - Free Friday!!

We had nice big territories, carried 6 drugs in our bag - (yeah, still have that nice leather "detail" bag stored away) so we basically called on everyone, every specialist. Go into a large medical building and exit a few hours later with a fistful of signed cards.

Life was good!!

ooops! sorry to upset things - but I thought this was understood and well played by everyone - not just here at AZ, but throughout the industry.

I started in this industry a Looong time ago - before the signature capture devices, when docs signed on cards for the samples. we had a daily goal of 6 calls - calls with some kind of interaction - it wasn't hard at all. Make a few extra calls during the week, drop off a few samples at a few more offices per day - and bingo - Free Friday!!

We had nice big territories, carried 6 drugs in our bag - (yeah, still have that nice leather "detail" bag stored away) so we basically called on everyone, every specialist. Go into a large medical building and exit a few hours later with a fistful of signed cards.

Life was good!!

Been there, it was good.

Today though there's a camera watching or an electronic trail most places you go.

AZ has the easy, legal ability to have the computer traced (use the find my iPhone ap) and any computer savvy person could write a program to raise the flags if there are signatures and the computer doesn't move.


And the moon is made of green cheese.

Do your job, it pays well and is sought after.

Been there, it was good.

Today though there's a camera watching or an electronic trail most places you go.

AZ has the easy, legal ability to have the computer traced (use the find my iPhone ap) and any computer savvy person could write a program to raise the flags if there are signatures and the computer doesn't move.


And the moon is made of green cheese.

Do your job, it pays well and is sought after.

Yes the job pays well. Problem is actually doing your job by the established metrics. Most cannot truthfully, therefore job fulfillment and satisfaction for many is limited. The feeling is as though you're constantly walking on egg shells. One difficult time is when you ride with your manager (frequently unrealistic) and need to give the impression that you have a handle on it all, recognizing just how uncertain your day will be (even lined up), and praying things will go well.

If AZ wants to watch you, they hire Pinkerton Detectives to follow you.

About 12 years ago, we were at a National meeting and they admitted it.

Good God! That went the way of the upgraded company car! Actually, they did in the 80's, but not since. You can feel safe to practice the new AZ tradition of the ALL DAY LIE!

This "new tradition" is not new. It's been around for quite sometime, only very, very hidden. No, all AZ can do is pull call/sig times and nothing more. Be smart about it and get a few early/late sigs. I rarely fake calls for a full day, but I average between 50% to 70% fake every day. Just don't go overboard with it. Also, be careful where and when you buy gas. Times and locations are readily available. Trust nobody.

Well, enjoy your Thanksgiving and the rest of the Holidays! And to all those new to the ALL DAY LIE tradition, welcome and enjoy, but be smart!

This "new tradition" is not new. It's been around for quite sometime, only very, very hidden. No, all AZ can do is pull call/sig times and nothing more. Be smart about it and get a few early/late sigs. I rarely fake calls for a full day, but I average between 50% to 70% fake every day. Just don't go overboard with it. Also, be careful where and when you buy gas. Times and locations are readily available. Trust nobody.

Well, enjoy your Thanksgiving and the rest of the Holidays! And to all those new to the ALL DAY LIE tradition, welcome and enjoy, but be smart!
And in the famous words of our one time leader, "Try to enjoy the left overs."
That was one of the most revealing off the cuff comments that showed true attitude AZ has towards us lowly PSSs. We are just a number to them, nothing more nothing less. They couldn't name 5 COE winners the day after the awards ceremony.

Starting Monday, I am taking my game to a new level. No longer will I accept a mediocre 30% fake call average, I am shooting for 70%, then 100% one-day-a-week! I will do it gradually. I will be sure to have early and late sigs, to make it look good. The 100% fake call day has me a little worried, but I think I can pull it off. I have a lot of people to hide behind, so it shouldn't be a problem.

Yep, it's my New Year's Resolution only I am starting early!