Thanks Paul Chaney!

Paul took care of himself with EyeGate, and left us behind. Filled our heads with 'oh, give me a call anytime, I am here for you."
He will desert you at any given moment, and only take care of his buddies like Joe, Henric and MaryAnn (the b*%#$ that she was).

we did all know that it was coming and really, for those of us who were severed, it is a relief. i do think that eyetech made a bad decision in firing 90% of reps as they are the ones with the relationships. any macugen written in the last 6 months was a favor for people that the docs liked and respected...they were willing to give it a shot for us. they will help us thru sept. as they know that we recieve credit thru 9-30...after that, all bets off.
this is not "sour grapes" it is just that in protecting management etc, they "shot themselves in the foot" because doctors are acutely aware of how the layoffs were handled. They liked the people that they saw on a regular basis, not the people in the "ivory tower". as a famous senator once said "all politics is local" it is true in this industry as in most others. anyway, good luck to all.

do you kiss your mother with that filthy mouth? I simply asked about PCs earnings.
touchy subject, uh?
bottom line is paul let this happen. he was a passive leader.
he had his favorites, like that witch maryann, and couldn't see that dave was running his own show.
wish him the best and hope he has learned about leadership on this one.

Does anyone care to comment on 2 former employees from Eyetech? I am talking about Glenn Sblendorio and Tim Piringer. Just curious to see if they were the same way at Eyetech as they are at The Medicines Company......