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Thanks for the book

Have PRIDE in your company's history of SUCCESS!! I am disgusted by the quality of our sales force today! Back in my day being an Abbott Rep was deemed an HONOR!! I hope Security finds out who is posting all the negative trash and fire their as*e*!!!

Have PRIDE in your company's history of SUCCESS!! I am disgusted by the quality of our sales force today! Back in my day being an Abbott Rep was deemed an HONOR!! I hope Security finds out who is posting all the negative trash and fire their as*e*!!!

I just ran out of Cottonelle butt paper, but lucky for ME I had the Abbott book in the trashcan near the toilet!

The pages weren't as soft, but after I wet them, it felt like heaven as I wiped my anus!! Ahh!! Sooo fresh, soooo clean!!

Thanks Abbott! Coo Coo Cachoo means I luv u!!

Have PRIDE in your company's history of SUCCESS!! I am disgusted by the quality of our sales force today! Back in my day being an Abbott Rep was deemed an HONOR!! I hope Security finds out who is posting all the negative trash and fire their as*e*!!!

Sounds like you are a miserable retiree with nothing more to do than read Cafe Pharma and the literature provided by AbbVie so of course you are mortified. I highly recommend the library for more interesting reading that won't get you so bent out of shape and help you to stop living in the past.

Sounds like you are a miserable retiree with nothing more to do than read Cafe Pharma and the literature provided by AbbVie so of course you are mortified. I highly recommend the library for more interesting reading that won't get you so bent out of shape and help you to stop living in the past.

Tell him, G! This dude reached the height of his career as an Abbott DM in 1975 wearing bell bottom pants and rockin' dat 8 track player with disco tunes in a Reliant K car!

He was big pimpin' back in the day, yo!

What a waste! (no pun intended).

Think eBay! Sure no one will pay more than a dollar, but you can really screw them on the postage.

Na hah, I think Etsy. After my birdies are done each day I remove the page and sell it on Etsy as avant-garde art and then put a new page in. I also sell the videos of my birdies in action as performance art. What a profit maker!!!

I just ran out of Cottonelle butt paper, but lucky for ME I had the Abbott book in the trashcan near the toilet!

The pages weren't as soft, but after I wet them, it felt like heaven as I wiped my anus!! Ahh!! Sooo fresh, soooo clean!!

Thanks Abbott! Coo Coo Cachoo means I luv u!!

Personally I use Charmin. I found the pages a little scratchy also. Thanks for the wetting tip. I still have it next to my toilet. I try it as soon as I get home from trying to sell Creon all day!

Personally I use Charmin. I found the pages a little scratchy also. Thanks for the wetting tip. I still have it next to my toilet. I try it as soon as I get home from trying to sell Creon all day!

Be careful when wetting it; the printing was probably done in China and may have lead in it; of course then you might have a lawsuit against AbbVie for giving you a dangerous item to play with.

I am ashamed that we have left our great pharma business to a bunch of whiny punks. Back in my day when we were growing pharma, we faced significant challenges every year!! Did we cry to our mommy about the problems, NO! We rolled up our sleeves and kept going forward and turned lemons into lemonade!!! I for one am selling my Abbvie stock because we have nothing but self entitled weaklings working for our company now!!

I am ashamed that we have left our great pharma business to a bunch of whiny punks. Back in my day when we were growing pharma, we faced significant challenges every year!! Did we cry to our mommy about the problems, NO! We rolled up our sleeves and kept going forward and turned lemons into lemonade!!! I for one am selling my Abbvie stock because we have nothing but self entitled weaklings working for our company now!!

As a fellow sales rep retiree, I totally support your observation! Who is hiring these gutless wonders???

As a fellow sales rep retiree, I totally support your observation! Who is hiring these gutless wonders???

Dear Retirees,
As a person close to retirement age, may I just say that you numbnuts have no idea how the corporate climate has changed in the last 15 years and how disrespectfully people are treated now, how much work has been added on (mostly busy work), and how times have changed. Perhaps you sat on your ass while the money rolled in, now you are expected to be a trained monkey and do any number of mindnumbing, unnecessary activities to please your masters. Stop adding to this with your thoughtless commentary, when you have no idea what is going on. Go and get a hobby and stop gloating about "In my day....blah...blah...blah". It's a freaking bore. Give your financial advisor a call and bother him.

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