Thank You

No one owes you 80k for being a glorified caterer. Get over yourself. Personal responsibility and stop looking for a handout!!!!

omg! Your mask has slipped! I thought that you said that you were on the Pain force, was laid off, and had moved on. “Glorified Caterer” is a term no one who has worked on this Pain force will ever use.
So, Mr. Liggins are you saying that the company placed funding in catering meals to high decile prescribers for the purpose of influencing them to prescribe more opioids?
You probably should stop posting because you are really out of your league on this one. The more you post. The more ammunition you give everyone against you. However, thanks for the glorified caterer remark. We will use this one in court.

“We worked.
We earned.
We had an agreement.
You reneged.”

You sound like those slave descendents who complain about the Constitution and 40 acres and a mule that they think they earned.

More racist remarks. Love it. Keep posting and we will keep copying and printing for court. You just substantiated the atmosphere that Depomed created for minority employees. Love it. This is really too easy!

I’m not a former nor current employee of Depomed, but I am a large stakeholder, and if the disgusting racially toned remarks I’m reading along with the mistreatment of the sales force is true, I will be divesting from this company immediately. This is not what is considered as good business and no one wants to be associated with negative publicity.

I’m not a former nor current employee of Depomed, but I am a large stakeholder, and if the disgusting racially toned remarks I’m reading along with the mistreatment of the sales force is true, I will be divesting from this company immediately. This is not what is considered as good business and no one wants to be associated with negative publicity.

Yet another post from the same troll that is pumping the lawsuits. Stupidly, he/she doesn't realize that there are ways to 'see' who is posting on Cafepharma, and what the source IP address is.


Agreed. Waste of time on that lawsuit. A bunch of teenage girls are on this thread. The handsome prom date dumped you. MOVE ON. You’re not wanted.

I came on here out of curiosity. What happened to my former contemporaries?
Some of these comments from our former employer are incredibly repulsive!
Handsome prom date? Teenage girls? Racial and entitlement connotations?
Understand that their are very talented reps out there now without employment.
Their bad for remaining loyal to the end, only to be completely duped?
There are many who have landed on their feet.
Most, employed or not, are licking their wounds from working here.
There were so many good people at every level.
But in the end...either they turned a blind eye and were a part of the deception or they were duped.
I'm sorry I have this black mark on my resume.
Depomed was a mistake.
I'm one who landed on my feet pretty handsomely. Not gloating. At all. I am, however hurting for my former colleagues.

I came on here out of curiosity. What happened to my former contemporaries?
Some of these comments from our former employer are incredibly repulsive!
Handsome prom date? Teenage girls? Racial and entitlement connotations?
Understand that their are very talented reps out there now without employment.
Their bad for remaining loyal to the end, only to be completely duped?
There are many who have landed on their feet.
Most, employed or not, are licking their wounds from working here.
There were so many good people at every level.
But in the end...either they turned a blind eye and were a part of the deception or they were duped.
I'm sorry I have this black mark on my resume.
Depomed was a mistake.
I'm one who landed on my feet pretty handsomely. Not gloating. At all. I am, however hurting for my former colleagues.