The 800 million

$800 million is not enough, need more, sales are dropping fast. QTD results are crap, B+L revenues are lower 2012.
Don't worry. So many people are leaving of their own accord that they will have no problems getting their savings. The rest of us are taking our destiny into our own hands. Some will reach it sooner than others. But for all, the journey continues.

Please contact for study on Valeant/ B&L


I am an MBA student at a university in the northeast. I’m doing a research project on Valeant and would really appreciate it if I could speak directly with some current and former employees.

In particular I had a few questions (10 minutes) about what life is like for the employees during the integration. Apparently Valeant has a history of not integrating well (to put it lightly) based on what I am reading on these message boards.

Anyone interested can please email me directly at All comments will be anonymous and not quoted on the record. I can verify my student status once you email me.

Thank you!

Re: Please contact for study on Valeant/ B&L


I am an MBA student at a university in the northeast. I’m doing a research project on Valeant and would really appreciate it if I could speak directly with some current and former employees.

In particular I had a few questions (10 minutes) about what life is like for the employees during the integration. Apparently Valeant has a history of not integrating well (to put it lightly) based on what I am reading on these message boards.

Anyone interested can please email me directly at All comments will be anonymous and not quoted on the record. I can verify my student status once you email me.

Thank you!

Sorry but you could easily be a Valeant HR gestapo. Interesting ruse to weed out disgruntled employees. Good luck with your research you may have to read between the lines like everyone else to know the real story at B+L.

Re: Please contact for study on Valeant/ B&L


I am an MBA student at a university in the northeast. I’m doing a research project on Valeant and would really appreciate it if I could speak directly with some current and former employees.

In particular I had a few questions (10 minutes) about what life is like for the employees during the integration. Apparently Valeant has a history of not integrating well (to put it lightly) based on what I am reading on these message boards.

Anyone interested can please email me directly at All comments will be anonymous and not quoted on the record. I can verify my student status once you email me.

Thank you!

If you're looking for idiots to respond to this, just find some names via a quick google search. The email format is : and you can send this inquiry straight on to any vice president or director - no need to bother with this silly message board.